Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 152 - Very Pissed Off

"Everything smells so good!" Minwoo exclaimed, drooling over the food. The students had managed to find some really good ingredients to prepare fish stew and curry for dinner that night. After a long day of activities, everyone was starving and eager to spend the night around a campfire. 

"It does," Orea agreed. "Let's grab some seats!"

They picked up a couple of disposable plates and stood in line to wait for their turn. Myung and Marley stood a little further away, the latter annoying him to no end.

"Myung, we've caught so many fish today!" Markey claimed. "I caught a pomfret in the stream! Can you believe it?"

Myung rolled his eyes, knowing very well that there were no pomfrets in the stream. His pesky stalker was glued to him and no matter what he did, she would not give up. Orea was staring at them with disdain.

"Trouble in paradise?" Minwoo asked.

"There's no paradise!" she snapped. "I'm just glad that he's off my back now!"

Minwoon snorted. "Honey," he began. "You're jealous."

"No, I'm not!" she hissed.

"You so are," Minwoo insisted. "It's all over your face. You better control this...thing."

Orea drew a sharp breath. She knew what he meant, his underlying threat was very obvious to her. If she got too close to Myung then he would have to report to the Leader. She did not dare to say anything out loud in the crowd but was glaring at Minwoo with contempt. The guy might be her friend but that did not mean she was pleased by the threat.

Myung watched from afar and was taken aback by the look of cold fury on Orea's face. He slightly frowned, wondering what was going on. 

"Those two seem to be very friendly," Marley commented. "I thought Heo Orea was a quiet and demure girl but it seems like she's two timing you with him."

She smirked at her ploy. It was obvious to her that Myung held feelings for this girl and was jealous upon seeing Orea with Minwoo. If she could fuel the jealousy more, she would be able to paint Orea as a slut and get Myung all to herself.

Myung was now fuming at the pair. Why was Orea with him? He knew that Minwoo could get any girl he wanted but he was hovering around Orea only. What was their relationship?

Marley was also staring at the duo, resentful at how Orea won over Myung and Minwoo. What do they see in her anyway? She thought scornfully. She's not even pretty!

Orea and Minwoo filled their plates with food and found seats at a corner. To Orea's shock, Myung also joined them only minutes later.

"Myung, we can sit elsewhere!" Marley told him but he shook his head.

"You can sit elsewhere if you want," Myung said. "I like the air here."

"The air?" Minwoo snorted. "The air is the same throughout the camp."

Myung glanced at Orea who avoided his gaze. 

"It can be me or your fanclub," he shrugged and pointed at a group of girls who were eyeing the vacant spots at Minwoo's table. Minwoo cursed under his breath.

"Just sit!" Orea scowled. "You guys are annoying me. Sit, eat and leave!"

Myung smirked at Minwoo's annoyed expression and sat at their table. Marley debated for a while before joining Myung. Orea was overwhelmed by the tense atmosphere between them. She had lost her appetite and was in no mood to deal with any of them.

Marley was also glancing at the others, thinking of how to increase the tension.

"So, Minwoo," she began. "Are you and Orea close? I've noticed that the two of you spend a lot of time together."

"We are," Minwoo stated. "We've known each other for a long time."

"Really?" Marley questioned. "Your families are acquainted? But Orea doesn't have a family, right?"

Orea gripped her spoon tightly, trying to control her temper. Minwoo raised an eyebrow. If Marley ever found out which family Orea came from, she would probably kneel and beg for mercy. But he kept quiet.

"You know her brother?" Myung questioned. Orea shot a warning glare at him but Myung ignored her.

"I do," Minwoo said, feeling a little alert. "Why?"

"It's so weird that all the parents and guardians of the students meet up with the teachers," Myung said out loud. "But Orea's brother doesn't. I wonder if he treats her right. Does he, Orea?"

"My brother is the best brother in the world!" she said hotly. "I know what you're thinking but he's just a busy man! Why are you so interested in my personal life?"

"Because you're hiding something!" Myung accused. "I know you are!"

Both of them glared at each other, the tension between them only increasing. Minwoo was alarmed while Marley grinned in satisfaction. So Orea was lying about something, huh? She finally found her weapon.

"I'm not lying," Orea stated. "My brother is simply busy and can't always make time for me. But he's very protective and kind. Stop interfering in my life!"

"Myung, you are going too far," Minwoo commented. "It's her life. Let her decide how to live."

But Myung was not convinced. There was something Orea was hiding and he must find out to protect her. No matter what happened, he had to know whether she was safe with her brother or not.

"Your lies will only hurt the people who truly care for you," he finally said.

"I don't care about you nor this cheap harlot who hangs out with you all the time!" Orea exclaimed. 

"What the fuck?" Marley growled but Orea shoved her untouched plate of food aside and ran off into the woods to clear her head. Myung wanted to follow her but his ego held him back. Minwoo ran after her, shouting her name while Marley was inwardly happy.

Success! She thought in glee.


Orea was not sure which direction she was walking towards but she did not care. Her temper had flared upon hearing Myung's accusations. She wanted to punch him so badly and reveal to him what his family did to her and SD. It took her whole willpower to keep herself from hitting him.

She kept on walking, not caring where she was going. It did not matter to her anyway because she knew how to survive in the woods; it was part of her training anyway. She just wanted to get away from Myung.

Suddenly, she paused in her steps. Her instincts were on high alert and she was carefully scanning her surroundings.

It's too quiet, she realized. Orea looked down and saw a few pebbles lying around. Whistling loudly, she pretended to stoop.

"What a pretty pebble!" she squealed, not letting her guard down for a minute. She felt someone was approaching her, soundless and stealthy in their steps. 

"Wonder what'll happen when I…"

She abruptly turned and threw the pebble into the pitch dark shadows under a tree. There was a sharp cry of pain and several bushes rustled around her. Undeterred, she stood at her spot, waiting for the assailants to emerge.

One by one, a group of men in masks began to appear in front of her. Orea only sighed.

"You guys are really unlucky," she said, flexing her knuckles.. "Coz I'm very pissed off today."

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