032. Cracks

There were two things I demanded of Prince Erik.

One was to meet the conditions. Even if he couldn’t offer the same terms as Spain, he was to prepare conditions that were as close as possible.

For this, I had informed the Swedish delegation of the discussions between the queen and Felipe, but I’m not sure how well the preparations are going.

The other was to win over the queen. Literally, to act in a way that would please her…

“About the ‘Bacon Toast’ you brought yesterday. When Erik first saw it, he was so surprised by the use of bread as a dish substitute, you should have seen his expression.”

“Ah, yes. So, will you be having lunch in the garden again today? With Prince Erik?”

“No, I have no plans for these few days, so I intend to go hunting with Eric starting today. It happens to be fox hunting season, doesn’t it? I plan to settle for bacon toast for lunch again today. Be generous with the sauce. Eric has taken quite a liking to that mayonnaise.”

“Yes. Understood… Yes? Hunting, you say?”

“That’s right, after returning from the hunt, I plan to hold a banquet. Even if they come from Protestant nations, they are envoys who have come to celebrate my ascension. It’s a bit late, but I should host a welcome banquet. Ah, I’ll leave the preparation of the banquet food to you. Eric is quite fond of your cooking.”

The queen had taken an excessive liking to him.

In the past two weeks, he had met with Felipe less than three times, but with Eric, it was more than five.

And now, hunting. A hunt would take at least two days, or as long as three.

Moreover, the welcome banquet is usually timed for Sunday, the day of rest, but today was Thursday, and the queen would return in three days, on Sunday. Seeing the schedule set this way, it was clear that the banquet was being deliberately planned.

“Ah, now that I think about it, Bishop Steve was supposed to visit. Can’t be helped…”

With that, the queen called the guard standing outside the door and said:

“Go tell Eric that I might be late for our appointment. He should still be in his room, so he can go there.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

The soldier, having responded to the queen’s command, saluted and then headed for Eric’s room.

“Then you may leave as well. And don’t forget to be generous with the mayonnaise.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Fortunately, things were proceeding smoothly. Judging by the queen’s tone and expression when she called for Eric, it seemed likely that things would go well between Eric and the queen.

* * *

In fact, if the marriage between Mary and Felipe were announced, it would inevitably cause a backlash among the English, regardless of their religious affiliations.

Felipe was a member of the famous Habsburg family, and the country he would inherit was Spain. The difference in national power was clear. There was no guarantee that Felipe wouldn’t use the marriage as a pretext to swallow England whole.

Bishop Steve was one of those who thought this way.

At first, he was prepared to risk his life to oppose the marriage. However, he saw some merit in the queen’s argument that marrying Felipe could bring financial support to rebuild the navy and open new trade routes.

If only we could secure financial support from Spain, it would undoubtedly be a great boon to the reconstruction of our navy.

Crucially, the Queen assured the Bishop that even if she married Felipe and he became a co-ruler, she would not grant him the rights to exercise real power, such as military command or the convening of Parliament. She promised to conclude the negotiations by removing any elements that might concern the other nobles before announcing the engagement. Thus, after the Queen’s persistent persuasion, the Bishop had no choice but to support her.

For this reason, Bishop Steve had been gathering those among the Catholic nobility who could be considered his faction, forming a power base. This began after hearing the Queen’s intention to announce her engagement to Felipe.

Naturally, the announcement of the Queen and Felipe’s marriage would cause a great uproar, and he was building a force in preparation for this disturbance.

It was because of such reasons that Bishop Steve couldn’t help but react excessively to the recent rumors about the Queen. Wasn’t she, who was currently negotiating an engagement with Spain, now linked with the Prince of Sweden?

“Your Majesty, may I speak with you about the rumors I’ve heard recently?”

“What rumors do you speak of?”

“Of course, the rumors concerning the Prince of Sweden.”

Bishop Steve had doubted his ears when he first heard the rumors of the Queen frequently associating with the Prince of Sweden.

Hadn’t there been secret talks of engagement with Spain? As proof, wasn’t Felipe himself in London?

But suddenly, Sweden? The Swedish envoy, who appeared without any forewarning and had been in London for two weeks, was strange enough, but Bishop Steve had never dreamed it was for this reason.

“It seems you refer to my association with Erik.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. What would Felipe, soon to be the Grand Duke, think if he saw this? He’s in London right now discussing the engagement…”

To the fervent voice of Bishop Steve, Mary responded as if it were good news.

“Ah, that matter. I was indeed about to inform you.”

“Are you referring to the engagement talks with Duke Felipe?”

“Yes, that engagement. I’ve decided to call it off.”

Bishop Steve couldn’t comprehend what he had just heard.

Call it off? The engagement? Could such words be spoken when they were in the midst of direct engagement talks, even if not yet announced?

“Steve, have you not heard of Felipe’s actions towards me?”

“Of course, I’ve heard. I’m well aware that Duke Felipe was rude! But, no matter how rude, to overturn the marriage proposal itself is…!”

“Isn’t it the case that it hasn’t even been announced? And with Felipe being so impertinent, is there really a need to continue this engagement?”

Bishop Steve pondered for a moment and then resolved to take a positive view of the situation. Indeed, it might be better than welcoming the Grand Duke of Spain. With that thought, he spoke to the queen.

“…Does Duke Felipe know of Your Majesty’s intentions?”

“Of course, he knows. I’ve already finished the discussion.”

“What, what do you mean…? Are you saying you’ve already broken off the engagement!”

To proceed with the engagement on his own, and then to unilaterally break it off—there were limits to such autocracy. Bishop Steve barely swallowed the curse that almost followed his shout.

“It was a negotiation. We’ve received what we were promised from Spain. There’s no need to worry about it anymore.”

“What exactly did you receive! After overturning the engagement!”

“Speak clearly. It was not I who wished to overturn the engagement, but Felipe. If you wish to continue the engagement, then revoke my declaration? Even Karl himself could not command me so. Let alone someone who has yet to properly receive the title of prince.”

Mary glared at Bishop Steve as she continued.

“I’ve received a reply from Karl. It contained an apology for Felipe’s rudeness. He asked for forgiveness for his son’s impudence.

In return, they’ve agreed to support the reconstruction of our navy for the next three years. They said they would send a few ship technicians as well, but we don’t need any more than that. They’ve agreed to buy us another tree with the money saved from their salaries. Of course, this is under the condition that we do not ally with France.”

Upon hearing this, Bishop Steve’s mind began to race.

He had expected Spain’s backlash for unilaterally breaking off the engagement, but instead, they offered support—this was incomprehensible.

“Did the emperor really make such a proposal?”

The queen answered Bishop Steve’s doubtful question nonchalantly.

“Regardless, it was Felipe who committed the first rudeness. I wrote as much in the letter to Karl. If they don’t want to see us join hands with France, they should behave accordingly.”

It was clear that England was a useful ally to Spain. But to come out in such a submissive manner, there had to be more to it.

“Are you saying Spain is lowering itself for fear of damaging the alliance? I’ve never heard that Spain’s situation was so dire. Or is there another reason?”

“You are indeed quick to notice. Yes, there is one more reason.”

Bishop Steve pondered deeply but could not guess what other reason the Queen was referring to. Just as he was about to inquire about it, the Queen spoke.

“It seems you are curious, so I shall satisfy your curiosity. It’s nothing grand. I merely told Felipe that I would spread every single deed he did in London across all of Europe without omission. All the eldest daughters of kingdoms fit to marry Spain are long married. In a situation where there are hardly any suitable matches left, what will you do if such slander spreads?”

Bishop Steve had no more words to say and could only stare blankly at Mary.

He knew the Queen he served was no ordinary person, but he never imagined she would threaten the Emperor.

“If the marriage proposal has been broken off in such a manner, it is rather fortunate.”

Startled, he stuttered slightly, but Bishop Steve was inwardly rejoicing. All his efforts thus far might have been in vain, but what of it? With the Spanish marriage proposal resolved so cleanly, there was no need to form any alliances.

“I suppose I must start looking for a marriage proposal from tomorrow. Sir Edward Courtenay, if only he would mend his ways, would make quite a suitable husband…”

At first, he almost burst out with curses, but now Bishop Steve spoke with a feeling as if a song might spontaneously come from his nose. However, his elated voice quickly fell silent at the Queen’s next words.

“What are you talking about? A marriage proposal?”

“Yes? Since the proposal has been broken off, shouldn’t you be looking for another suitor?”

“There’s no need to look for a suitor. I have found my rightful companion.”

“What do you mean? You’ve found a companion?”

Despite the mix of doubt and anxiety in Bishop Steve’s voice, the Queen spoke without concern. The voice that flowed from her lips was enough to freeze Bishop Steve.

“I shall announce my marriage to Eric after this hunt is concluded. Be informed and prepare accordingly.”

At that voice, Bishop Steve hesitantly began to speak, wondering.

“Eric… do you mean…?”

“Why do you speak as if you do not know, when you have heard the rumors? I am speaking of Prince Eric of Sweden, Eric Vasa.”

The Queen declared her intention to marry Prince Eric Vasa of Sweden, regardless of Bishop Steve’s reaction.

“Your Majesty, you jest too much. Please answer me seriously.”

“Do you think I jest?”

The queen might have thought it a poor joke, but a reality far worse greeted Bishop Steve. A prince of Sweden would surely be a Protestant.

He could understand issuing a decree to protect Protestants, but Mary’s declaration to marry a Protestant prince, especially one from a Protestant nation, was utterly unbelievable.

“But he is a prince of Sweden. Those who follow the detestable teachings of Luther…!”

“What of it? I have clearly declared my protection for those loyal to me. Well, he may not be loyal to me as a prince of Sweden. Instead, he professes his love for me. And upon reflection, it seemed better to accept Sweden’s proposal over Spain’s. Anyway, that is my decision.”

Hearing this, Bishop Steve found himself at a loss for words. The queen declaring her intent to marry a Protestant prince? It must be a nightmare, surely a nightmare, he repeated to himself.


*In actual history, Queen Mary participated in the Franco-Spanish War.

Despite opposition from nearly everyone except a few confidants, and even though Spain and England had no obligation to participate in each other’s wars as promised before the marriage, Mary, smitten with Philip, stubbornly joined the war. As a result, Calais was lost…

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