Chapter 288 In Prison

   Gu Sheng's words stunned Zhao Feng for several seconds, and he remained motionless.

  He looked at Gu Sheng again, and after confirming that this was the person he knew, he became even more confused.

   "Boss, you don't know me anymore?"

  Mingyue knew better than him anyway, so she hurriedly pulled him aside and reminded him in a low voice.

   "He is Qi Guogong from Xiliang, don't talk about it."

  Zhao Feng didn't understand at all.

   "What Duke of Qi, isn't he Gu Sheng?"

  Mingyue thought his voice was too loud, so she couldn't help pushing him back.

   "Gu Sheng is Qi Guogong, and he has recovered his memory now."

  Anyway, everything was on the bright side, so Mingyue simply told Zhao Feng everything she knew.

   After finishing speaking, Mingyue saw Zhao Feng's reaction, as if seeing another self.

   After a while, Zhao Feng suddenly remembered an important question.

   "Boss, are you coming back? What about the Escort Bureau?"

  Gu Sheng heard Zhong Ning talk about the Escort, but he will definitely go to Xiliang in the future, how could he take care of the Escort.

  He answered Zhao Feng's question directly.

   "Aren't you in charge of the Escort? Then you can take over directly."

  Zhao Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He was a half-baked guy, and was picked up by Gu Sheng from the street.

  I used to be ignorant, that is, after following Gu Sheng, I learned some skills.

   During these days, he desperately held on, just to wait for Gu Sheng to come back to preside over the overall situation.

   Now he said that he is not going to come back, such a big bodyguard agency, he will have to rely on him to fight in the future?

  Seeing his collapsed expression, Mingyue couldn't help being lucky, but after thinking about it, she suddenly couldn't laugh.

   "Ma'am, then... are you going to Xiliang too?"

   Without waiting for Zhong Ning to answer, Gu Sheng opened his mouth. He grabbed Zhong Ning's shoulders, and said confidently like a chicken protecting food.

   "Of course, when things here are over, she will follow me."

  Gu Sheng said it simply, as if he was afraid that someone would rob him.

   Gu Sheng and the others still had business to do on this trip, so they didn't have time to talk to others. After staying in the Escort for a while, they set off for Jingyuan.

  Si Yan arrived two days earlier than them, Gu Sheng had to find a way to meet him and make arrangements.

  Mingyue also went to serve, at this moment, both she and Zhao Feng recovered from the surprise, and only then did they realize what happened just now.

   Zhao Feng and Mingyue fell into a cold war for no reason, and they haven't spoken for a few days, but because of the matter of Gu Sheng, the two of them were so surprised that they forgot about it.

  After realizing it, Mingyue felt a little embarrassed, she followed Zhong Ning and left, Zhao Feng opened his lips, but finally didn't say a word.


   Jing Garden.

  As soon as Gu Sheng entered the boundary of the capital, he sent someone to inquire about the news, according to what he heard.

  Si Yan has been imprisoned in Dali Temple since he arrived in the capital. The emperor is in poor health, so he hasn't had time to ask about this matter.

  Shen Li was worried.

   "Not to mention what the purpose of those whistleblowers is, where did they get the evidence, you can't just rely on one side of the story, just say that Si Yan has been to Xiliang, let's say that he is collaborating with the enemy and treason, isn't it too far-fetched?"

  Gu Sheng doesn't think so, who knows what is going on with the court.

  Now that the enemy is in the dark and they are in the open, the best way is to meet Si Yan in person to understand the situation.


  Dali Temple.

  In the prison, the light was dim, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of blood. If an ordinary person smelled that smell, he would probably spit it out.

  But in a prison at the end of the corridor, the man was in it, but his expression was the same as usual.

   That’s it for now, I haven’t met the editor’s requirements, if I have time during the day, I’ll write some more, good night!



  (end of this chapter)

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