Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 2 - Damn The Doctor


She ran through the long corridor, screaming on the top of her lungs. The large men were chasing her. They held guns and rifles, shooting down anyone in their sight. Her heart was thumping hard and she ran with all her might, avoiding the bullets passing by her. She heard a scream and blood spilled on her. Someone was shot and probably dead but she did not stop to see who it was.​​

"San!" she yelled through the chaos. "San, where are you?"

I must protect him, she thought wildly. Her little feet ran as fast as they could but her strength was wearing out. The attackers were catching up to her and very soon, they would kill her too.

But she must find San. She must!

Suddenly, her foot caught on to a carpet and she tripped.

"AHHHH!" she screamed and fell over. She heard something crack. Her rib was broken by the fall.

A shadow fell on her. Trembling, she slowly looked up.

"So little."

The cold voice was low but she heard him clearly amidst the explosions of the guns.

"So little and yet, you won't get to live for long," the man whispered.

She could not see the man's face clearly and the pain from her chest was too much for her to handle. Those cold hands held her chin up.

"Goodbye, little one," he declared. The gun was pressed to her temple and she closed her eyes, awaiting death.


The gunshot echoed through the thundering corridors. She opened her eyes to find the man gone.

Smoke was emitting from somewhere. Her vision was fogged by the thick fog and she coughed hard. She tried to adjust her eyes to see clearly.

A lone figure stood in front of her. It was a tiny silhouette of a boy who was no older than her. Her dark eyes met his, their gazes not wavering. He was holding a gun and there was a rage in his eyes which scared her.

She glanced sideways and to her shock, the man who was about to kill her, lay dead. The girl glanced back at the boy but he had disappeared.

Darkness began to descend in front of her as people around her were running here and there, looking for safety or being shot down.

As she lost consciousness, her lips only called out for him.

"San…" she whispered before everything went pitch black.

Sunye awoke with a start. The room was dark and for a moment, she thought she had gone blind. To her relief, she was in her bedroom.

She ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm herself. It was just a dream, she told herself. Just a dream.

She got off the bed and walked toward the bathroom. Turning on the tap, she washed her face and looked into the mirror. Staring back at her was a woman in her early thirties with her silky brown hair was tied into a ruffled braid. The pitch black eyes stared back at her while her usually smooth, porcelain like skin was sullen due to the overtime work she had been doing.

Sunye sighed, lamenting at the dark circles beneath her eyes. Making a mental note to schedule an appointment at the salon, she went back to her room. She doubted that she could sleep anymore after the lovely dream she just had so she decided to finish some pending work.

Picking up the remote, she turned on the news channel while scanning her desk for a case file.

"President Rihan of Country B has been found dead after suffering from an alleged heart attack," the news anchor stated. "But the pro-government forces claim it was a poisoning by the rebels who had stormed the capital and had sworn in their leader Ermin as the new President…"

Sunye frowned at the news before shrugging it off and focusing on the file in her hands. The case she was looking into was about a doctor who had been defrauding the elderly by putting them under forced surgeries which they did not need. The family of the victims accused the doctor of stealing his patients' money and also naming himself as their legal guardian through fraudulent methods.

At first, Sunye had hoped it was an open and shut case but there was little proof to charge him. The elderly patients were sane when they made the wills and transferred the power of attorney. Furthermore, not all the patients had died right after the surgery but months after it, making it even more difficult to press charges against the doctor.

"Such a pain," she muttered. As the prosecutor handling the case, she felt responsible for ensuring justice to the criminal.

Unfortunately, in court, the truth did not win but whatever won there, became the truth.

Her phone beeped. It was her assistant, Kangmin.

"Madam!" his childish tone came from the other end. A fresh college graduate, Kangmin recently became her assistant. Enthusiastic and eager to learn, Kangmin was smart but lacked some professional tidbits which Sunye was trying to train him in.

"Madam, the evidence against the doctor has been submitted by the police!" he informed her. "As per your instructions, I've put it away in the safe."

"Did you use gloves while handling it?" Sunye asked sharply. "Last time, your fingerprints were all over the package. I had to go through a painful process of explaining to the cops that it was a mistake."

"I did!" Kangmin said at once. "I used gloves!"

"Good," Sunye commented. "I'll look into it tomorrow."

With that, she hung up the phone and leaned back against her chair. Right next to her was the picture of a happy family of a dark eyed man in his early late twenties, a green eyed woman and both were holding a pair of twins.

Sunye smiled at the picture. It was of her brother Jiwon and his wife Mirae along with their newborns. After losing their parents, Jiwon and Sunye were separated by circumstances, leading to Sunye losing her memories. They had only reunited last year under the most unusual conditions and once again, their time was cut short when Jiwon had to flee the country for his family's safety. In the process, her memories had returned and she was able to close one painful chapter of her life.

She recalled all the pain they had to go through and everything they had overcome. It was a miracle that Jiwon managed to live through all the difficulties in his life but he deserved his happy ending with his wife.

Her eyes then fell on an envelope right next to the picture and she sighed in annoyance. Picking up the envelope, she took out the letter in it.

Inside the letter, was only one short sentence written in neat cursive.

"Time to pay up, hun."

It was all that was written. There was no name nor any address but Sunye knew who it was. There was only one man who would send a letter like that to her.


"Damn that doctor," she muttered, throwing away the envelope.

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