043. Crossing Again?

As the sunset began to fade, near the docks of London, a tavern.

A corner of the tavern, where drunken sailors brawling was an everyday occurrence, and the commotion never ceased due to those who came to watch.

A young man, whose presence seemed out of place, stood leaning against the wall, his shabby hood pulled over his head.

After a moment, someone approached the man leaning against the wall and spoke.

“Are you the one looking for us?”

A lean man, whose left ear appeared significantly smaller than the right, possibly cut off, approached and asked.

“I’ve heard your work is quite clean?”

“That’s right. We handle things very neatly, just as the noble folks desire.”

“I like your confidence.”

“Our work is as solid as our confidence. I’m Aaron. The friend standing behind me is Connor. So, who do you want us to take care of?”

The lean man pointed to the silent man standing behind him and revealed their names. Connor, the man called, seemed a head taller than Aaron, with a burly body and hands marked with occasional scars, suggesting he was a mercenary with considerable experience.

The hooded man looked at Connor and, without realizing, let out an exclamation of admiration. Unlike when he saw Aaron, Connor’s robust appearance made it seem like he could be trusted with the job.

“He’s no one extraordinary, just a chef working in the palace. You must have heard the rumors about the foreign chef.”

“I’ve heard the rumors. That there’s an unusual chef in the palace.”

“Yes, that chef. Take care of him quietly, without anyone knowing. Can you do it?”

“Of course. It’s entirely possible. But… does it have to happen inside the palace? Even with our exceptional skills, within the palace walls, it’s a bit…”

“Don’t worry, I’m not foolish enough to ask for the impossible. The job will take place outside the palace. There are countless ways to lure him out.”

“Hehe, if you arrange it so… How would you like us to handle it? It’s our creed to always do our best to satisfy someone of your stature.”

The man seemed to ponder for a moment before slowly opening his mouth.

“The body must not be found. He must disappear, not be found dead.”

“If that’s the case… We could simply chop him up and feed him to the beasts. Dispose of the body in the forest.”

The words leapt from Aaron’s mouth without hesitation, sending a chill down the man’s spine. It was clear this wasn’t Aaron’s first time at such a task.

“But what about the payment…”

“Five gold coins upfront, pure pound gold coins. Bring me his head after the job, and I’ll pay ten more.”

With that, the man tossed a purse filled with gold coins. The mercenary, Aaron, quickly caught the purse, checked inside, and then handed it to Connor, who stood silently beside him. Connor opened the purse, ran his fingers over the gold coins, and nodded.

“We always welcome those who are clear with their accounts. When shall we proceed with the job?”

“Next Monday evening, two days from now, I’ll come back and tell you the date. The method is up to you. As I’ve said repeatedly, the body must not be found.”

“Of course. We’ll heed the command of someone who settles accounts so clearly. This chef… I wonder what he did to earn your wrath, poor fellow.”

“Best not to indulge in unnecessary curiosity. I’ll contact you again, so be ready by then.”

“Yes, of course. We’ll be fully prepared, just give us a call whenever.”

With Aaron’s cheerful voice, the man nodded once in response and left the tavern.

And the man who left the tavern arrived at the residence of John Russell, the Royal Secretary.

* * *

Recently, Mary had been savoring days of contentment, basking in abundant happiness.

For the first time in nearly twenty years, she had embarked on love, and had successfully quelled the traitors who sought to disrupt her affection.

In the process, she reaffirmed the loyalty of her subjects towards her, and through the rebellion that had bolstered royal authority, she could execute those she wished dead and spare those she desired to live.

After discovering the betrayal of Steve and a few ministers, she was deeply hurt, but as time passed, she realized there were many others who remained loyal to her.

Following Bishop Steve’s betrayal, Mary decided to gradually reduce the number of archbishops involved in discussing state affairs. Today’s meeting was the first step in that direction.

Today marked the first time since Mary’s reign began that over twenty ministers had gathered in the office.

“So… Is there anything else to discuss?”

The main agenda of the first meeting was to coordinate the execution schedule of the traitors and decide how to use the confiscated properties of the rebels.

As the meeting neared its end, Mary granted the senior ministers the right to speak. Unlike before, she showed a willingness to listen to the opinions of other ministers, not just a select few archbishops.

“Hmm… It seems no one has anything to add. Then…”

Despite this, the senior ministers remained silent, their mouths shut. Mary was slightly disappointed, but it was understandable given her past demeanor. It was a matter to be resolved over time.

Just as she was about to declare the meeting over, a familiar voice was heard.

“Your Majesty, may I have a word?”

“Russell? Well… go ahead, speak.”

“It’s about Jane Grey, who is currently imprisoned in Richmond Palace.”

“Jane? Is there more to discuss about that child?”

Mary’s voice sharpened. Clearly, she remembered Earl Russell held the same opinion as the imprisoned Steve, accused of treason.

‘Steve is imprisoned, and now it’s Russell…?’

Mary had naturally assumed Russell would make a statement attacking Jane, but she soon had to reconsider.

* * *

“It’s not about anything else… I was wondering if Her Majesty the Queen might offer her some comfort,” he suggested.

“Comfort, you say…?”

“Yes, indeed. Unlike Earl Henry Grey of Kent, her father, the Duke of Suffolk, Henry Grey, dared to commit treason against Her Majesty and has not paid the price, has he?”

“Hmm… Continue.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Although Jane Grey was accused of usurping the throne, could it really have been her own doing? It was the treachery of John Dudley and Henry Grey, those two scoundrels, that led to such events. Your Majesty is aware of this, hence you pardoned Jane Grey’s crime, did you not?”

“Indeed, you are well-informed.”

“Yet, despite this, she lost her husband and father last week, did she not? And it’s uncertain whether she will properly inherit the title. She must be deeply distressed. Your Majesty is busy with state affairs, so please send a representative to convey words of comfort. How about the head chef?”

“The head chef? Logan?”

“Yes. Who among those who come and go in the palace does not know of the head chef’s skill?”

Mary was surprised by the unexpected attitude shown by Earl Russell, but apart from that, she thought there was some merit to his words.

“After all… having suffered in the tower, it’s been quite some time since she’s had a proper meal… and since coming out of the tower, I haven’t spoken to the girl, Jane… It seems like a good idea. Russell, now I see that I may have misunderstood you.”

“I have always been loyal to Your Majesty alone.”

Earl Russell said so and bowed his head toward the Queen.

A satisfied smile was etched on Earl Russell’s face as he bowed.

* * *

In the prison called the office, he was, as usual, flipping through books and scribbling with a pen. He had transcribed a total of 100 pages over the week, and as he muttered that there wasn’t much left, that’s when it happened.

“Sir Logan, Her Majesty the Queen summons you.”

“The Queen summons me?”

The door opened, and Anne, appearing suddenly, threw another sudden statement. At the words that the Queen was looking for him, he put down his pen, closed the book, and followed Anne to the Queen’s room.

“Your Majesty, you were looking for me?”

The Queen, as usual, was seated, reviewing the blueprint I had interpreted and presented.

“Ah, find a suitable place to sit and wait. It won’t be long now.”

After a moment, the Queen carefully rolled up the blueprint she had read and hid it in a corner of the room. Soon after, her gaze turned towards me.

“So, you must be curious why I have summoned you? There’s something I heard in today’s council meeting that prompted me to call for you.”

“A council meeting, Your Majesty?”

“Yes. At today’s royal council, Count Russell reminded me of something I had forgotten. Upon reflection, Jane’s predicament doesn’t seem like someone else’s problem. Therefore, I need you to visit Richmond Palace on my behalf.”

“Me, Your Majesty?”

“Indeed. Jane has only recently left the tower, and she hasn’t had a proper meal… While I cannot offer her a banquet, sending you is the least I can do. Go and deliver my personal letter to Jane, prepare a meal for her. Why, the whipped cream you made recently? That was quite good.”

Going to Richmond was not a problem. Whipped cream? It would require some effort, but now I could delegate it to someone else, so it wasn’t a big deal.

The issue was that Count Russell was behind this task.

“Your Majesty, when should I depart?”

“I would tell you to leave tomorrow if I could, but I have a lunch appointment with Eric. Depart the day after tomorrow.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The Count bore me no goodwill, if not outright malice. His sudden eagerness to send me out of the palace was suspicious.

Having responded to the Queen’s command, I immediately left her room and rushed to the office to find Oliver. Fortunately, Oliver was in the kitchen and could quickly come to the office.

“Sir Logan, what is the matter?”

“Drop the formalities when it’s just us… No, that’s not the issue right now. Do you know who was attending the royal council today?”

“Yes? I do. But why do you ask?”

“You do? Good. Oliver, I have a favor to ask.”

“A favor?”

It was clear that the Earl of Russell had said something to the Queen, for she had mentioned it. Unable to confront the Queen directly about what the Earl had said, it was quicker to hear the story from a servant who had attended the meeting.

Calling the servant directly was too risky with so many eyes around, and without any authority to inquire about the meeting’s content, I had asked Oliver, a fellow servant, to find out and report back to me.

How long had I waited? About ten minutes by my estimate when the door to the office opened, and Oliver returned.

“So, what was said?”

“Well, you see…”

After a moment, Oliver finished his tale.

“That old man, I remember him singing with Bishop Steve to have Jane Grey killed… And now he suddenly speaks of comfort? Even specifying that I should be sent?”

Hearing from Oliver what the Earl of Russell had said in the meeting, I was certain. The Earl was plotting something.

What he was up to, I couldn’t say for sure, but one thing was clear.

“Trying to silence me? Thinking the secret will be safe if I’m gone?”

It was evident that the Earl of Russell was targeting me.

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