026. The Coronation

At the mention of marriage negotiations, my expression twisted involuntarily.

Ever since I heard from Marco that the Spanish ambassador had a private audience with the Queen, I had my suspicions, but to think it was true.

“Why do you make such a face?”

An annoyed voice flowed from the Queen’s lips. It was understandable for her to be displeased, given my reaction to the marriage talk.

“I apologize, Your Majesty. I was just so surprised that…”

“Hmm… Well, alright. I shall overlook it this once. Such a mistake can be laughed off, after all.”

Having said that, the Queen composed herself and began to speak again.

“To speak further, the marriage proposal that has come to me is a bit… sensitive.”

“Er, if it’s such an important matter, shouldn’t Bishop Steve be present? Not me, but him…”

“…It’s a matter I cannot even discuss with him.”

A marriage proposal that couldn’t be shared with her closest confidant.

It was clear. This was a proposal from Spain. The ambassador must have made the offer during his private audience with the Queen today.

Wanting to confirm my suspicion, I cautiously spoke up.

“Perhaps… has Spain proposed this marriage?”

“How did you come to know of this?!”

The Queen’s surprised expression caught my eye. Of course, I knew. I even knew who the marriage partner was.

I couldn’t say it was because I knew the future, so I made up a suitable excuse.

“The Spanish ambassador arrived in London a week early. And he went straight to a private audience with Your Majesty. And now, Your Majesty is asking me about the marriage proposal.”

Even I thought it was a good excuse. Hearing my words, the Queen fell silent for a moment before quietly starting to speak again.

“…Remember this. If this tale leaks out, your neck will be at stake.”

The queen’s voice spilled out with a deadly edge.

Seeing the queen speak so, it seemed she too knew well what would unfold if she accepted this marriage proposal.

If word got out, Anglicans and Catholics alike would unite in a single resolve to prevent the queen’s marriage. Just as it had happened in actual history.

“I shall heed your warning.”

Hearing my response, the queen sighed in relief. Ironically, I was the one who wished to sigh.

“Hmm… Looking around, there are many loyal to the nation and the crown, but none loyal to me, save for you. Have you not fulfilled my wishes time and again?”

“You flatter me. It was merely chance that I could assist.”

It had happened to turn out that way.

But why bring up that story now? Surely not?

“If chance happens twice, it can be called skill. I do not regard the help you’ve given as mere coincidence, but as your capability. So, is there no way to persuade the others?”

“Pardon? Persuade?”

“Surely, if this marriage proposal is accepted, many will object. I speak of finding a way to persuade such people.”

She wasn’t asking whether to accept the marriage proposal or not, but rather, how to silence the inevitable uproar that would follow.

The queen’s mind seemed already made up. She wanted to accept this marriage proposal.

My mind grew troubled. Not only did I not know of such a method, but even if I did, I had no intention of sharing it.

For I knew how this marriage would end.

For now, I needed to buy time. To find a way to prevent the marriage between the queen and Felipe, time was essential.

“Your Highness, I am moved by your trust in me. It is difficult to give an immediate answer. I will consider a method, so could you… perhaps delay accepting the proposal for a bit?”

“Do you take me for rash? I have not given the ambassador a definitive answer. I’ve said we’ll discuss it after the coronation… There is plenty of time. Take your time to think it over.”

The queen’s face brightens. As her face lights up, my insides rot away.

Looking at the queen’s expression, her resolve seemed firm. No matter how much I thought, I couldn’t come up with a way to stop the marriage between the queen and Felipe.

Before me, darkness fell.

* * *

October 1, 1553. London was engulfed in a festive mood.

The queen’s coronation procession, starting from the Tower of London, crossed the city, announcing to the Londoners that a new king would ascend the throne.

Soldiers in red uniforms, carrying spears and axes, guarded the procession, while the citizens of London played instruments and cheered as they watched the procession head towards Westminster Palace.

Unlike the cheering Londoners, I watched the procession, soothing my aching insides.

For the past week, I hadn’t interpreted the blueprint. Rather, it would be correct to say I couldn’t.

The queen had intended to make time for the interpretation of the blueprint, but she simply couldn’t find the time. Between learning the coronation procedures, receiving foreign delegates, and choosing attire for the coronation, there was more than enough to keep her busy.

Even amidst the busyness, she never missed a meal, but every time food was brought, the subtle whispers of ‘When will you give us an answer?’ nearly drove me to despair.

Each time, I deflected with ‘I will speak to you after the coronation ceremony,’ but I had no way to persuade them.

Over the past week, all I had pondered was how to prevent the marriage between the queen and Felipe.

‘Maybe I should confide the truth to Bishop Steve and ask for his help?’

I entertained the thought for a moment but soon realized it was a futile concern.

‘No, it’s a meaningless act. I would only lose the queen’s trust.’

Even in the original history, the queen had insisted on marrying Felipe. Even if Bishop Steve tried to stop her after hearing this from me, it was clear she would accept the proposal.

Far from preventing the marriage, I was certain to lose the queen’s favor.

‘I can’t think of any way out. Should I prepare for what comes after the queen and Felipe’s marriage…?’

If it’s unavoidable, might as well enjoy it. If I can’t tear the queen and Felipe apart, perhaps I should consider what comes after their marriage.

Lost in thought, I was startled by a shout from nearby and turned my head.

“Her Majesty the Queen! Her Majesty the Queen!!”

“Long live Her Majesty the Queen!!”

“Hey! Stop right there!”

Before I knew it, the coronation procession had passed by where I was standing.

As the Queen approached, the crowd beside me erupted into cheers. Some tried to rush forward to grasp the Queen’s hand, only to be restrained by the soldiers.

“Jackson! What were you thinking doing that? What if you were punished?”

“Heh, as if Her Majesty the Queen, in all her mercy, would do such a thing. I’ve fulfilled my wish! To see Her Majesty the Queen so closely…”

“You madman, pushing to delay the harvest to see the coronation…”

“How often does one get to see Her Majesty the Queen in person? There’s no guarantee she’ll visit our village, so we must see her when we can.”

The man restrained by the soldiers grinned. The person standing next to him sighed as if there was no helping it. From their talk of delaying the harvest, they seemed to be farmers.

The Queen’s popularity among the farmers was said to reach the skies, and I could see why. They had delayed the harvest just to see her.

Looking around quietly, I noticed these weren’t the only farmers. Most of those shouting themselves hoarse at the sight of the Queen were dressed like the man called Jackson, in typical farmer’s attire.

“But will Her Majesty the Queen ever marry?”

“That might be difficult, right? She’s not exactly young.”

“What? Have you ever seen such a scoundrel! Who are you to speak of Her Majesty the Queen’s age!”

“Uh…? Wh… who are you!”

“What does it matter who I am! The important thing is you’ve dared to speak of Her Majesty the Queen so irreverently. You’ve met your match today!”

Farmers who had come to the capital often got into fistfights with the locals of London.

It seems the incident in Dartford had become known, and hearing of it, farmers had come up to watch the Queen’s coronation procession.

The coronation procession continued to be met with cheers of praise for the queen until it arrived at the palace.

As if they were my own worries.

* * *

From noble mtl dot come

Mary sat in the coronation carriage, adorned with all manner of jewels and gold, watching those who praised her.

Since the carriage was open-topped, the crowd could see Mary’s splendidly adorned figure.

As Mary passed by, the crowd erupted in cheers. Mary waved her hand in response to their acclamation.

Each time Mary waved and turned her gaze, a greater cheer returned, and Mary smiled contentedly at the crowd’s reaction.

The cheers of the crowd and the choir’s singing that filled the streets were music to Mary’s ears.

‘Surely among them are adherents of the Anglican faith. Yet they cheer for me so. Perhaps it’s time to change my thinking. After the coronation, I’ll convene Parliament and…’

While Mary pondered amidst the crowd’s cheers, the coronation procession arrived at Westminster Abbey, where the ceremony would take place.

Stepping out of the carriage, decked in gold and jewels, Mary cast a sidelong glance at her sister Elizabeth, who followed behind.

“Your Majesty, is there a problem?”

“No, nothing at all.”

Her sister, who never lost her smiling face, was serving her with the same cheerful expression today.

Mary wanted to snap at her, but on such a fine day, there was no need to spoil the mood, so she swallowed the words that almost slipped out and looked forward again.

“Your Majesty, this way…”

Bishop Stephen Gardiner of Winchester, who had been waiting for Mary, guided her to the site of the coronation.

Following the bishop’s lead into the church, Mary went through the coronation ritual as she had practiced many times before.

“By the laws of God and man, the sovereignty of England, France, Ireland, and the king’s…”

Bishop Stephen began to recite the prepared liturgy with skilled grace.

“May God protect Queen Mary, the rightful heir.”

Having finished reciting the ceremonial text, Bishop Steve anointed Mary’s forehead, shoulders, and chest with holy oil.

Thus began the coronation ceremony for Mary to become queen.

* * *

The coronation proceeded without major incident. From this day forth, Mary was recognized as the rightful monarch of the kingdoms of England and Ireland.

After the coronation, a banquet was held, attended by the nobles and foreign dignitaries who had been present at the ceremony.

“Count Antoine, it’s been a while. Have you paid your respects to Her Majesty the Queen?”

“Ah! Simon, it’s you! With age, my eyesight has dimmed, I didn’t even notice you there. Of course, I’ve paid my respects to Her Majesty. It seems Emperor Charles is in quite a hurry, arriving in London a whole week early?”

“Your eyes may be dim, but your ears are still sharp. It’s fortunate that you’re in good health.”

Though they exchanged greetings with smiling faces, their hearts were not in it.

Simon attended the coronation to draw England as an ally, while Antoine was there to ensure England did not become hostile towards France.

While the Spanish and French diplomats were bickering with smiles on their faces, in one corner of the banquet hall, a dreamy noble was causing a commotion.

“From now on, address me as ‘Your Grace the Duke’! It’s been confirmed today, hasn’t it? Who brought the sword to Her Majesty the Queen? It was I, yes, I!”

A nobleman with striking features, golden hair, and a well-groomed beard spoke arrogantly, raising his voice.

This noble’s name was Edward Courtenay. He was the one who had presented the sword to Mary at the coronation.

“Courtenay, haven’t I told you to correct such frivolous behavior?”

“Ah! Teacher! Frivolous, you say? How can speaking the truth be considered frivolous behavior!”

The noble Courtenay referred to as ‘teacher’ was Bishop Steve.

Steve Gardiner had once been Edward Courtenay’s tutor, and in private, Courtenay always addressed Steve as ‘teacher,’ flaunting their closeness.

“It’s frivolous to spout such arrogant words when nothing has been decided. If you truly wish to become the consort, you must start by changing that attitude.”

“Whether in the past or now, your nagging never ceases! Who else but I could marry Her Majesty the Queen! Was there ever a more suitable candidate?”


Though his tone was frivolously irreverent, Bishop Steve could do nothing but remain silent, unable to retort.

The Queen’s treatment of Edward Courtenay could only be described as affectionate.

On September 3rd of the previous month, she had granted him the earldom of Devon, and two days before the coronation, she had bestowed upon him a knighthood.

Above all, it was because she had honored Courtenay with the prestigious role of carrying the train at the coronation that most nobles firmly believed he would become the Queen’s consort.

The Bishop was among them.

Although the Bishop found the prospect of the flippant Courtenay becoming the Queen’s husband distasteful, he thought it was only a matter of time, given the Queen’s actions.

Unless, of course, something unforeseen occurred.


*Edward Courtenay was known to have a quite intimate relationship with Queen Mary. After the marriage negotiations with Reginald Pole fell through, everyone thought she would marry Edward Courtenay. The earldom of Devon and the knighthood… It seemed obvious to anyone who looked.

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