Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me

Chapter 370: Who bullied my family, Yueyue?

  Chapter 370 Who is bullying my family every month

  After hearing Huang Dong's words, Cheng Daqiang did not restrain himself at all, but became more arrogant. He wiped his lips and said with regret.

"It's not that Fengzi bought it with money. If I had known earlier, I would have bought it back if I wasted money. Maybe it would be mine. After I bought it, I can do whatever I want. Mingyue's girl is much better than ordinary girls. , can make money back.”

  After hearing Cheng Daqiang's words, the others already showed disgust. Huang Dong even shook his head and stopped talking.

  Mingyue heard these words outside, her chest heaved violently with anger, her cheeks were very red, half angry and half ashamed.

   It turns out that everyone else thinks of her that way, so what about Zhao Feng, does he think so too?


  At night, after a busy day, Zhao Feng finally had time to find his wife, but when he got to the shop, he found out that Mingyue had left first. Zhao Feng was puzzled, as Mingyue would usually wait for him to go home with him.

  But he didn't think much about it, turned around and went home. On the way home, Zhao Feng didn't forget to buy a roast chicken and Mingyue's favorite pastry.

   After entering the house, Zhao Feng suddenly noticed something was wrong, Mingyue went to bed by herself without waiting for him!

  Zhao Feng was confused, thinking she was not feeling well, so he hurried over to look at Mingyue.

   "What's the matter, your one is here?"

   Apart from this, Zhao Feng really couldn't think of any other reasons.

  Mingyue obviously didn't want to talk to him, she covered the quilt and said nothing, Zhao Feng lost his patience, and put his hand into the quilt, two seconds later, with Mingyue's scream, Zhao Feng muttered to himself.


  Mingyue sat up with a "chuckle" and hit Zhao Feng angrily.

   "What are you doing?"

  Zhao Feng didn't know where she got so angry, and said with a playful smile.

   "Get up and eat, I bought roast chicken and pastries."

   When Zhao Feng spoke, he didn't forget to reach out and pinch Mingyue's face, his tone was very doting.

  But Mingyue didn't move for a while, and didn't even speak.

  Zhao Feng lowered his head to look carefully, only to find that Mingyue's eyes were full of tears, and her eyelids were also swollen, obviously from crying.

  Zhao Feng was stunned for a moment, then immediately leaned forward, hugged Mingyue even the quilt into his arms, coaxing in a low voice.

   "Why are you still crying? Who is bullying my Yueyuele."

  Mingyue was so wronged in her heart that she hammered Zhao Feng hard and said.

   "It's not all about you!"

  Zhao Feng laughed heartlessly twice.

   "This is a crime you want to add. I just came back today and I haven't seen you yet. How can I mess with you?"

  Mingyue felt that he was a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, so she just said it.

   "I went to pick you up at the city gate this morning, and I saw you with another woman."

  Ming Yue originally thought that Zhao Feng would feel guilty after hearing this, but he just froze for a moment, and then started laughing.

   "What am I supposed to do? You said Xiaoying, why, are you jealous?"

  Seeing Zhao Feng's smug face, Mingyue was even more angry, she kicked Zhao Feng's leg, her voice was raised twice.

   "You still have the nerve to say, I met you two together before, you have nothing left to love."

  Zhao Feng saw that Mingyue was really angry, and he didn't dare to tease her anymore, so he quickly explained.

   "Xiaoying is my sister, dear!"

   This time, Mingyue was stunned, with a look of disbelief on her face.

   "How is it possible, I haven't heard you say it."

  Zhao Feng: "After my father died, my mother remarried with Xiaoying, and even changed my surname. I was just messing around at the time, and I didn't do business all day long. They didn't want to have anything to do with me, so they didn't contact me."

  (end of this chapter)

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