Her Black Moonlight

Chapter 70: (Be sure to read the words! �

Listening to Ling Tingyi's explanation, Yue Yu couldn't help widening his peach blossom eyes, and asked the system in a mysterious way: [Chaoxin is forcing me to look at Stoka Baixing, doesn't he just want to express this to me? 】

The system shrugged: [Who knows, if you are curious, you can ask her. 】

Yue Yu shook his head without thinking about it: [No no no, if I think too much, it would be too embarrassing. 】


She doesn't need to ask to know, with Chaoxin's character, even if it is, she will say no.

The most urgent task is to speak clearly to Ling Tingyi first.

Yue Yu calmed down and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know much about astrology. I invite you to look at the stars... It's really just to look at the stars together."

Ling Tingyi lowered her eyes, a trace of loss flashed across her expression, and before Yue Yu apologized again, her face smiled again, her eyes were as bright as when they first met: "It's okay, even if it's not what I hoped. , It is also a pleasure to be able to watch the stars with you."

She held Yue Yu's hand, her ears were slightly red, she lowered her head cautiously, and dropped a kiss like a dragonfly. Her movements were slow and gentle, and her peripheral vision was always on Yue Yu's body, as if she was giving Yue Yu enough time to let go.

Seeing that Yue Yu didn't struggle, she was grateful, relieved and happy. Her whole body was like a rose reborn from ashes, bright and enthusiastic: "I can wait, because it's you, so it doesn't matter how long you wait."

When she said these words, Yue Yu's heart was fluctuating. While feeling a lot of pressure, she couldn't help asking herself repeatedly in her heart - is it her?

Is it Ling Tingyi who has been following her lover silently?

She didn't know, and she didn't dare to jump to conclusions, for fear of taking a wrong step and losing the whole game.

"It's not early, you should continue to rest." Unlike Yue Yu's tangle, Ling Tingyi's heart was full of love, and every time he told Yue Yu a little, endless sweetness and joy would breed.

However, the current tower is facing an invisible crisis. In order to let Yue Yu have a little self-protection ability at a critical moment, her excitement cooled down a little, and she added: "From tomorrow, I will teach you the basic use of cold and hot weapons. "

A small star suddenly appeared in Yue Yu's eyes: "After leaving the apprenticeship, can you be as good as you?"

Ling Tingyi said decisively, "No."

Yue Yu was frustrated: "Why? Is there such a big gap between us?"

Ling Tingyi bent her lips, touched her head, and said solemnly, "It's not your problem, I won't teach you more than me."

Yue Yu was surprised: "You still have such a cautious side?"

"Of course." Ling Tingyi's eyes glittered: "I will protect you by your side for a lifetime. If you are stronger than me, then do I still have the value and meaning of existence?"

Yue Yu didn't expect that the reason why she refused to train herself with all her strength was because of this, and said at a moment's notice: "Did you misunderstand something? I have never regarded you as a bodyguard or thug, you are my captain and friend. ."

Ling Tingyi looked at her with a smirk. He didn't say that in the wilderness, his friend's status was less stable than that of a bodyguard. He just patted her on the head again and said with a smile, "Go to sleep."

Yue Yu was indeed drowsy and yawned, "Okay, you also go to bed earlier, good night."

Ling Tingyi said softly, "Good night."

The night passed peacefully.

Yue Yu opened the curtains and looked out, only to see that the wilderness stretches endlessly, and there is no trace of the enemy as far as he can see.

Maybe things weren't as bad as they thought.

Maybe the opponent will not attack.

Yue Yu thought optimistically, and went to the cafeteria to buy food after washing up.

Considering that she would go to Ling Tingyi to study later, she bought a copy for him.

After seeing the other party, she excitedly handed it over, but Ling Tingyi was stunned, and said apologetically, "I've already eaten it."

Yue Yu was surprised: "When did you go? Why didn't I see you?"

Ling Tingyi's smile didn't change: "It's about four or five o'clock. I can't sleep when it's dawn, so I just went to eat something delicious."

Yue Yu gave her a thumbs up: "Awesome, at that point I would only eat a big meal in my dreams."

Ling Tingyi nodded: "Well, I know."

Naturally, learning weapons cannot be done in the room. According to Ling Tingyi, Chaoxin allowed them to practice privately, and specially gave them access to the 21st floor—the first floor was dedicated to high-level martial arts training, but because of The real high-rise will not go, so it has been idle for many years.

For various reasons, the high-level people did not want to let the lower-level people run up to use it frequently, so as soon as Yue Yu opened the door, he was coughed by the dust.

Ling Tingyi followed her back, looked inside, and said thoughtfully, "It seems that I can't train in the morning, so I have to clean up first... Go back to your room, and I'll call you after I've cleaned it up."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Yue Yu took it seriously, and after listening to the second half, he was only surprised: "What did you say? How can I let you do it alone! Let's not say that you are the captain, it's up to you to teach Regarding my matter, it's not too much for me to take you as a master, right? How can there be a disciple who asks the master to do something and goes back to the house by himself?"

Ling Tingyi was taken aback: "Wait, what did you just call me?"

Yue Yu: "Captain?"

Ling Tingyi: "No, it's another name."

Yue Yu tilted his head: "Master?"

Ling Tingyi's eyes flickered for a moment, she looked left and right, and made sure there was no one around, she immediately took Yue Yu into her arms, rubbed and rubbed and said, "Okay, you will be my little apprentice from now on! "

Hehehe... little apprentice...hehehe.

Yue Yu: "?!"

After staying on the 21st floor all morning, when Yue Yu returned to the 7th floor, his waist was sore, his legs were weak, his hair was messy, and there was a dull hair on his head, dangling.

Chao Xin, who had been waiting in the corridor early, saw her appearance, only to feel that her head was turning green, she couldn't help glaring at Ling Tingyi and asked, "What's wrong with him?!"

Ling Tingyi was still elated, and she said reservedly, "Huh? How do you know that she called my master obediently and softly?"

Chaoxin: "??"

"What master?" Chao Xin didn't understand what she was talking about, and said irritably: "I put you together to teach him self-defense! If you dare to touch me, believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

Yue Yu was amused: "You are clamoring to kill this and that every day. Except for killing enemies and alien beasts a few times, I haven't seen you actually do it."

Chaoxin suddenly turned to look at her.

Yue Yu: "...I'll go back to my room first."

Chao Xin grabbed her arm and said coldly, "Explain to me clearly, what's the matter with your current appearance? Even if you practice guns, you won't be blushing and heartbeat, right?"

Yue Yu scratched his face: "Actually, I haven't touched the gun yet... The ash upstairs is too heavy, the captain and I have been cleaning all morning, and before leaving, she insisted that I call her master in the future, I called Twice, she excitedly took me into her arms again..."

Chaoxin didn't believe it at all, and said angrily: "Just hug and you're blushing until now?"

Yue Yu looked down at himself, then at Chao Xin, and finally said with a complicated expression: "...you don't understand."

Chaoxin: "???"

Before Chaoxin exploded, Yue Yu slipped back to his room.

She had done all morning's work and was now in a hurry to wash up.

After taking a shower, Chaoxin had already left the seventh floor.

Ling Tingyi handed her the lunch and said, "It's nothing, she just took time to come down to see you. Now that she sees it, she will naturally go back."

Yue Yu snorted, didn't care much, just cared a little: "Is it possible to officially touch the gun in the afternoon?"

Ling Tingyi paused: "In the afternoon... I have something to do temporarily, so I don't have time to teach you."

Yue Yu nodded suddenly, lowered her head and took a mouthful of rice. Before she swallowed the food, she slowly raised her face and asked, "Are you... going to the wilderness?"

Facing her gaze, Ling Tingyi smiled and said, "I'm not crazy enough to go to the wilderness alone just to see blood."

Seeing her calm expression, Yue Yu raised his brows and said with concern, "Then will you feel like you are scratching your heart? Will it become more and more unbearable?"

Ling Tingyi shook his head: "No, everything is fine with me."

Yue Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine."

Thinking about it, she stared at Ling Tingyi and said earnestly: "I heard the deputy said that if you let yourself succumb to the joy of the spiritual level, your madness will become more serious, and your lifespan will be shortened... So, I hope you don't do something dangerous."

Ling Tingyi lowered her eyes and avoided her gaze: "I didn't notice the disease before, but now I know it, do you think I can't resist?"

Yue Yu blinked: "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case..."

Ling Tingyi raised her hand and tapped her head: "Don't worry, as long as I think about it, this disease will never recur in my life."

Yue Yu: "That's what you said!"

Ling Tingyi chuckled lightly, "Yes."

After the 21st floor was cleaned up, Yue Yu began to stay there for a long time.

Ling Tingyi taught her how to use weapons hand in hand. At the beginning, there was no problem. Hearing Yue Yu occasionally calling out Master, the other party would hug her rua happily. Later, something abnormal gradually appeared. Ling Tingyi no longer came to her often. Even if he showed up, he always kept a certain distance from her and refused to approach her.

Although Yue Yu was confused, he did not take it to heart.

It wasn't until she went up the stairs on a whim to exercise her body, but in the stairwell she saw Ling Tingyi grabbing four or five bottles of purifying liquid and drinking all of them without money, she finally understood something faintly, and rushed down a few steps. Grab the opponent's hand.

She appeared so suddenly that Ling Tingyi didn't even see who she was, she was caught suddenly, twisted her hand without thinking, and held Yue Yu down.

Yue Yu: "Hi-"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ling Tingyi was startled, and subconsciously let go of his strength: "Why are you—"

Before he finished speaking, Yue Yu raised his hand and pulled up her sleeve.

Ling Tingyi reacted, and when he reached out his hand to block it, Yue Yu had already stood upright and said angrily, "Can you block the wound, and the smell of blood on your body?"

Ling Tingyi was dumbfounded.

Yue Yu took a deep breath and asked in a cold voice, "Is it interesting to lie to me? You deliberately hide it from me, and in the end you are the only one who suffers short-lived injuries!"

Ling Tingyi: "..."

Yue Yu: "Speak, I want to listen to your explanation."

Ling Tingyi smiled bitterly: "There's no good explanation... I'm eager to see blood, and the soldiers who lack the core will carry out secret missions. She and I each take what we need. It's as simple as that."

Yue Yu was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

She looked straight at Ling Tingyi, as if she wanted to penetrate the other person's heart: "As you said, as long as you think, you can hold back the blood for the rest of your life."

Ling Tingyi pursed her lips: "This is a lie."

"That's not it." Yue Yu stepped in front of her: "You shouldn't know, right? You had a smile on your face when you were sick. You enjoyed seeing blood, and you felt happy from the bottom of your heart..."

She reached out and stroked Ling Tingyi's face and looked at her deeply: "Now you got your wish... Why are your eyes so sad, like crying?"

Ling Tingyi's eyes fluctuated, and he immediately turned his face away in embarrassment.

Yue Yu sighed silently: "Tell me, or I will always be sad."

The corridor was quiet for a long time, and then Ling Tingyi's slightly hoarse voice sounded: "As long as I want to, I can indeed hold back... But now I don't want to, and I can't."

After saying this, she seemed to put down the burden in her heart, looked back at Yue Yu, and said softly: "According to the scout's report, the enemy's attack is a sure thing, I can't do nothing and watch them kill. Come, watch the tragic death of familiar elders and friends, watch you... close your eyes in front of me."

"If I was a lunatic who picked up the knife." Her eyes were slightly red, and a layer of red mist was quietly covering the bottom of her eyes, and a smile that belonged to a 'madman' blossomed on her face, and she said every word: "Then I will do it like this. Go crazy."

Yue Yu's throat was blocked, as if he had been stuffed with cotton.

Ling Tingyi's eyes glowed with water, and he leaned over and hugged Yue Yu: "Yeah... I'm still thinking, whether it's five years or ten years, I'll have to wait until you say you like me... Now it seems... good. It's a pity, I'm afraid I can't wait any longer."

Yue Yu tightened her clothes and said, "I—"

Ling Tingyi: "Shh."

She murmured in a low voice, "Don't promise me because of momentary sympathy or pity, I don't want this kind of like."

Yue Yu hugged her tightly and choked: "Yes, I'm sorry..."

Ling Tingyi's eyes were soft and she patted her back: "Don't cry, the reason why I'm hiding it from you is that I don't want to see you sad, and..."

In a deliberately brisk tone, she smiled and said, "I'm not dead yet."

Yue Yu wiped away his tears and said sullenly, "You are not allowed to die."

Ling Tingyi: "I try my best."

Yue Yu: "Don't say as much as possible!"

Ling Tingyi laughed at her rare domineering temper, and said gently and solemnly, "Okay, I will do my best to survive."


If in the end it is still powerless.

Then she just wanted to beg God, please bless her in the next life, in the next life, and in the next life, to be like this life—love at first sight for Yue Yu.


Yue Yu returned to the room in a sullen mood, and stared blankly for a while.

She vaguely heard the system talking, but she didn't listen to what she said, she just kept murmuring, thinking about chaotic things.

When the enemy does come to attack, will anyone in the tower be spared?

Chaoxin is the daughter of the tower owner, and theoretically can escape early. One life is left behind - but based on Yue Yu's understanding of her, the other party is more likely to stay in the tower, and even if she dies, she must blow a few more heads of the enemy before dying.

Yan Yingshi has no background and looks like an ordinary scholar, but in Yue Yu's eyes, she is very mysterious - if someone can survive, Yue Yu thinks she is the most likely.

As for Ling Tingyi... Obviously, he has already held the belief that he will die.

Thinking of this, Yue Yu's eyelashes trembled, and he suddenly smiled.

The system's terrifying opening: [You were stimulated to be stupid? Can you still laugh now? 】

Yue Yutuo said in a long voice: [You don't understand. 】

She is bound to the soul of her lover, no matter who the other party is in this world, as long as the other party dies, she will also die.

Since there has never been parting from the beginning, why is she still sad?

After thinking about it, Yue Yu's mood gradually improved.

Recalling that she had not washed up after exercising in the morning, she quickly found her clothes and ran into the bathroom to take a shower.

Unlike the lower three floors, the team's bathrooms are all installed in single rooms for everyone to use alone, and there is no large bathhouse to wash together.

So when Yue Yu came out feeling dizzy after taking a bath, he didn't put on the collar immediately.

- She is the only one in the room, what is she anxious about? It's better to wait until the neck is dry, and then buckle it back.

With this idea in mind, Yue Yu caught Chaoxin's eyes off guard.

Chaoxin didn't realize the problem at first, so he sat on the chair and said casually, "I knocked on the door, but you didn't respond. When I came in, I found you were taking a shower, so I'll just sit here and wait—"

As she talked, her eyes fell on Yue Yu's slender, snow-white neck. Originally, it was only rare that the other party didn't wear accessories and looked clean and beautiful, but after seeing it, she suddenly noticed something was wrong: "Where's your Adam's apple? !"

Yue Yu swallowed his saliva and smiled dryly: "If I said... I took it off when I was taking a shower, would you believe it?"

Chaoxin didn't answer, looked at her with a dull face, opened his eyes wide after a while, suddenly appeared in front of Yue Yu like the wind, and tried to caress Yue Yu's throat.

Yue Yu endured and endured, and finally couldn't help but patted her hand away and said weakly, "Itchy..."

Chaoxin was stunned, not angry when she was photographed, her eyes slid down her neck and landed in her bathrobe.

Yue Yu shuddered and put his hands on his chest: "What do you want?!"

Chaoxin: "...Are you a man or a woman?"

Yue Yu hesitated.

Chaoxin pouted: "Forget it, I'll take a look and see for myself."

Yue Yu immediately frowned: "I'm a woman! Don't touch me!"

Chao Xin pursed her lips, her expression was so tangled that she asked repeatedly, "Really?"

Yue Yu nodded again and again.

Chaoxin's expression changed, and he reached out to her.

Yue Yu didn't know what she wanted to do, so she shrank her head subconsciously.

Chaoxin moved for a while, his fingers curled up, and after taking a deep breath, he snorted softly, "No matter what your gender is, you are always mine anyway."

Yue Yu waited for two seconds, then glanced at her secretly: "That's all you want to say? Are you not angry?"

Zhao Xin glanced at her: "What? Do you want me to settle this matter with you?"

Yue Yu immediately shut up.

She stopped, but Chaoxin refused to let her go. After staring at her for a while, she was slightly dazed: "I should have found out sooner..."

When she first saw Yue Yu, she thought about how a man could show such a pitiful, lovely and attractive expression. Thinking about it now, she clearly has since then caught the girly side of Yue Yu through the disguise on Yue Yu's surface.

Chaoxin's heart suddenly moved, and he looked at Yue Yu and asked coldly, "Do you have a skirt?"

Yue Yu shook his head in confusion.

Chaoxin clicked his tongue: "But I want to see you wear it."

Yue Yu: "...I'm still a man externally. If I'm seen wearing a skirt, I won't be able to take off the big perverted hat."

Chaoxin: "I don't mind."

Yue Yu laughed angrily: "Of course you don't mind! It's not you who is called perverted!"

Chaoxin frowned, grabbed her wrist, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and her mouth was still in an impatient tone: "Then go to my room, wear my skirt, and show me alone."

Seeing that she was endless, Yue Yu had to struggle: "I don't want to walk through, do I? I don't like skirts!"

Chaoxin let go of her hand in a depressing manner, instead of dragging her or forcing her to wear it for himself, he was only slightly unwilling, and said again, "But I want to see it."

Yue Yu supported her forehead, unable to bear her stickiness, and said perfunctorily, "Let's talk about it later."

Chao Xin was dissatisfied, but he couldn't force her, so he could only reluctantly accept the result.

The skirt thing was kept in her mind, and she finally remembered to ask the reason: "Why do you disguise yourself as a man? I don't remember the fact that the tower recruits people and discriminates against gender."

Yue Yu pondered for a while, looked straight at her, and said with a half-smile: "Actually... the one who was selected was not me, but my brother. I was jealous that he could leave the slum and enter the tower to become a master. So when he was unprepared, I knocked him unconscious and threw him into the wilderness, and I myself replaced him to enjoy this good day."

Chaoxin narrowed his eyes and stared at Yue Yu.

Yue Yu: [She believed her! She will be very disappointed in me immediately, recognize how inferior my character is, and finally turn from pink to black, and help me complete the most important step of turning from white moonlight to black moonlight! 】

System: [That...]

Yue Yu: [Shut up, listen to her! 】

Under the gaze of the four eyes, Chaoxin's red lips were slightly opened, and he slowly opened his mouth: "Don't smile like Yan Ying did, it looks very untidy."

Yue Yu: "?"

She was speechless: "how I laugh is not the point at all, right?! Do you understand me?"

Chaoxin calmly said: "I understand, when this enemy attack is over, I will take the time to go to the wilderness, and then..."

She glanced at Yue Yu's expectant gaze and said, "Help you cut the weeds and roots and let him die outside."

Yue Yu's smile froze: "...No, no, why did you kill him? It's me who does bad things, it's me who's full of bad water, and it's me who plays tricks, shouldn't you be so angry that you want to kill me? ?"

"Playing tricks and tricks?" Chao Xin raised his eyebrows, his eyes swept back and forth on Yue Yu's body.

At this moment, the system smacked and said: [She doesn't seem to have said anything, and she seems to have said everything. 】

Yue Yu's face darkened, he pushed Chao Xin back, tried his best to keep his face gloomy, and said sadly, "What are you looking at? Don't you believe that I did this?"

Chaoxin thought for a while, then nodded: "I really don't believe it, in my eyes, you don't look like that kind of person... But even if you did it, I don't mind, there is no justice in the wasteland, here The first need is to survive."

She looked into Yue Yu's eyes and said arrogantly: "Since you are mine, then your enemy will also be my enemy, don't worry, I will not let you get your hands dirty again... this kind of thing , I will do it later."

Yue Yu: "…"

Chao Xin raised his chin: "Why don't you speak? You can't say it when you are moved?"

Yue Yu took a deep breath: "...you can't do it."

Chaoxin: "?"

Yue Yu was heartbroken: "Although you have a bad temper, a poisonous mouth, and you don't speak well, but you still respond to others, have an awkward and arrogant personality, and people can't figure out what you're thinking at all..."

"Stop!" Chaoxin gritted his teeth: "Say the point!"

Yue Yu akimbo, angrily said: "The point is, you are still very good!"

Chaoxin was stunned, his neck flushed red, his hand pressed into a fist against his lips, and his eyes drifted: "Say this directly next time."

"I haven't finished yet." Yue Yu continued: "You should know that my previous behavior was not good, and you also said that you don't believe that I did it. Why do you still help me with the aftermath? Just because I am recognized by you. people?"

Yue Yu is like a well-respected old gentleman, persuading bad students who have gone astray: "Being a person must have your own thoughts and bottom line. If you put this kind of behavior on your parents, you will be crazy and spoiled, and put it in your feelings. , is an out-and-out love brain!"

Chaoxin: "...Who said I have no bottom line?"

Yue Yu was refreshed: "What is it?"

Chaoxin: "Yes-"

She paused for a moment, looked at Yue Yu with bright eyes, and said suspiciously, "Why do I feel that you are deliberately rhetoric, trying to touch my bottom line and provoke me?"

Yue Yu let out an embarrassed smile: "Ha, ha ha, how could it be."

Chaoxin was dubious, and then said just now: "It's you."

Yue Yu's laughter stopped abruptly: "What?"

Chaoxin turned her face away, as if she didn't want Yue Yu to see her flushed cheeks, as she wished, Yue Yu could only see her blood-red ears now: "My bottom line is you, if you don't want to see her I have become a person who does not distinguish between good and evil, then you try to be a good person."

She turned her head slightly and stared into Yue Yu's eyes, soft and unbelievable: "I will stand behind you and watch you all the time."

Yue Yu: "…"

Yue Yu: [If I recruit new employees for you, can I get an agency fee? 】

System: [No, get out. 】

Dirty adult deal failed, white to black also played GG.

Yue Yu sighed, exhausted and said to Chao Xin, "I'll try my best not to miss the children... Aren't you usually very busy? Is it okay to stay with me today?"

Chaoxin remembered the purpose of his coming, and his expression became positive: "I want to take you to a place."

Yue Yu: "Huh? Wait! I haven't changed my clothes yet!"

After quickly changing, Yue Yu followed Chao Xin, blankly watching her lead him to the fifty-first floor. At the end of the corridor, an elevator appeared in front of him, and Yue Yu was puzzled: "Going to see the stars again? Is it daytime now?"

Chaoxin shook his head and didn't say much. After dragging her in, he pressed the button on the second floor.

Yue Yu frowned and recalled for a moment, then asked in surprise, "The second floor? Where did the second floor come from?"

The elevator slowly descended, and Chaoxin whispered beside her: "It's the hidden floor and the only way of escape for this tower. If the tower falls into chaos one day and I don't have time to pick you up, you can go from here. Second floor, and then... keep going, don't look back."

Yue Yu was stunned and looked up at her: "I..."

Chaoxin: "Shut up."

Yue Yu: "?"

Chaoxin: "I don't want to listen to your silly words, I just want to listen to you firmly say that you will go, live, and live well."

Yue Yu: "…"

Chaoxin: "If I can't hear you say these words, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Yue Yu was dumbfounded by her threats, and sighed, "But I..."

She is ready to die calmly, and now even if she agrees, she can't live?


She can guess who her lover is, and take the other party and leave together from here.

Thinking of this, Yue Yu's heart trembled slightly, and he looked up at Chao Xin.

Chaoxin was still waiting for her answer, her beautiful face had nothing to do with the lover in Yue Yu's memory, and this sincerity made her even more confused.

In silence, the elevator stopped.

Chaoxin did not step out, and was still waiting.

Yue Yu listened to his heartbeat, and finally opened his mouth: "I will go, I will leave here, go to a safe enough place, and live well."

Chaoxin's expression gradually eased, and he raised his hand to hold her: "Okay, I'll take you to identify the way, pay attention to your feet, don't run too fast and fall down..."

She took Yue Yu to walk around on the negative second floor, and after confirming that Yue Yu was familiar with this place, she took her back to the fifty-first floor.

Before taking two steps, she stopped, looked at Yue Yu and said seriously: "Don't go back, just stay with me. If you are in danger, you don't have to run up from below."

Yue Yu smiled: "It's alright, I'm used to sleeping on the seventh floor, and if I change rooms rashly, I may still have insomnia."

Chaoxin: "You can come to me when you have insomnia."

Yue Yu: "Are you a sedative sleeping pill?"

Chaoxin: "…"

Yue Yu swore that she really didn't mean to slap Chao Xin, she just said it casually.

However, it was clear that Chaoxin was very angry, and after sending her to the seventh floor, he left with a black face.

Yue Yu was thinking about whether he should go to her to apologize tomorrow, but before he could finish thinking, a roar suddenly sounded outside, and the ground shook immediately, as if the whole tower was shaking.

The sound insulation of the rooms in the tower is excellent, but at this moment, Yue Yu could clearly hear the loud and panic shouting from downstairs: "Enemies! There are enemies outside!"

"Stay away from the windows! Those winged creatures are not alien beasts! The protection of tall towers can't stop humans!"

"Ah—help me, help me!"

"Kill it out, kill everyone!"

Yue Yu listened to her heart palpitations and stepped up to go out, when she suddenly heard the sound of broken glass and gust of wind behind her. Her heart froze, and she rolled on the ground without turning her head. When she rolled to the side and stopped, she looked up again and saw a man with wings grinning at her, and then she didn't say a word. Quickly rushed over again.

Yue Yu didn't move, as if she was frozen in place in fright. When the man approached in the blink of an eye, she suddenly pulled out the long sword she was using for practice.

However, the difference in strength between her and the man was too great, and the knife that was poised to pierce the opponent's neck failed to slash.

That knife had exhausted all of Yue Yu's physical strength. She couldn't use the second knife in a short period of time. When she was about to grit her teeth to dodge, the man's rushing figure suddenly froze in place, with a look of surprise on his face. expression, turned to look at the door.

Yue Yu gathered up his strength and followed his gaze.

"Da da da…"

The crisp sound of high heels stepping on the ground, from far to near.

The doorknob twisted, and the woman walked in gracefully, her eyes passing over Yue Yu lightly, and then she looked at the man.

"So it's you." Yan Yingshi chuckled, covered her lips and coughed twice, and said lazily, "It's really pitiful, in order to integrate into human beings, do you not hesitate to join the tower and be a dog for them?"

The man frowned, his figure hoarse and slow: "You... too."

Yan Yingshi: "Heh...cough, we are different, I'm just here to play, I never thought of fighting for the sake of human beings, but...cough, I hate being disturbed, since you are here , just stay forever."

The man was furious: "Arrogant! You...have been contaminated...deeply! How dare you..."

While he was talking intermittently, Yan Yingshi glanced at Yue Yu: "This room is now requisitioned by me, don't get in the way here, go to Chaoxin."

Seeing that she was calm and unhurried, without the slightest fear in the face of men, Yue Yu couldn't help but calm down a little, nodded and said, "Thank you, you have to be careful too."

Yan Yingshi lowered her eyelashes and said nonchalantly, "En."

Yue Yu grabbed the long knife, raised his anger and walked out.

The man's thoughts were all on Yan Yingshi, but he didn't stop her.

When she was about to walk out of the door, Yue Yu felt a vague sense of unease in her heart. She thought hard, and finally stopped, and asked Yan Ying doubtfully, "Deputy team, do you have a cold? Why do you cough so badly?"

Yan Yingshi turned her back to her and said calmly, "It has nothing to do with you."

Yue Yu was at a loss for words, his heart was extremely depressed, and he didn't know the reason, so he could only say again: "Be careful, I... go first."

There was no response from behind, Yue Yu stepped away, and when he passed Yan Ying's back in the corner of the light, he suddenly felt that the other party was full of loneliness and loneliness.

She shook her head, retracted her strange thoughts, ran to the elevator, and before she reached out to press it, she saw that the elevator happened to reach the seventh floor.

The elevator door opened, revealing Ling Tingyi's face. The other party obviously didn't expect her to be standing outside, so he woke up after a stun, stretched out his hand and dragged her in.

Yue Yu looked out subconsciously: "The deputy team is still fighting a birdman."

Ling Tingyi said calmly: "She is very strong, so she won't have an accident, so don't worry about her for the time being. Chaoxin is now commanding the other captains to defend, you will also be very dangerous by her side, I will send you upstairs first, you Hide carefully and leave with her when she comes to you."

Yue Yu bit his lip: "Actually...she told me just this morning that there is a secret passage to leave the tower..."

Ling Tingyi's face showed obvious confusion: "She actually chose to tell you about this kind of thing?"

Without waiting for Yue Yu's answer, Ling Tingyi's expression softened a little to the naked eye. She muttered to herself, "In this way... I can finally give you to her with peace of mind..."

Yue Yu grabbed her sleeve, knowing that she shouldn't say it, but couldn't help but say, "Can you... come with us?"

Ling Tingyi lowered her head and looked at her tenderly: "I want to accompany you to leave, but... I'm sorry, Yue Yu, if I don't fight to the last moment, I will have a bad conscience for the rest of my life."

Yue Yu's eyes were blurred, and after blinking frequently, he said in a loud voice, "Okay, don't forget what you promised me."

Ling Tingyi rubbed her long soft black hair and said softly, "I won't forget it."


The fifty-first floor is here.

Ling Tingyi didn't send Yue Yu into the room, but pushed her out of the elevator: "Go and hide."

Yue Yu stood on the spot and said stubbornly, "I want to watch you go down."

Ling Tingyi moved her lips, but in the end she didn't stop, she just pressed the close button, and when the elevator door slowly closed, she looked at Yue Yu without blinking.

The long staring ended in the blink of an eye, watching the elevator start to go down, Yue Yu grabbed the knife and ran to Chaoxin's room.

The room was quiet, no one was there, there were roars outside, and looking down from the window, I saw that humans were as tiny as ants, struggling and neighing in the black smoke.

Yue Yu looked at it and suddenly said: [Maybe I shouldn't come to this world, at least in the original novel, they won't die. 】

The system noticed that she was in a wrong mood, and after hesitating, he said with a little guilt: [Sorry, next time I won't go overboard and choose a small world for you. 】

Yue Yu felt better immediately, and said in a low voice: [Thank you. 】

System: [No thanks, the main reason is that the difference between the three and one of your strategies is not big, and they are all failures. 】

Yue Yu was choked.


The door was suddenly kicked open at this moment.

Yue Yu was startled, and when he looked back, he found that the red-haired girl was holding guns in both hands, her fair face was stained with black ashes, her body was covered with bruises of different sizes, and her eyes were full of ruthlessness and malice.

Seeing that Yue Yu was still in the room, she glared angrily and asked loudly, "What are you doing?

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