Her Black Moonlight

Chapter 93: (1)

Duguqi's expression froze, and for a moment she suspected that she had heard it wrong.

How could her gentle and gentle Master Fu say such cruel words in a tone that almost made her addicted?

Duguqi felt cold all over, her body trembled involuntarily, as if immersed in a pool of ice, and her internal organs were frozen in the cold.

And the grandfather who had just rejected her, still stared at her with soft eyes, lightly white fingers caressed her cheek, and said with pity: "It's cold, isn't it? Don't wear such thin clothes in the future... …”

Duguqi looked at Tai Fu in confusion, and asked with hope: "Tao Fu, since you don't like me, why are you still being so nice to me?"

Taifu looked at her deeply: "Because there is not only love between people, as a teacher, I like your diligence and intelligence, as a minister, I respect your status as a princess, so even if I don't love you, I am still willing to love you. Hello."

Duguqi was stunned, as if countless seasonings had been overturned in her heart, the ups and downs poured into her mind, and she actually gave birth to the idea of ​​self-soothing while having fun - it's not bad for Taifu to think like this, it's better than her and Taifu because of this. Things go further and further, until even friends can't do it.

As long as they can see each other from time to time and teach their homework as usual, then... even if she can't be with Tai Fu, she will be satisfied.

Duguqi originally thought so.

But since that day, her life has changed dramatically. The emperor's belated favor has come to the fore, not only making her the only princess with a titled territory, but even making an exception to let her enter the imperial study after discovering that she is full of poetry and books. , and watch the memorial together with the prince.

Such a great honor has caused a lot of discussion in the outside world, and among the people, there are rumors spreading like wildfire - if she is not a woman, the current lord of the East Palace may not necessarily be the current prince.

When the news reached the East Palace, the prince's smile did not change.

He drank the tea without hesitation, and saw it very thoroughly: "The royal father is just because he owes the concubine Chu concubine, and this is so indulgent to the sixth emperor's sister. After all, Xiaoliu is a woman, can a woman still turn over and call the shots? Look at you. Come on, it won't be long before she returns to the harem to learn how to play the piano and embroider, and worry about getting married, husband and child in the future."

The **** showed an expression of sudden realization, and repeatedly flattered the prince's eyes like a torch.

While the prince was enjoying himself, another **** rolled in and crawled in, lying on the ground, not daring to raise his head, and tremblingly said: "Tai, Your Highness! Princess!"

The prince's expression suddenly froze, and he said in disbelief, "Impossible!"

Taifu is a high-ranking position in the court. Although he is the teacher of all the princes and princesses in the harem, everyone knows that the only student he really wants to teach is the prince.

It's not wrong for Yue Yu to say that Duguqi is her student before, and it's okay to teach in private, but she will play it on the bright side, and the meaning will change in an instant, which is equivalent to a modern job-hopping. The people on the side changed to support Duguqi, even if Duguqi was a woman, this incident was enough to cause an uproar and make the prince's mentality collapse.

Because... Yue Yu was not only a grandmaster, but behind her stood the Prime Minister of the Left, half of the country.

It is impossible for the Left Prime Minister to play around with Yueyu.

Even if the prince grows older, the old emperor's suspicion of him grows deeper, but the prince is the prince after all, and he has been in power for more than ten years.

What's more, Duguqi is still a woman!

However, Yue Yu didn't talk much with Zuo Xiang at all. She cut her first and then played a job-hopping job. She played in front of the court full of civil and military officials. Not to mention the courtiers looked at Zuo Xiang in surprise, even the old emperor stared blankly at him. he.

Zuo Xiang has been calm and breezy for many years, because of this, he went home and chased Yue Yuda with a teaching ruler.

Yue Yu's elegant personality quietly collapsed, jumping up and down in order not to be beaten, and finally because he refused to bow his head, he was punished in the ancestral hall to look at each other with the ancestral spirit card.

After leaving the cold palace, Duguqi's news was finally well-informed, and with the help of Pei Jiao, she quickly figured out the whole story a few days later.

As soon as she learned that the grand master she admired was punished by her family law, she couldn't sit still, and almost wanted to leave the palace immediately and visit Yue Yu in the prime minister's mansion.

Pei Jiao received Yue Yu's advice in advance, and persuaded Duguqi at a critical moment, so that the other party would not let her efforts go to waste because of the temporary love between children.

Duguqi was silent for a long time after listening to it, but finally she endured her personal relationship and focused on her career.

After this incident, the direction of the Chao Stroke became more and more confusing. The emperor was getting older, and his mood was the same day by day. Today, he was afraid of the young prince, so he took Duguqi to the court. In the previous court, the day after tomorrow, listening to the resigned prime minister praising the sixth princess, Shuangxi took Duguqi to court...

In the ignorance of everyone, the shroud of imperial society, and the bombing marketing of modern people, Duguqi's popularity among the people is gradually equal to that of the prince, and even has a tendency to overwhelm.

But she wasn't happy at all.

Duguqi has become more and more taciturn recently, and her prestige eyes no longer flinched when she first met Yue Yu three years ago.

She reviewed the memorials neatly and neatly, and handled everything that the emperor issued beautifully. Every time the literary meeting would win the first place, all the students would be willing to be defeated and driven by her willingly.

But she just wasn't happy.

Because she hadn't been alone with Tai Fu for a long, long time. In her memory, the gazebo on the lake, the view of the pavilion on the lake, the writing of poetry in the rose garden, and the taping of her head with a book, all seemed to be from a previous life.

Duguqi knew that Taifu was staying away from her, letting go of her hand, and slowly taking back the love and tenderness she once had.

She had a hunch two years ago, but at that time, she didn't want to believe it or accept the fact. For this reason, she kept using busyness to numb herself, and she also used this excuse to cover up the behavior of Taifu.


In a flash of two or three years, she went from fifteen to eighteen, from the princess in the cold palace to the object of hatred and jealousy of the prince, but her grandfather did not say hello, and wanted to stay away from the palace and her!

Duguqi has endured for so many years, but now she can no longer bear it.

The moment she knew that Yue Yu wanted to leave, she sent someone to rob him in a private courtyard outside the palace. Now she got off the carriage, she kept walking, wearing a black robe, and entered the room.

Inside the house, Yue Yu sat by the window, dressed in green clothes like bamboo, pure and elegant, rolled up his sleeves and poured two cups of tea, and then smiled at Duguqi: "Princess, please."

Duguqi looked at her without blinking, as if to make up for all the vacancies over the years.

A hazy mist of water rose up, blurring Yue Yu's brows and eyes, and Dugu Qi then stepped forward and sat down on the opposite side.

Yue Yu picked up the cup, took a sip, and laughed lightly.

Duguqi curled her fingers and said in a hoarse voice, "What are you laughing at?"

Yue Yu said calmly, "Of course I'm laughing at the princess."

Duguqi's breathing was stagnant, and after a while, her hands were clenched, her nails dipped into flesh and blood, even though she tried her best to suppress all the emotions in her heart, her words were still trembling: "In the eyes of Taifu, am I just a joke? Taifu...what the **** are you? what do you want?!"

Yue Yu stared at the tea in the cup, his tone unhurried: "The princess misunderstood, my smile has no other meaning, I'm just laughing... Why do you think that a mere princess can keep me?"

Duguqi's pupils shrank and she stood up suddenly: "What do you mean?"

Yue Yu looked at her softly: "Princess, have you forgotten that I am not only your grandfather, but also the only son of the prime minister?"

Suddenly there was a sound of soldiers fighting outside, as if someone was rushing inside.

Yueyu Shi Shiran got up, and the gesture of fluttering his sleeves was heartbreaking, but Duguqi looked panicked, and suddenly stepped forward and hugged her, almost begging: "Don't go, please...Taifu, don't go!"

Yue Yu raised his hand and stroked her hair.

Duguqi's heart could not contain a strong joy, she longed for Yue Yu's closeness, and also had a shallow hope: "Master..."

Yue Yu interrupted her: "Sorry."

Duguqi's body froze.

Yue Yu wanted to let go of her arm, but found that she was holding her tightly, and couldn't help sighing: "Since the princess loves me, don't do this kind of nonsense in front of me. Before leaving, I want to remember the princess. The best side."

He was still so gentle.

Gently, Duguqi couldn't let go.

Thinking that she would never see him again, Duguqi closed her eyes, waved her knife suddenly, knocked the boy unconscious onto the bed, and immediately drew out her long sword and slayed out with rage.

Duguqi didn't know how to fight.

It was Tai Fu who asked her to study on a whim.

Fortunately, her martial arts talent is as high as her reading talent. Even if she has only studied for three years, she can still make a way out of the crowd.

After pushing back the people who came to rescue Yue Yu, Duguqi returned to the room with the blood dripping sharp blade.

Yue Yu was still sleeping on the bed with his eyes closed, and Pei Jiao was waiting on the side. When he saw her come in, Pei Jiao silently came behind her and said softly, "If the Taifu does not return home for a moment, the Prime Minister will come every day. After a long time, I'm afraid..."

Duguqi said nothing, sat down beside the bed, stretched out her hand to trace Yue Yu's brows and eyes, and finally stopped on her rosy lips, muttering to herself, "Because I'm just a princess, so I can't fight against the Prime Minister? "

She sat quietly, as if thinking about something. After a long time, she suddenly figured it out and loosened her brows: "If this is the case, then you can only be enthroned as an emperor."

When she becomes the honor of the ninety-five, she can ignore the wishes of the prime minister and imprison her grand master in the deep palace forever...


Yue Yu woke up and found that the world outside had changed.

The prince has been in power for more than ten years, because he has been unable to become the emperor for a long time, and his mentality is distorted, and he resolutely forced the palace to force the old emperor to step down.

At a critical moment, the sixth princess led the palace guards and desperately saved the emperor.

After a **** battle, the crown prince saw that the situation was not good, and committed suicide by drinking poisonous wine in the East Palace. The old emperor was frightened and was bedridden. When the dragons of the previous dynasty were without a leader, the minister of the left came forward and asked the six princesses who made great achievements to temporarily replace the emperor. job.

——It is worth mentioning that in addition to the prince, Duguqi originally had two older brothers, but on the day of the forced palace, they all died of unknown AOE.

The day Yue Yu woke up was already the seventh day of Duguqi's temporary emperor.

Her head was dizzy, smelling the residual sandalwood in the air, and there were signs of drowsiness.

At a critical moment, the system put the Tuhai Square Dance in her mind, which abruptly woke her up.

"I'm... where?" Yue Yu held his head and sat up on the bed, looking around at the exquisite and beautiful palace, and said thoughtfully: "It's familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Can't you remember Taifu?"

A voice suddenly came in, and Duguqi, dressed in a uniform embroidered with dragon patterns, came to sit by the bed, and stared at Yue Yu: "This is the cold palace, where I lived since I was a child."

Yue Yu was stunned, and then looked strange: "What are you doing repairing the cold palace? Look at the decoration here... It's not a day or two, right?"

Duguqi raised her lips: "Taifu is so smart, why don't you guess it yourself?"

Yue Yu: "..."

If she could guess, she would also ask for wool.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Duguqi's expression was a little dark, and she seemed to be anxious about her ignoring her, so she took the initiative to say, "This is for Taifu..."

Duguqi's cheeks were reddish, and she looked at Yue Yu with an undisguised obsession: "I want to hide the master, so that only me is in the eyes of the master, it doesn't matter if the master doesn't love me, it's okay to distance myself from me. It doesn't matter, I'm the emperor now, and even the prime minister can't disobey my order and take you away from me."

Yue Yu raised his eyebrows: "If you can become an emperor, there must be my father's help. He will not help you for no reason unless you use me to make a deal with him."

It is natural to say what the transaction is. What Yue Yu wants to emphasize is: "Forcibly keep me, you are equivalent to breaking the contract, right?"

Duguqi didn't mean to cover up, she smiled lightly and said: "Yes, I broke the contract, from the beginning, I didn't plan to hand you over, but luckily Zuo Xiang didn't believe my love for the grand master, only When I was using you, that's why I easily believed in that regulation."

Yue Yu: "..."

Father Prime Minister, you were pitted so miserably.

Yue Yu repented in his heart, and by the way, he repented for his wife's sake.

The plot came to this point, Yue Yu's mentality became more stable, because she knew that the last moment was coming.

She raised her eyes to look at Duguqi, the smile on her face gradually subsided until she was expressionless: "Does the princess have to be so willful?"

A trace of panic flashed across Duguqi's eyes, and she bit her lip to argue, "I'm not self-willed! I really love Taifu, and I want to be with Taifu... for a lifetime."

Yue Yu ignored her shyness and said lightly, "But I don't want to, I just wanted to play with the princess."

Duguqi was stunned and looked at her in confusion: "...What do you mean?"

Yue Yu smiled again, but the smile was completely different from the gentleness of the past, with a bit of frivolity for no reason: "Princess won't think I'm good to you, I'm willing to do gratuitous business, right? I just don't like the prince, I hate those who look down on women, so I want to play with you on a whim, and try to train you as a prince... If everything goes well, then I will have a good time, and if the princess dies unexpectedly, then I will be fine. , after the big deal, I will still be my grandfather and help the prince honestly."

Yue Yu gave Duguqi an admiring smile, just as she once praised her for her ingenious strategy: "The princess is worthy of my carefully selected toy, she is really powerful, and she actually sits on the throne... Taifu is very pleased."

Duguqi's face was pale, her body was shaky, and she questioned all the good things in her memory for a while.

Could it be that the actions that made her heart move were all tricks used by the Taifu for fun?

Duguqi was stunned, her eyes were distracted, and she stood there for a long time, until Yue Yu lifted the quilt, got out of bed and walked to the table, then she suddenly turned around, reached out and tightly clasped Yue Yu's wrist, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why? "

Yue Yu was stunned for a moment: "...Don't you understand? It's just fun-"

"Not this!" Duguqi suddenly raised her voice and interrupted her: "Since you used me to achieve what you want, then...why are you leaving?!"

She raised her head abruptly, looked directly at Yue Yu, and shouted, "Why don't you continue to use me? Why don't you continue to lie to me? I'm an emperor, right? I'm more useful than before, aren't I?!"

Yue Yu fell into a long silence, her heart clenched into a ball because of Duguqi's roar, and she couldn't breathe in pain.


"Why?" She repeated Duguqi's words, her face gradually showing a look contrary to her mood, her eyes narrowed, and she said with a smile that was not a smile: "Because it's very interesting, the new emperor above ten thousand people is like a puppy, How interesting is it to run around chasing the bones thrown by the minister?"

Duguqi's eyes suddenly turned red, she pressed Yue Yu firmly on the table, and said word by word, "I, yes, wolf!"

Yue Yu: "???"

Duguqi's eyes were bloodshot, and the smile on the corner of her lips was cold and sinister: "Master, wolves can eat people."

Yue Yu didn't understand what she meant when she saw that after she finished speaking, she lowered her head without hesitation, and kissed her lips with a gesture of swallowing herself.

This kiss is not intertwined with any affection, it is completely possessed by wild beasts that reveal the ferocity. There is prey, and it doesn't take long to kiss, the strong smell of blood spreads between their lips and teeth, making them like twin roses born from sucking blood. .

Yue Yu's eyelashes trembled, and she couldn't bear to forcibly suppress her heart. The next second, she stretched out her hand and slapped Duguqi.

A crisp voice sounded in the room, Duguqi's face was slightly sideways, and the cheek on the beaten side was slightly flushed, because the strength was not heavy, but there was no redness.

Duguqi turned her face slowly, without touching her side face, she just stared straight at Yue Yu.

Yue Yu looked at her with a cold face, and said in a cold tone, "Disgusting."

Duguqi smiled suddenly.

She approached Yue Yu and asked seriously, "Taifu, is this your true emotion?"

Yue Yu's face showed anger and raised his hand again.

Duguqi didn't dodge or evade, and the corners of her lips curled up: "It's rare for Taifu to be angry. I like it very much. Even if I beat people, I'm full of joy."

Yue Yu was choked by her and put down his hand angrily: "Get out!"

Duguqi's smile didn't change, her slender fingers quietly landed on Yue Yu's neck, she exerted a little strength, pinched Yue Yu with a frowning, uncomfortable, but not painful force, and said slowly: "Master My lord, you must pay attention to fairness in playing games, since you have been happy, now it's my turn to be happy."

"Thank you Taifu for your cultivation over the past few years." She smiled and said, "I will be the emperor well, so that you will never leave this palace in your life."

"It will be a long time coming to Japan." She let go of her hand, just like Yue Yu in the past, spoke very gently, and said with affection: "You will have time in the future... Slowly get angry."

She got up with a smile, fluttered her sleeves and left the palace. Before leaving, she did not forget to glance at the maids at the door, so that they could not leave for a while.

When she walked outside the cold palace, Pei Jiao had been waiting for a long time. When she stepped forward, she noticed the blood on Duguqi's lips and suddenly widened her eyes: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Duguqi was slightly tired: "Huh?"

Pei Jiao wanted to say something and then stopped talking. She was entangled until Duguqi looked at her, then she gritted her teeth and asked, "Your lip was bitten, was it... Taifu?"

Duguqi raised her lips, and quickly flattened them on purpose: "Who else is there besides him?"

Pei Jiao's face changed, and in the end, it was because he was worried about whose chastity. He suddenly knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty! This servant has a secret about Taifu, and I want to tell you!"



In the imperial study, the tea changed from hot to cold.

After Pei Jiao revealed the secret of the Yueyu girl disguised as a man, the room was dead silent.

Pei Jiao was sweating coldly behind her back, and she didn't dare to look up, let alone peep at Duguqi's expression. Her palms were already wet. Thinking of Duguqi's anger after knowing the truth, her body trembled for a while.

After spending a long time in this terrifying silence, a thoughtful sentence suddenly came from above: "So... Taifu wanted to leave the palace and escape me because he was afraid of being discovered by me as her daughter. , deliberately say something to anger me, not really refuse to accept me?"

Pei Jiao was stunned.

Duguqi squinted: "Is what I said wrong?"

Pei Jiao shuddered and said dryly, "Or, maybe so."

Duguqi suddenly smiled: "You are the big maid by the Taifu's side. Even if you think so, then the Taifu must have the same idea!"

All her emotions were under the control of Yue Yu. Now that she heard the "good news", her smile became much more real. After leaving the imperial study in a hurry, she hurriedly returned to the cold palace.

Yue Yu will be sitting by the window in a daze, thinking about the development of the plot until now, it should be soon ushered in Dugu Qi, who was forced to marry by Dugu Qi, found her daughter's body, angered, and vomited blood, and finally her head fell to the ground, cheering GG is played in the laughter.

As soon as she smoothed out the next scene, Duguqi rushed into the room and hugged her in her arms. She was completely different from the previous nervousness, and she said with joy: "Teacher! I will I know you're not that kind of ruthless person!"

Yue Yu: "???"

What happened in just ten minutes?

Without waiting for her to ask, Duguqi suddenly pulled off her collar.

Yue Yu's peach blossom eyes widened, hurriedly trying to stop it, and at the same time he said angrily: "Stop! What are you doing? You, you are a girl's family, shameless!"

Duguqi stared at her clothes seriously, and didn't care about her scolding at all. After pulling off the white cloth wrapped around her body, she stared at the trembling jade snow ball with bright eyes, and gently reached out to touch it.

Yue Yu was so embarrassed that he almost didn't shove over. When she was caught by her for a closer look, he said directly: "Scholars can't be humiliated! I'll fight with you!"

She slammed into Duguqi, Duguqi hugged her with her backhand, and her breathing gradually became short.

Yue Yu fluttered his teeth and danced his claws, and said a bunch of heartbreaking words, trying to make Duguqi vomit blood.

However, Duguqi's mind has drifted to other places. Seeing that she was moving non-stop, she finally couldn't bear it anymore and pressed her on the table, kissing her neck indiscriminately.

Only then did Yue Yu panic, and at a loss, he asked the system for help: [Help! The heroine in the plot has never had **** with Hei Yueguang! Has the plot collapsed? 】

The system looked at Mosaic with a heart that was still water, and asked: [Is it not common for the plot to collapse? In the small world you have traveled, is there any that has not collapsed? 】

Yue Yu was at a loss for words, seeing Duguqi incarnate as a baby Suo. Begging himself, his cheeks became hot and hurriedly said: [Is there any way to pull the plot back? 】

System: [Ah? Why pull? 】

Yue Yu was full of question marks: [Mission! Don't you urge me to do tasks every day? 】

System: [What? So I even urged you to do the task? 】

Yue Yu: [...No matter how yin and yang you are, I will fight with you. 】

System: [Don't fall in love with humans, thank you. 】

The veins on Yue Yu's forehead jumped, and she deeply realized what it means to be self-inflicted and unable to live. The system she played in before was violent, but now the system is Buddha, and she is numb...

After struggling for two seconds, Yue Yu took a deep breath and stopped seeking help from the system. Instead, he tightened his belt and looked at Duguqi with a stern face: "I think you have misunderstood something, I have always been a ruthless person, I have been from the beginning. I'm playing with you in the end, it has nothing to do with gender at all!"

Duguqi looked at her hotly: "Really? But I think the more you say that, the more you are covering up."

Yue Yu said stubbornly: "I don't! I'm telling the truth!"

Duguqi raised her brows slightly, but instead of arguing with her for life and death, she nodded perfunctorily: "Well, yes, Master Fu is right, okay, Master Fu is good, let go of your hand."

Yue Yu said: "You don't believe it at all!"

Duguqi looked at her innocently: "I believe it."

Yue Yu was furious: "Then why are you still doing this? You just got so angry that you became a pervert!"

——It is sad to say that the black moonlight in the plot suffered a BE because of being discovered as a daughter, and Yue Yu was discovered, but ushered in an indescribable ending... Is it in this river? !

Duguqi tilted her head: "Perverted?"

She could vaguely understand what Yue Yu meant, and said with a smile: "I was wrong before, I took the words of the Taifu lied to me seriously, but now it's different, I have seen the truth clearly, and I won't believe Taifu's lies in the future. ."

Yue Yu was angrily laughed: "Can you really see it clearly? I think you are unwilling to face reality, just stubbornly listen to what you want to hear and see what you want to see!"

Duguqi: "Maybe."

Yue Yu: "..."

It's over, this guy doesn't even refute!

Yue Yu knew that he couldn't go on like this, clenched his hands tightly, tried to calm down, and said, "Do you really want to be with me?"

Duguqi's eyes lit up, and instantly changed from a big bad wolf to a dog hook wagging its tail: "Think!"

Yue Yu couldn't help but soften his heart, opened his mouth, and said after a while, "How about we make a deal?"

Duguqi narrowed her eyes slightly: "What deal?"

Yue Yu raised his eyes and looked into the distance from the window: "I don't want to be trapped in the palace for the rest of my life, I want to see the Misty Rain Town in the south of the Yangtze River, the desert wind and sand in the north, the sunrise and sunset, and the variety of life... I don't want to be Trapped in the palace."

Duguqi listened to her repeated words and said without thinking, "I'll accompany you to see it."

Yue Yu shook his head: "You are the emperor."

Duguqi held her shoulders: "I never wanted to be an emperor. Everything I did was to get close to you. If you want to leave, I can give up everything to follow you."

Yue Yu stared into her eyes, as if observing whether she was telling the truth or a lie.

Duguqi looked at her intently, for fear that if she looked away a little, Yue Yu would think that she was still reluctant to give up on glory and wealth.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Yue Yu took the lead in lowering his eyes: "I see."

Duguqi was overjoyed, and just as she was about to speak, she heard Yue Yu continue: "I'll give you one month. If you can arrange things in the palace within a month, I'll go with you."

Duguqi got up immediately: "Okay! I'll go—"

"Wait." Yue Yu held his cheeks and said casually: "You don't have time to pay attention to me this month, you won't want me to stay here and wait for you all the time, right?"

Duguqi hesitated: "Where do you want to go?"

Yue Yu gathered up his clothes: "Of course it's back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and..."

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she said uncomfortably, "Whose woman got married and didn't go out from her own house?"

Duguqi was stunned and almost didn't react. After she understood what Yue Yu meant, she even stammered: "Okay, okay, wait for me at home... I'll marry you in a month."

Yue Yu raised a gentle smile: "Yeah."

After returning to the prime minister's mansion smoothly, Yue Yu and the prime minister's father stayed in the study for a while, and roughly explained their relationship with Duguqi.

The prime minister's father showed the expression of an old man in the subway looking at his mobile phone, and after glaring at her for a while, drove her back to the room.

Without outsiders, Yue Yu said in his mind: [System, I need your help. 】

The system clicked: [Help? Don't you just want me to say something nice? Okay, okay, I wish you all continue to grow old together, okay? 】

Yue Yu blinked and once again realized how deeply he had hurt the system: [It's not this, it's me who wants to die. 】

The system rolled its eyes: [Are you playing with me? It's not that you don't know you can't die! Or... is this a new fun play? 】

Yue Yu didn't say a word, came to his desk and took out a sharp dagger.

The cold palace is full of Duguqi's people, always watching her every move, and long before she woke up, Duguqi cleaned the cold palace without leaving anything sharp.

It was precisely because of this discovery that Yue Yu quietly wanted to return to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

She guessed that there must be someone who will continue to protect her in the dark place of the mansion, but this is her hometown after all, and she knows exactly what is there.

Seeing her take out the knife, the system believed a little: [Are you really going to die? What kind of escape? Have you found a way to unbind 'Eros'? 】

Yue Yu nodded: [It's very simple, as long as she is stronger than Eros, she can easily break her spell. 】

System: [...you put it on this place? If I had this ability, I would have separated you and the heroine long ago. 】

Yue Yu: [I have. 】

system:【? 】

Yue Yu explained: [I can feel that my soul is becoming stronger. Before, I couldn't even feel the **** of the God of Love, but now I can only cut the red thread that the other party is holding. 】

The system was stunned for two seconds, and immediately asked without asking why, only excitedly said: [Then what are you waiting for? I'm here to help you! 】

Yue Yu hurriedly said: [Wait! I still have work to do! 】

She calmed down the system, picked up the pen herself, and after a moment of silence, slowly wrote down a line of words.

In the previous world, she left with Duguqi, but now she takes one step first, which means that Duguqi will abandon her here.

Yue Yu didn't want to do this... But the spiritual sense of the immortal cultivator told her that she had to go back. If she and Duguqi lingered in the small world forever, both her soul and the other party's soul would perish in doom.



Cultivation? Doom?

Yue Yu regained his senses, thinking about these two words, his heart palpitated for no reason.

After reluctantly suppressing many emotions, she continued to write, racking her brains to finish the conversation with Duguqi, and did not forget to let her let go of her prime minister father.

After writing the three or four pages of the letter, Yue Yu let out a long sigh, stood on the open space, and clenched his dagger.

System: [Okay, you can hit the road quickly. 】

Yue Yu: […]

She closed her eyes and squeezed her wrists.

When her soul was about to fly out of her body, but was dragged away and couldn't leave, she pursed her lips, borrowed the power of the system, and resolutely cut the red line between her and Duguqi.

in the palace.

Dugu Qi, who was actively dealing with things, was suddenly stunned, and her palms touched her heart, only to feel that her heart was hollowed out at that moment.

She suddenly felt a strong sense of fear and unease, and she had a premonition that made her almost crazy. She left everything in her hands and staggered to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

After pushing away Yue Yu's house, her pupils shrank.

In the room...there is nothing.

No people, no dead bodies.

Yue Yu seemed to disappear out of thin air. Under countless eyes in the dark, he disappeared strangely.

After seeing the letter on the table, Duguqi felt both anger and hatred, but in the end it turned into joy.

Because it was clearly written in the letter... Yue Yu still didn't like her, so he had to go to a distant place by himself.

She is not dead.

She is still alive.

She is somewhere in the world, enjoying the mountains and rivers on earth happily.

For Duguqi...

This is enough.

She deliberately ignored her colicky heart that could hardly breathe, smiled and put the letter in her arms, murmured, "I will find you."

"A lifetime of poverty... to find you."


The moment he left the small world, Yue Yu was like a swimming fish rising to the surface.

She is Yue Yu.

Heavenly Palace Spirit Beast.

It took a hundred years to transform into a human form, with an unreliable master and several unreliable brothers and sisters.

She also has a cat apprentice.

She likes cats very much.


The seal of the Diyuan was loosened, and the immortals gathered on the battlefield to slay demons and eliminate demons, and while she was protecting the cat, her foundation was broken and she had to practice again.

There was no spiritual wisdom in the days of cultivation, she turned into an ordinary little fish, and ushered in the moment of calamity under the guardianship of Mao Mao.

The calamity transcendence is her, and the doom arranged by Heaven is the 'female master' of each world.

And the system...

Well, probably the tool man.

She replaces Hei Yueguang's identity, and she will gain points after being a scumbag in many worlds.

The so-called points are actually the cause and effect that immortal practitioners avoid.

She **** the heroine because of it.

The heroine suffers miserably.

After she returns from the calamity and condenses into a human form, it will be the moment when she will use countless years to resolve the cause and effect and entanglement with several female protagonists.

I want to know what kind of resentment and hatred of the heroine who was scumbaged by her will be soaring and hatred. When Yueyu falls into their hands, even if there is a cause and a result, it will never be better.

——And, in such a situation, compared to the torture of the body and the soul, the most troublesome thing is the emotions.

If their love for Yue Yu is not over, and all of them want to continue their relationship, then even if the cause and effect disappears, Yue Yu will not be able to escape from them.

After thinking about this, Yue Yu hissed softly: "What a terrible doom."

What Xiuxian pays attention to is the Qingming of Lingtai. If she can't keep her Taoism when she is dealing with several female protagonists, then her cultivation for hundreds of years will be in vain.

At that time, not to mention re-cultivation, her whole person will be returned to heaven and earth, turned into aura to nourish all things, and there will be no "Yue Yu" in this world.


She felt something in her heart, took a few steps forward in the fairy pond, came to the edge of the pond and looked at the door.

A slender figure walked in slowly, his face blurred in the mist.

Yue Yu saw familiar shadows on her body, like Wu Shu Xin Rong, and Yan Yingshi and Ling Tingyi, but when she came to Yue Yu, Yue Yu opened her mouth and called out, it belonged to her only 's name: "...Cicada."

Yue Xianchan hummed softly, kept walking, stretched out his hand and hugged Yue Yu tightly into his arms.

"Master." She said in a low voice, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

Yue Yu's heart was soft and messed up, and hugged her back: "I'm sorry... I will never leave you again."

Yue Xianchan raised his eyes and stared at the causal thread between her and Yue Yu that was entangled until it was cut and undone. Can't we leave each other?"

"No, no." Yue Yu was slightly separated from her, with bright love in Peach Blossom's eyes: "I want to be with you just because I like you."

Yue Xianchan bit her lip and asked after a while:

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