Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 26 - The Cruise (5)

SD quietly made his way towards the lower third deck where the place was swarming with foreigners whom he immediately recognized as Yakuza members. They were beady eyes, keeping an eye out for any intruder. SD was sure they were hiding weapons beneath their jackets and were ready to open fire at anyone they perceived to be a threat.

"SD, there is one Yakuza member heading your way," Orea's voice came from a transmitter. "You've got to paralyze him and take his clothes and ID!"​​

"Is there any secluded room nearby?" he muttered. Orea scanned the area on her monitor.

"There is one near the southern corner where the guy is heading," she informed him. "Go there and hide until he arrives."

SD stealthily crept towards the location she had mentioned and entered the dark room, waiting for the man to come closer. He heard footsteps outside the room.

"He's alone," Orea said. "He's got his back to the door! Now!"

Within a flash, SD pounced on the man and injected a paralyzing agent into his neck. The man, caught unaware, tried to break free but SD was an expert in hand to hand combat. He held the man's mouth and injected the entire liquid into him, holding him hostage until he was completely still.

"SD, the Yakuza men will come over if they don't find their comrade back at his station within five minutes," Orea warned. "You better change into his clothes quickly!"

He did not need to be told twice. Pulling the man into the room, he took off his clothes and exchanged it with the unconscious guard's suit. He put on dark lenses and a beard to hide his face. Taking out a bald cap, he put it on to complete the disguise. He searched the pockets of the guard and took out the ID.

"Do you have the bag?" Orea asked.

"Right here," SD said, indicating a waist bag he was carrying. He hid it behind his shirt, carefully concealing it. He also spotted something else in the guard's pockets.

"Mmm a wallet?" he wondered. Checking it, he found some cash and also a few business cards. He pocketed it all. There was also a small gun in his pocket. It was not much but it would do.

"Are you stealing from petty guards now?" Orea asked in dismay.

"Survival of the fittest," SD shrugged. He stuffed the body into a nearby closet and locked it properly before leaving the room to head for the open deck.

The other guards did not question him as he passed by but he hoped that no one would ask for his ID. Thankfully, the men did not. Many of them were unaware of the appearances of their own members since they were all petty criminals, who were recruited from the streets. There was little coordination amongst them and they were simply guarding the deck from rival gangs.


SD froze in place when he heard someone calling him. He slowly turned around to find a guard heading his way.

Should I kill him? He wondered but immediately discarded the thought. There were too many guards around and he could not risk exposing himself. The guard came close, his narrow eyes scrutinizing SD. The latter kept his cool and stared back, thinking of how to escape this situation.

"Go to the third lower deck," the guard ordered him. "And keep an eye on the prisoner."


Through the secret transmitter, Orea heard the phrase and frowned. They had a prisoner? She immediately began to navigate the ship, hacking into the CCTV cameras. Numerous footage appeared on screen and she gasped when she saw one of the cameras where an unconscious SUnye was being dragged towards the lower deck.

"SD, they have Sunye!" she spoke through the speaker. "They caught her in the study! She must have discovered their plot!"

On the deck, SD heard her. He kept a calm demeanor upon hearing the news.

"Understood," he said. "I will go there right away."

The guard nodded. SD obediently turned around and headed for the third lower deck. The path to the lower deck was secured with electronic doors which were accessible only for the guards and the ship's crew. He used the ID to open the door and entered a long corridor which was swarming with Yakuza's men.

"She's not in the room with the drugs," Orea told him. "That room is at the very end of this corridor. She's in the second room in the north wing."

SD did not reply to her but headed for the end of the corridor. Sunye would have to wait. He knew she could handle the Yakuza by herself. The Finance Minister would not risk hurting her when she came with the son of Prime Minister Lee.

"Are you really not gonna save her first?" Orea asked. She was very curious about his uncharacteristic decision. Was he not worried about that woman's safety?

"She'll handle them on her own," he murmured, walking along the corridor. He passed the guards, not avoiding their gaze to avoid suspicion. Finally reaching the room with the drugs, he looked around. The guards were alert and he was sure that none of them were allowed to enter that room. Any open break in attempt could end up with SD being shot by fifty guards. All he had to do was wait.

Orea typed away on her computer to hack into the ship's main system. Thankfully, her attempts had gone undiscovered since the Finance Minister did not think that a teenager could have the skills to take over his high tech computers. She rewired the lighting system in that corridor, causing mini electric shocks to coarse through the system.

"3…" she counted. "2...1…"

The lights of that corridor burst and a fire broke out. The guards did not panic but shouted at each other instructions on how to put out the fire. They ran to fetch the extinguishers, using them to control the fire which would spread rapidly if not put out instantly.

Smoke engulfed the area and the guards were coughing. None of them noticed SD sliding into the drug room.

"You have three minutes to steal the drugs!" Orea warned him. "The box is in that room and you'll need the code to open it! I still need time to decode it-"

"I know the code," SD shrugged.

"EHHHH? How?"

SD smirked and walked towards the secret trapdoor where the minister had hidden the drugs. It was locked with a password. He calmly put in the code he had guessed.

"SD, if you fail to open it then the alarms will go off and the guards will blow your head off!" Orea warned him as he typed in the numbers. "You can't just write random numbers!"

"They're not random," he said in a smug tone and pressed enter. Orea waited for the alarms to ring and held her ears in fear.

There was a loud click sound and the door flew open. Inside it, was a box.

"How did you know the password?" she asked in shock.

"It's Lim Byungsoo's birthday," SD revealed. "Romantic, isn't it?"

"And stupid," Orea muttered. But she was also smirking. First step of their mission was a success.

"Now for the second step," SD said. He took out the box and opened it. Taking out the drugs, he placed them on the floor before whisking out the waist bag. Inside it, was a bunch of packets with white crystals in it. He replaced the fake crystals with the real ones, putting the drugs into the waist bag.

Putting the fake drugs into the box and placing it back inside the trapdoor, he locked it.

"Now, for the second step," he said. "After this, our work here is finished."

Picking up the box, he headed for the window nearby. As soon as he opened it, a cold wind gushed inside.

"What a beautiful night," he sighed. He wished he could admire the full moon night and the breezy sea but he still had to finish his work. Pushing the box through the window, he threw it into the deep sea.

He watched as the box drowned deep into the sea, disappearing completely from sight.

"Now get out of there," Orea instructed. "Our client's swimmers have already gotten hold of the box from underwater. I received their alert."

SD smoothly exited the room. Outside, no one had noticed his intrusion as they were busy putting out the fire. He quietly exited the corridor.

"Our work is done!" Orea announced. "The boat is waiting for you-"

"I still have one more thing left," SD cut through her words."But first, I need you to do one more thing."


Back at the party, Jonghyun was looking for Sunye who had disappeared. Where is she? He wondered.

His phone rang up. He took it out to see a message. It was an unknown number.

"Han Sunye has been kidnapped by Yakuza and is in the northern part of the third lower deck. Sav her if you can."

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