Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me

Chapter 332: Just kiss, you shouldn't be found

  Chapter 332 just kiss, it should not be found

  Si Zhong stretched out his long legs, and gently kicked the little rabbit with his toes, trying to keep it away from Li Qingyan.

  The little rabbit yelped twice uncomfortably, causing Li Qingyan to look down immediately.

  Si Chong quickly withdrew his feet and looked away as if nothing had happened.

  Li Qingyan looked at the little rabbit with red eyes and muttered.

   "Why did it bark all of a sudden?"

  A flash of inspiration flashed in Si Zhong's mind, he squatted down, picked up the little rabbit by the back of the neck, and was about to walk out the door.

   He said as he walked.

   "It should be sleepy, send it to sleep."

  Li Qingyan's hand trying to catch the rabbit froze in mid-air, a little puzzled by Si Zhong's words.

  Rabbits also get sleepy? real or fake.


  Li Qingyan's drowsiness has become more and more serious recently, and she feels sleepy almost as soon as it gets dark.

  Right now, the relationship between her and Si Zhong is still in an unembarrassing situation. Although she doesn't rush Si Zhong to leave, and even eats the meal he brought, the communication between the two has stopped here.

  Si Zhong threw the rabbit out, and he didn't forget to close the door after returning to the house. Just when he was about to talk to Li Qingyan and exchange feelings, he found... Li Qingyan fell asleep again.

  Si Zhong scratched his head and couldn't help but suggest.

   "Just had a full meal...inactive?"

  Li Qingyan opened her eyes to look at him, and said without expression.

"I am tired."

  Si Zhong said hurriedly.

   "Tired...Tired, then you go to sleep, I cleared the table."

  Li Qingyan was noncommittal. She didn't want to say anything, but suddenly thought of something and said.

   "By the way, did you go chopping wood last night?"

  Si Zhong thought, the hard work was finally not in vain, he said pretending to be calm.

   "I went this morning, I'm not afraid of you..."

  Before Si Zhong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Qingyan.

   "Don't go anymore."

  Si Zhong choked, with a puzzled expression on his face.

  When Li Qingyan thought of other people's discussion, she felt embarrassed, so she said directly.

   "You can't chop off a piece of land, that piece is bald. This morning, people nearby are talking about who did it.

  In short, don't go any further, these are enough. "

  Si Zhong did some work, but he didn't get a word of praise. He looked a little disappointed and said "hmm".

  Li Qingyan ignored him and turned over to sleep.

  Si Zhong played the role of a good wife and loving mother. He washed the dishes, wiped the table, and cleaned up everything inside and outside the house, so that he could breathe.

  In fact, he got up early in the morning and was quite tired from running back and forth all day. Si Zhong looked at the bed where Li Qingyan was sleeping and suddenly felt.

  Although the bed is not big, if Li Qingyan leans in, he should be able to squeeze another person.

  Holding the fantasy in his heart, Si Zhong went to the clean room to wash himself clean. When he came out again, he saw Li Qingyan's back and couldn't help walking over.

  Li Qingyan was already sound asleep at this time, lying flat on her face upwards, her red lips were slightly pouting, making it impossible to move her eyes away.

   Si Zhong sat next to Li Qingyan, his long arm fixed in the air, and finally landed on her lower abdomen, and touched her lightly.

   It was the first time he observed like this, and found that Li Qingyan's lower abdomen had bulged up. Although it was not obvious, it was indeed different from before.

  Si Zhong had an inexplicable feeling in his heart. It was hard to imagine that there was a little life growing up here.

   Si Zhong turned his body sideways and lay down beside Li Qingyan with difficulty.

  At this moment, Li Qingyan's head was tilted in his direction, and her red lips were close at hand.

  His eyes became dark, and a thought was growing wildly in his mind.

   Just kiss, it shouldn't be discovered.

  Thinking of this, Si Zhong raised his body and leaned over as if lost.

  After the lips touched, it felt like a thirsty person met a sweet spring, and drove straight into it, out of control.

  (end of this chapter)

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