Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 562: Swan Pavilion ②

"This swan pavilion is an inn run and run by us in Aalv alone. Customers will accept any race."

Amanda Luftasari, the general, smiles and says.

"You are especially welcome if you are Master Lew. Luckily the biggest room is available in this inn. Exactly, the squire will be in a different room..."

According to Amanda, it's a room the whole couple of Lou and I can stay in.

They usually use it as a big room where they can stay between things they don't know, but they don't care because Lew and the others are better able to stay together.


Kate stood at the entrance to the main building after completing the carriage parking wheel, etc.

I don't see Ignatz Bapka, so once he gets back to the Knights quarters, he's coming to pick up the Lu's.

"Show Master Lu and the others to your room! Master Lew, where's your luggage?

Lou shut up and showed him the bracelet of storage he put on his left arm.

So Amanda seemed convinced immediately.

"Ugh, you're a boulder. Kate, I need your help!


Amanda nodded satisfied when she saw Kate reply cheerfully as if it sounded if she hit it.

And when he confronted Lu, he turned a serious eye and said away with a sincere voice.

"Master Lew! I need to talk to you in my room when I'm settled... I'm sorry about your wife, but Master Lew, please be alone."

Amanda just goes to Lou, looks like she needs to talk.

Clear narratives give a glimpse of the height of pride characteristic of the Art's race.

"Here it is!

Kate showed the stairs in the back and gestured to climb to the Lews.

"This swan pavilion has all the rooms upstairs and upstairs."

"What's your meal?

Kate answers with an expression of regret when Lew asks.

"Unfortunately, it will be served outside. Or it will be bought out and brought into the room."

"It's a shame you can't eat in this inn, but you'll have more fun"

Fran smiled gently as we were listening together to how to eat.

One line climbs a wooden staircase, but no one is breathless even when they arrive on the third floor because they usually work out.

The room where Kate led Luu along the line was the first back of the third floor.

This room is full of new woody incense.

"It's like you're in the woods."

Lilya smelled the air in the room.

Everyone enjoys the fragrance of a tree by imitating Lilya.

"This inn is mostly made of wood. Originally, Aarv is a species that lives in the woods. The desire to feel the breath of the trees makes this kind of architectural specification."

"But... looks especially new? This room."

Kate laughed prankily as Josephine looked through the room uncommonly.

"Yes, you're right. Actually, there was a fight between adventurers about 10 days ago, and the dead didn't show up, but they broke the walls and made a big hole in the floor."

"So I recently fixed it..."

"Yes! The parties paid me."

Kate, who seems happy, fishes me and Orelly tunes in.

"Good for you!

"Yes! I was lucky. Now precautions…"

That's what Kate said, she looked over at the Lew's and the others.

"Be sure to lock it when you go out. I think Master Lew and the others can use the magic of locking, so please make it a double lock."

"Whoa, okay!

Indeed, Luu can use the magic of locking.

The only way to disable magic is to activate the unlocked magic or break the door.

"Then don't leave valuables in your room even if you lock them... oh, this didn't concern everyone with the demonic props of storage"

In addition to the door tightening of the room, Kate explained a number of precautions during the stay.

The wives seem to have understood and convinced.

"Copy that!" "Okay!" "Thank you!

"Then you will all be a little more accommodating in the room… please go to the next room for the two servants."

"Ok..." "..."

Barbatos replied briefly to Kate's guidance, but Amon was by way of example oligarchy.

- In 10 minutes.

The rooms where Lu and the others are located are knocked.


Now Nadia replied.

"It's Kate, I'm here to pick up Master Lew."

It was still Kate who came.

Kate enters the room with a full grin as Moral opens the door.

Apparently, he led Barbatos and Amon to the next room to finish the explanation.

Ma'am, I'd like to temporarily borrow Master Lew.

With a full grin, Kate took Lou's hand firmly, turning her other hand on her hips to give her a deep thank you.

Something about this makes Kate look huggy and sweet.

My wives were taken aback by Kate's extra friendly behavior.

"Welcome aboard"

But once Stuttered Fran laughed and dropped Lu off, the other wives, who had said something, silenced.

Only Fran and Moral smile among the wives.

But when Lu and Kate disappeared from the room, Gisele cut off the barrage.

"What the hell is that? What about those Art Vs?

"Sure! I'm so familiar, I'm pissed off!

"Our Lady Lew! Or suddenly you kiss me in front of my wife, and you hug me and you take me, I can't believe it!

"That's right! On top of that, what's not to tell me?

"You're completely ignoring us."

Nadia, Orelly and Josephine followed by anger and, finally, Lilya, who suppressed her anger, groaned in a potpout.

But it was unexpectedly Fran who quelled the voices of such wives.

And Moral was smiling bitterly.

"I don't have a choice..."

"Right...... for the Arves, my husband is essentially the head of the clan. Besides, they have unique values…"

The other wives have a surprise look on their two words.

Fran smiled slightly.

"My husband promised me. They'll never abandon us, they won't betray us... so let's trust your husband, and neither will they."

Those on the spot look at Fran's smile and feel strange.

Because her serene expression was grossly similar to Lou's expression.

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