Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 133 - Dockyard

SD put on the contact lenses and covered his face with a full length face mask. He wore fully black clothes with matching gloves and military boots. The night was quite foggy, especially near the dockyard. He was not carrying anything other than a gun with a silencer attached to it, a long knife and a pair of night vision glasses to help him navigate around in the fog. Orea had installed a sensor in the glasses so that he could identify any sort of movement in the fog with almost 99% accuracy. 

He laid the map of the dockyard in front of him. The gates have been closed for the day but there were guards around who worked for the Company. Mikhael's ship was being loaded and the guards were going to make sure that no one could get in but SD had a plan. 

"Let's go, my dear," he muttered. Standing on a motor boat, he started the engine. Oleg had dropped him off at the edge of the sea which met on one side with a peninsula leading to the main city. From there, he climbed down until he reached a secluded coast. A boat was waiting for him which would take him to one of the old berths around the dockyard which was kept unguarded.

He steered the boat ahead in secret. A lighthouse was throwing light on the sea every five minutes so SD had to steer really fast. He had timed his departure on the boat well, ensuring that the lighthouse's light was not pointed in his direction when he started for the docks.

Carefully zigzagging across the calm waters, he reached the old berth and anchored the boat there. He took out his phone and read the message.

"10 mins," was all it was written. SD shook his head and jumped off the boat. Careful not to step on the water, he made his way towards the dock. The dockyard was surrounded by a mong metal fence which was buzzing with electricity. Even touching it slightly would mean instant death but SD did not have to worry about that. 

He stood a few meters away from the fence and used his foot to check something on the ground. Tapping like a ballerina, he casually danced along the fence until he hit something wooden.

Looking around to make sure no one saw him, he slowly stooped down and touched the wooden ground which was a trapdoor. He opened it and entered the hole, closing the trapdoor above his head. Beneath the dockyard was a cellar which used to be a hidden chamber for revolutionaries and criminals in the past. 

SD made his way through the tunnel. He could hear the waves crashing against the port and the walls were slightly shaking. The cellar was made of wood and had weak structures but it was his only route. He checked the map again. There was a left turn up ahead which would take him to the kitchen area. 

Following the path, he reached the kitchen's trap door. Lifting it slightly, he peered outside. There was only one guard whose back was turned. SD analysed his options. He kept his ears open for any other noise or footsteps but there were none. There was no guarantee that only one guard was placed in that area but he needed to take the risk. 

"If I succeed tonight, I swear I'll spit in Jonghyun's tea!" he promised to himself. Taking out the knife, he held the pointy edge between his two fingers. Aiming it at the guards head, he threw it.

"Agh!" the guard moaned when the knife pierced his throat, making a hole. Blood oozed out of his neck and he staggered backwards, unable to cry out loud. The guard fell on the floor and SD grabbed his chance to quickly pull the injured man into the cellar. 

The guard gurgled out blood, making a pool of messy blood. He was trying to shout for help but the knife damaged his vocal chords. 

"Sorry dude," SD said offhandedly, taking out his gun. "Nothing personal."

Before the guard could wheeze, SD shot him point blank. SD stripped off the guard's uniform. It was maroon colored clothing so the stain was not distinguishable but it would start to stink soon. He quickly changed into the blood soaked uniform, ditching the guard's body in the cellar. Getting out of the cellar, he stared at the pool of blood on the ground. He scanned around and found a couple of crates full of fruits laying in a corner.

He began to pick them up and placed them on the bloody floor, covering the crimson liquid temporarily. It was not much but it was all he could do within the short time span. He had already put on a thick beard and moustache to hide his face beneath the bushy disguise and headed outside. He also put on a long wig to hide the wet stains from the blood. It was dark outside so unless someone looked too closely, he was safe. 

Or so he was hoping. Let's just wing this, he sighed. 

Luckily, there were no other guards in the kitchen corridor. The manpower had been shifted to the docks where the shipment was being loaded. 

"Great," he muttered. SD slowly walked towards the docks where the ships were anchored. Stepping outside, he strolled through the door, passing by the guards. They did not glance at him but were busy guarding their posts from outsiders. Large trucks were carrying wooden boxes which were at least twenty foot high and almost as wide as a small room. 

SD frowned a little but did not stop to think. The trucks stopped in front of the ship. A heavy crane swooped on the boxes and carried them on to the ship. SD stood at an empty post, quietly watching the boxes being lifted and boarded on the ship. A few feet away from him, he saw the familiar figure of Mikhael and Ahn Jaejun standing there.

"The shipment will reach Country K in two days," Mikhael was saying. "Tell Lee that the Choi's will receive them."

"I'm assuming that they'll pay us half of the money first," Jaejun said in a cold tone. He was glancing around, monitoring the progress of the shipment being boarded. Vaguely noting a movement, he saw it was only a guard.

"They had transferred the money into Lee's account," Mikhael stated. "Once the gold and drugs reach your country, the rest of the money will be paid."

"The Sailors' Reef Bridge is on its last stage," Jaejun informed him. "With the last portion of the investment, we'll be able to inaugurate the bridge sooner than we had anticipated."

"How soon?" Mikhael demanded. "Choi Taek is very much interested to know when the bridge will be built so that we can start with the trade. The Yakuza are regaining control again."

"One month," Jaejun said. "Only one month and the Yakuza will not be able to touch us."

SD quietly listened to the information. The last of the boxes had been boarded on the ship and he got the information he needed. It was time to go.

He quietly slipped away, looking all serious and alert like a guard. Jaejun frowned when he felt a movement somewhere nearby. He glanced around, feeling a little alert.

"What happened?" Mikhael asked.

"I thought I saw something strange," Jaejun said, taking out his gun.

"Strange?" Mikhael asked in alarm.

"I'll go and check," Jaejun said. "Tell your men to be aware of any activities around here."

Mikhael nodded, taking out his own gun. Jaejun made his way towards the port's office, pointing the gun ahead. Entering the corridor, he was on high alert. A shadow passed from behind him and he turned around to follow it.

SD was silently walking back to the kitchen, already aware that someone was following him. He did not stop to check who it was because he had only two minutes left to escape. Opening the kitchen door, he froze.

A guard stood there, inspecting the bloody floor. 

"What the hell?" the guard muttered. He took out a walkie talkie to  turn it on when SD silently crept up behind him and threw his arm around the guard's throat, throttling him. The guard struggled but SD strangled him mercilessly until the man stopped moving. He was dead.

"Well well well."

A cold voice came from behind him. SD slowly turned around to see Jaejun standing there, pointing a gun at him.

"Ah fuck," SD cursed under his breath. Jaejun was still pointing the gun at him, his eyes flared in fury.

"The Leader isn't going to like this," Jaejun said. SD groaned as the man put his gun away.

"I thought I warned you not to be reckless," he went on. He opened the trap door and kicked the guard's body into the cellar.

"As long as you're around, I can risk being a little reckless," SD winked. "Number Five."

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