Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 154 - Come Back To Me

Sunye was staring at the map in front of her, feeling conflicted. True to his words, SD had given her the map to the Aberville Prison. Admittedly, she was curious about the prison and studied the map. 

It was one of the most dangerous and secure prisons in the world. She had visited the prison quite a few times to interrogate criminals but was allowed to be in only a specified section. The guards would follow her around but they were not simply keeping an eye on her. They knew their way around the prison and it was easy for any wanderer to get lost in it. 

Song Tamlin was not an easy many to work with. He was demanding and strict but Sunye was one of the people he had trusted. She handled his daughter's case, managing to punish the culprits who had once assaulted her in a drugges state. After that, Song Tamlin trusted her, handing her many of his legal cases and they had a close working relationship.

But she knew that man's mind and how sadistic he could be when he wanted to. The Aberville Prison was planned by that man. Tamlin had based it on his own personal torture building for his enemies and designed an impenetrable fort which could not be accessible by anyone so easily. The mazes he had created were to keep the prisoners trapped in there for the rest of their lives.

Moreover, there were rumors of death traps all over the prison making it nearly impossible for the prisoners to escape. Anyone who tried to escape without a knowledge of the map could fall into any one of these traps and die. 

But there was a loophole. It was a minor one but if executed properly, a prisoner can escape.

Is this alright? Sunye questioned herself. How could she let these dangerous criminals escape? And then there was SD's confession…

He killed Lim Byungsoo and framed Hyun for it, using Sunye in the process. She was still trying to wrap her head around the whole thing. Her heart was conflicted, questioning where her loyalties lay.

Was it with the law she was supposed to uphold? Or with SD, whom she had fallen in love with?

Sunye's hands were clammy with sweat and she abruptly stood up, pacing in her room. SD had gone out again, leaving her alone in the apartment. It was probably best if he did not come in front of her for a while because she was not sure if she could face him.

"I can't do this…" she whispered. "I…UGH!"

Sunye no longer knew what was wrong and right. Her mind was a mess with a mixture of guilt and sadness. Guilt for covering SD's crimes, sadness that she could not protect him from himself. She buried her face in her hands, trying to stop the tears but they were flowing freely from her eyes.

"If you fail this test, then you'll never see me again…"

His words were haunting her. She knew that he meant them but she meant her own words too. She could keep secrets and even lie but she wanted him to be truthful to her. 

Sunye glanced at the map and bit her lip. That thing was going to decide the fate of their relationship. A simple piece of paper.

But what if…? Her thoughts trailed off. She wanted to know the truth from him but what if the truth was even more sinister?

"There really is no other way," she whispered. "What the hell are you up to, SD? Why is this mission so important to you? Why risk your life?"

She asked the question over and over again but got no answer. Finally, she gave up and lay on the bed, thinking how to give the map to Jonghyun without arousing suspicion. 

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. It was a dangerous and wild plan but after living with SD for months, her mind was automatically coming up with such chaotic ideas. She was sure that he would not approve of it but it was the only thing she could come up with.

"Twenty four hours, huh?" she said out loud. "Let's do this then."



Eight, who was lying on the tiny bed, looked up to see a guard glaring at him.

"Wha' is it?" he groaned. "Why are ya disturbin' me so early fo'?"

"You have a visitor," the guard said in a gruff tone. Eight frowned and got up, scratching his butt. He let out a loud yawn and wore his uniform. He washed up and then followed the guard outside to the visitor's room.

The room was separated by a solid partition of glass and concrete. A cement wall carried a large, thick glass on it, separating the visitors from the prisoners. It was divided into smaller booths with telephones. It was the only way the prisoners could communicate with the visitors since they were not allowed to take anything from them.

Eight entered the room in handcuffs. A few guards stood there, watching the prisoners. As soon as he entered, his eyes fell on a fair girl around his age with wild curly hair and a round chubby face. She was dressed in a casual white dress, looking like a pretty fairy. The girl stood up when he entered, revealing a bump on her stomach.

"Ailee!" Eight exclaimed in joy. Kim Ailee was the love of his life. They met when he was working undercover in a mission at a restaurant and even after the mission ended, they stayed in their relationship. For her safety, the Leader had her move to Locos as a server instead so that she could be protected. 

"Eight…" she whispered, her eyes welled up in tears of joy. Eight immediately sat on a chair and picked up the phone. Ailee sat on the opposite end, picking up a phone too.

"Are ya alrigh'?" he asked her. "'ow did you get 'ere? The Leader told ya not to come!"

"SD made it possible," she assured him. "I…"

Eight watched helplessly as she sobbed in front of him. He wanted to wipe her tears but the damn glass was separating them.

"I'm always so worried about you!" Ailee confessed. "I don't know what I'm gonna do if you don't come out!"

"Ya know I miss you too, babe," Eight told her. "I think of ya everyda'! It's crazy in here bu' only ya keep me sane in 'ere…An' yer very far along too…"

He looked at her baby bump, feeling guilty and sad for leaving her alone in this. She must be struggling a lot without him and he was tormented by the fact that he was not being able to support her. Before going to prison, he had asked SD to give her all the money he had saved. It was a lot of money and Ailee would be provided for but he was still yearning to be with her and their unborn child.

Ailee patted her baby bump.

"SD told me that you'll get out of prison soon," she whispered with a smile. "I don't know how he'll do it, but I know he can prove that you're innocent!"

Eight did not tell her of their real plans but SD's words meant the law for them. He knew that if SD said that he would get him out, then he would do everything he could to break him out of prison.

"And there's something else," Ailee said. She was crying but those were tears of joy. Her wide smile meant that she had something really happy to share with him.

"It's a girl," she revealed. "We're having a girl!"

Eight gripped the phone tightly, unable to hold back his own tears. His lover and child were right in front of him and he could not even hug them. He felt like smashing the glass and reach over to Ailee to kiss her but there was little he could do at that moment.

"I'll be ou'," he promised. "When ya'll be giving birth to ou' daughter, I'll be by yer side to hol' yer hand! Ya'll see me cradlin' our daughter when ya wake up. The first thing she'll see is her mum and dad togethe'."

He was now more determined than ever to be with his family. Ailee was crying but she nodded, believing in him.

"Come back to me," she sobbed.. "Safe and sound. Please!"

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