Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 129 - Cold & Empty Hearts

Orea kept her head down throughout the class. She was sitting all by herself at a corner as the teacher rambled on but she felt Myung's eyes on her back. He had tried to talk to her in the morning when she entered the class. But she pretended to be busy and ran off to the teacher's room under some pretense. She had been avoiding his messages and calls, not sure of what to tell him. On top of that, Minwoo was absent because he found out his old boyfriend was in town and the guy went off to hook up with him!

Damn that pretty idol for leaving me alone today, she cursed in her head.

"Class!" the teacher exclaimed. "As you all know that we'll be going on a class trip next week-"

The entire class burst into a loud roar, excited for the trip. Orea did not care since she avoided the class trips anyway. I'll just stay home with my gadgets, she thought.

"This time, it's mandatory for everyone!" the teacher declared. "Whoever does not come, their grade this term will be lowered."

"What?" Orea exclaimed. "Why?"

Everyone turned to look at her so she immediately softened her tone.

"I mean, isn't it too harsh to lower an entire grade simply because of a class trip?" she asked in a sheepish tone.

"Heo Orea," the teacher began. "I know that you avoid going on class trips but I've made it mandatory this time. Ya'll will be going to college starting next year. This is your last chance to spend quality time with your entire class. You'll not get this time back and years later, these are the moments you'll look back upon with fondness."

"I agree!" the thick headed girl, Marley, spoke up. "As the class captain, I can say that we're all excited. We want to go on this trip. Orea can stay back if she wants to and lose her grade."

The girl side eyed Orea and secretly snickered, taunting her. Myung was also looking at Orea who seemed very nervous. Why is she so adamant on not attending the class trip? He wondered.

Myung had been wondering about it for a while and his suspicions were squaring on her mysterious brother. Was he abusing her? Orea was quite skinny for her age. Was her brother starving her as well?

His fists clenched at that thought. Not only was that man forcing his own sister to falsify her records but was keeping her in horrible conditions! His mind was going haywire as it concocted the different ways Orea's brother must be treating her and he wanted to punch the unknown man for his audacity.

The bell rang and the students gathered their things. Orea packed her bag and was walking towards the door to her chemistry class when Myung stopped her.

"We need to talk," he said.

"I need to go to class," Orea replied and tried to walk past him but he grabbed her arm and to her embarrassment, put his other arm around her shoulders. Everyone stared at them in shock. Marley was mortified to see that the most popular boy in class was walking off with a nerd like Heo Orea.

Her minions gathered around her, mimicking her look of disgust at Orea who was being pulled away by Myung.

"Marley, they're getting too close," Minion One pointed out. "If this keeps up, she'll end up becoming his girlfriend and you'll be sidelined."

"She needs to be taught a lesson," Minion Two agreed.

Marley snarled at Orea. Her beautiful face was contorted by an ungly scowl and her anger was rising by the minute. 

"I'm not gonna spare that bloody chipmunk!" she swore. "How dare she chum up with Myung? I'll kill her!"

Then an idea sprang to her head. Heo Orea was being forced to attend the class trip.

"This will be the last time she'll get in my way," Marley stated. "I'll make sure that she learns a lesson she'll never forget on this trip…"

Her lips curled into a nasty smile. Heo Orea, she thought. You're dead!

Meanwhile, Myung ignored Orea's protests and kept on dragging her with him.

"Myung, what the hell are you doing?" she complained. "Let me go!"

"We're going to talk and we're going to talk right now!" he insisted. Orea tried to slap his hand away but he kept a firm grip on her as he led her to a secluded part of the school. As someone who bunks quite often, Myung was aware of all the blind spots in the CCTV cameras. He pulled her behind a wall which was right next to the football field but they were hidden from view by a large tree.

Pushing her against a wall, he put both his palms on her sides to lock her there with him. Orea was petrified at their position. If someone saw them, they would think that something was going on between her and Myung.

What the hell is up with this scene? She thought in panic. Why is my life turning from a spy movie to a romantic thriller?

"We need to talk," he stated. "About us."

"I-If you're worried about that accidental kiss then I swear I won't tell anyone!" Orea squeaked.

Myung blinked at her. Accident? She thought that kiss was an accident?

"Well, it wasn't an accident but I'll pretend it was," she rambled on. "You see, you have a rep to maintain as the school's resident bad boy. The popular one with your...dark aura and all. A tiny little thing like me would only ruin your reputation so I promise, I won't tell anyone! I swear!"

Orea hoped that this would be enough to get him off her back but Myung's eyes darkened upon hearing her words. 

"You really want to pretend it was an accident?" he echoed. "Heo Orea. Are you really that stupid or pretending to be one?"

"I'm really that stupid!" she claimed. Oh come on, just get the hint! She yelled in her head. You and I can never happen!

She bit her lip in fear she was not scared of him. She was scared for him. The path she was walking on had no space for Myung. It was a dangerous one and if he found out that she was working to bring down his father, he would be hurt. 

Orea was confused about her own feelings towards Myung as well. She would be lying if she said that she did not like it when he kissed her and there was a time when she did admire him from afar for his boldness. But at that time, it was just an innocent crush. 

Now that she knew he was her enemy's son, it was a completely different case. Their growing feelings would come in the way when she would take down her father and expose his deeds. And the last thing she wanted was to make Myung feel betrayed by someone he cared deeply for.

"Is it because of him?" Myung asked. "Your brother?"

Eh? She blinked. My brother?

"He's abusing you isn't he?" Myung demanded. "Starving you and forbidding you from meeting others? Is that why you're denying your feelings for me?"

Starving? I eat like a pig! She thought. Aloud she said, "My brother is treating me well! I just don't think our relationship can work out-"

"Liar," Myung said coolly. "I know you very well, Heo Orea. You're lying."

He leaned closer to her to the point that Orea could feel his breath on her face. He had a musky apple like scent which temporarily clouded her mind.

He smells good, she thought in embarrassment. Her head was suddenly filled with a dirty image which she immediately shook off but Myung's next words stunned her.

"Your records are false," he revealed. "Your address is wrong and even in your previous schools, your address has been falsified."

"What rubbish?" Orea laughed. "You saw my house-"

"I also saw you leaving that place right after you thought I drove away," he stated. "And then, you walked towards the subway to catch the last train. That's not your house, Heo Orea. You lied to me."

Orea was now truly scared but she did not let it show on her face. Myung was too invested in her life and despite her desire to tell him everything, she knew that her purpose was greater than their relationship.

"And you stalked me," she counter accused. "So what if I like my privacy? That doesn't excuse you from stalking me!"

"Why are you lying?" he demanded. "We're friends, right? And I know you care about me the way I care about you. Our feelings are not one-sided. If that was the case, you would have hit me or rebuked me that day."

"I was just embarrassed!" She lied. "That's it! There's nothing like that. I don't like you that way. I really don't!"

Orea ignored the pain in her heart and stared at him directly, unflinching from her stance. Myung slowly lowered his hand and stepped back. He had her answer and it crushed him from inside.

"You should stop your fancy thoughts," she whispered. "I can't return your feelings. I really can't."

Myung stood there like a statue, unmoving and silent. Orea fought back her tears and walked away. She clutched her chest, trying to stop her heart from feeling the agonizing pain but she did not look back at him. He was still standing there, unfeeling and unsure of what to do but his eyes followed her in the hopes that she would turn around even once. His mind was still hopeful that she would glance back once and see the love he felt for her.

But she kept on walking until she disappeared from sight, leaving him cold and empty once again.

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