Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 82 - An Eye For An Eye

Sunye stirred and opened her eyes. She was lying on SD's couch, tucked under a blanket. Rubbing her eyes, she groggily looked around for him but he was nowhere to be seen. 

"SD?" she called out loud but there was no response. She got off the couch and immediately fell back. Her head hurt and she was hungover.

"UGH!" she groaned in pain, massaging her temples. Her alcohol tendency was low and even a little bit of beer could cause her to become very drunk but last night, she just needed a drink. And a friend.

Putting her head on her knees, she waited for the pain to go away.

"Here, have this."

She looked up to see Orea standing in front of her, holding a glass of water and medicines. 

"He left this for you," she said, handing Sunye the tablets and the glass. 

"Where is he anyway?" Sunye asked.

"His boss called," Orea replied. When Sunye looked confused, Orea added, "Lee Jonghyun. The guy called him and he had to leave early."

Sunye's shoulders fell. But then again, what did she expect? That he would stay back for her?

Yes, a sly voice in her head replied. You wanted him to stay with you.

Shaking her head in denial, Sunye turned to Orea. "You…" she began. "How are you exactly related to SD?"

"My parents died when I was three years old so SD raised me," she shrugged. "They were part of the Light as well."

"The Light?"

"The Age of Light," Orea revealed. "An organization which is known for its illuminating techniques to sell information to the world."

"A cult?"

"A corporate," Orea corrected. "But it's the same thing. We work in the shadows while bringing only the true and authentic information to the people who pay us for it. Sometimes the information is used for the wellbeing of people, while other times, it can cause millions to die."

Sunye was not sure how to react to that. She had known that SD was involved in many shady deals but she had tried to turn a blid eye to them. But hearing it from this girl, only made her more uncomfortable.

Orea sensed her apprehension. She sighed and took out a blade. Sunye frowned when Orea handed it to her.

"Take it," Orea said. 


"Just take it," Orea repeated. Sunye hesitated, before taking the blade in her hand.

"I gave you the blade, right?" Orea asked.

"Yes," Sunye slowly replied.

"Now, you have several options," Orea explained. "You can either put the blade down or use it to cut your veins. Or…"

She paused dramatically. "You can also kill someone with it," she revealed. "Am I right?"

"I don't want to kill!" Sunye frowned.

"But you can if you choose to," Orea stated. "Now, if you choose violence with this blade, who's to blame? The one who handed you the blade or you who wielded it?"

"Me," Sunye said, finally realizing what Orea meant. "Because I chose to kill someone with it."

"Bingo!" Orea exclaimed. "We only hand over the weapon because we've been paid to do so. What people do with the weapon, is up to them. We don't think of right or wrong. No one can blame us for doing our jobs! It's the same thing with you lawyers. At court, you don't look at what's right or wrong. There's an accused, a defense and a prosecution. The lawyers present their cases, without thinking of whether it's right or wrong. You don't think about whether the person is innocent or not. You only think of the facts in front of you and fight for your own sides. It's up to the law to decide the innocent or guilty verdict."

Sunye stared at the blade in her hands. Orea might be younger than her but it was obvious that the girl had seen a very different side of life than her. Sunye had been taught ideals and morals by which she should live. She was taught not to send an innocent to jail but then again, how could she decide who was guilty and who was not?

"You should go and freshen up," Orea suggested. "You can use the idiot's bathroom. He's not gonna be home for hours anyway. By any chance, if he comes home early and somehow ends up going to the bathroom while you're using it, just remember that there's a baseball bat in there. Just hit him on the head with it and you can knock him out. I've laid out some clothes for you on his bed. I think I got your size right? Lemme know if you need smaller clothes."

Sunye stared at her, wide eyed in shock. The girl spoke of violence in such a casual manner that it scared Sunye. Orea winked and got off the couch to prepare breakfast. Sunye hesitated before heading towards SD's room which was upstairs.

She entered the familiar room and found that Orea had put some clothes and toiletries for her use. Entering the bathroom, she put down the clothes and toiletries. She brushed her teeth with a spare toothbrush Orea had given her and washed her face. 

The fact that she was not only in SD's house but using his bathroom as well, made her feel strange. Looking around his lavish bathroom, she could not help but admire his taste.It was made of mahogany wood. The walls, floor, sink and even the tub was made of smooth wood which had a raw, musky scent. The shower space was encased by foggy glass and stood on a mini platform made of cream color marble. 

Feeling a little curious, she opened the shelf behind the mirror. The last time she was there, she did not really take a good look at his hidden personality. For her, he was always chaotic and impulsive but her father used to say that if you want to know about a man's personality, then take a good look at how well he keeps his house.

Everything was arranged in a neat line according to his daily needs. In fact, he even labeled them according to their usage. The shampoos were lined on one rack while the soaps on another. The face washes were the most used which were kept on the middle rack but something caught her attention.

There was a box labeled as medicine. She took it and opened the box. Inside it were eye drops and tablets which were all for eye treatment. Some of them she had recognized were for post surgery eye care because her father used similar medicines when he had to go through a cataract surgery. But the rest seemed very advanced…

Was something wrong with his eyes? She wondered. Then she realized that she was inadvertently prying too much into his life. 

This is wrong! She scolded herself and put the box back at its place exactly how she found it. Quickly closing the shelf, she leaned against the sink, her heart throbbing hard. She found out something about SD which was unexpected but she decided not to ask him about it. When time was right, he would tell her himself.

But it was not enough to placate her heart. She did not know why but a slow dread was rising up in her chest. Was she concerned for him? It was hard for her to tell. But she did not want him to be sick either.

His words from last night were now coming back to her. 

"You're playing with fire, Han Sunye," he had said. Was she? Was she playing with fire? Or were both of them already burning in a fire but they were not aware of it?


SD was rolling the chair to and fro on purpose. The woman in front of him was busy scribbling something on a notepad, ignoring him but he was bored. There were heaps of files on her desk so he tried to peek through one of them.


"Ow!" SD complained, massaging his palm. The woman had slapped his hand away without even looking up.

"I'm bored!" he complained.

"Suck it up!" she shot back, making SD sulk. She was in her fifties with a long, oval shaped face and messy curly hair which was tied in a bun. Behind her were eye charts and medical equipment. The room was completely white with a few shelves lined up against the wall while a bed was placed on one corner with curtains around it. The woman wore a white lab coat and a nametag was visible on her chest which read Jung Aera.

"Dr. Jung," SD whined. "I'm bored. Can I go home and hang out with my Sunye?"


SD pouted and put his chin on the table like a little child. Finally, the doctor was done with her writing and looked at SD. She looked grim and very serious.

"I told you that the surgery was going to be dangerous for you in the long run," she stated. "And yet, you didn't listen to me."

"Is it going to kill me?" SD asked lazily.

"No," Kim replied. "But it's going to rob you of your sight! I told you that the iris transplant was dangerous! What you did was not an ordinary surgery! It's one of the most dangerous surgeries in the world and yet, you insisted on changing your eye color completely..."

SD shrugged and rolled the chair around.

"I'm talking to you!" she scolded him. "This is serious! A few more months and that's it. Your eyesight will be completely gone!"

"How many months?" SD asked absentmindedly.

Aera hesitated before replying, "24 months. That's only 2 years."

"Plenty of time left then," SD smirked. "As quoted by one of my favorite actors, life should be big not long…"

The doctor threw a pen at him which he dodged. "Stop quoting foreign movies and be serious for once!" she barked. "I'll increase the dosage of the medicine but you'll feel more drowsy. Be sure to take the medicines on time otherwise your eye will start to bleed and we'll have to do another surgery on it."

"Yeah yeah," SD said. He got up to leave when the doctor asked, "The old man is not pleased by the progress. He disapproves of your chaotic ways."

SD smirked and turned around to say, "Then we'll become more chaotic."

He winked before leaving the doctor who could only helplessly shake her head. 

"When will this kid stop his useless pursuit?" she wondered out loud.

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