Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 84 - Courtroom Arc (1)

SD pulled up in front of the court. Jonghyun was sitting on the backseat, watching the crowd outside.

"It seems the reporters are having a field day," he murmured.

"I have informed the security guards to take care of them," SD stated. "But you know how the media is. They're waiting for the verdict."

"Will we get a verdict today?" Jonghyun asked.

"It depends on how the case will proceed," SD sighed, fixing his glasses. "The Prime Minister specifically requested for the verdict to be given out today but the legal system is complex. Moreover, the judge in charge is not easily swayed. If the Prosecution can convince him that the former Finance Minister is guilty, then he'll give the verdict today. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for days."

"Considering the media circus, he should be giving out the verdict today," Jonghyun said. "Let's see."

Outside, a large group of reporters had gathered to click pictures and report the hourly events to the public. Cameras flashed away as they clicked pictures of the judge and the Defense team which had arrived.

Judge Jeon barely stepped out of his car when the reporters swooped down on him like vultures.

"Sir, will the Finance Minister be punished today?" one reporter asked.

"Do you think he can get away?"

"The entire public wants him to be punished! Do you think that there's enough evidence to prosecute him?"

Judge Jeon ignored all their questions and made his way towards the courtroom. Meanwhile, a police van pulled up behind him. A group of policemen were guiding a handcuffed Hyun to the courtroom. The reporters changed their target and went straight towards Hyun who was trying to hide his face.

"Will you be jailed today?" One reporter demanded.

"Aren't you ashamed of what you did?"

The police were irritated by the reporters who were blocking their way, pushing them. They yelled at the reporters to move but the pesky media was adamant on getting their hands on juicy gossip. Hyun felt himself being roughly dragged by the cops. Someone put a sack over his head to cover his face and he was shackled by chains while being escorted by the police team.The flashing lights of the cameras were blinding him and he could not tell where he was being led to.

"Get away from here!" One of the cops yelled. His subordinates struggled to shoo away the reporters and finally, they managed to drive them off. The reporters were forced to back away by the large groups of cops but they still crowded outside the court to give out their reports.

Jonghyun watched it all from the comforts of his car while SD was impassive. "Should we enter the court?" SD asked.

"We're not allowed to," Jonghyun muttered. "This is a going to be a closed courtroom case. No jury. Only one judge, the accused and the lawyers. Sunye is alone in there."

"Surely, Ms. Han will win today, right sir?" 

SD shot the question directly at Jonghyun to see his reaction. He frowned when Jonghyun was silent. As an information broker for so many years, SD had learnt to read people. It was now almost a second nature to him. Jonghyun did not look like a person who wanted her to win. On the contrary he seemed worried for the opposite reason. 

The lines on Jonghyun's face had stiffened and his jaws clenched together while his fingers were fidgeting. SD did not comment but sensed that something was wrong.

"Shall we wait here, sir?" he asked quietly.

"Yes," Jonghyun replied. "We will wait here."

That we will, SD added in his thoughts.

Inside the court, Sunye sat alone in the large courtroom. The case was going to be held in another room but she wanted to get some peace and quiet before appearing in front of the judge. The large courtroom was soothing and calmed her nerves. For some reason, she felt more at home at court than anywhere else.

Her hands were wrapped around the empty coffee cup. This was the biggest case of her career and yet, she did not feel afraid nor nervous. On the contrary, she felt a burst of energy which was inexplicable. 

The outcome was not clear. She might not even win but strangely, it did not matter to her. But then again, what did?

She took out her phone and dialed the number of the only person she could think of.

Yang was in his office, reading some documents when his phone rang up. His lips curled into a genuine smile when he saw the caller ID and picked up the phone.

"Hello Sunye," he greeted. "I've heard you're the Prosecutor in Shin Hyun's trial. I expect you're nervous."

"On the contrary, sir, I'm not," Sunye admitted. "I feel the exact opposite. Strangely energetic and chaotic."

"Isn't that a good thing?" her former mentor asked. "After all, nervousness is the enemy of a lawyer."

"So is too much energy," Sunye sighed. "But I don't know why...this case feels more personal."

It was hard to describe it in words but she felt as if she needed to fight this case not simply for punishing a criminal but rather for herself. As if this case was going to change her life and she did not even know how.

"What is the one thing I've always taught you, Sunye?" he asked.

"That winning isn't important but the battle is," she recalled and smiled. "I remember."

"Channel your energy into the battle," he advised. "The enemy in front of you isn't the defense team nor the judge. You yourself are your worst enemy. The moment you let your doubts take over, you're doomed. So fight like you are defeating your doubts. Fight until you fully believe that the accused is guilty and there is no scope for negotiations in your heart. None."

Sunye took a deep breath and nodded. She needed to hear that from him. She must fight her own doubts.

"Thanks sir," she said, feeling grateful. "I'll do as you said."

"Go break a leg, kid," he smiled and hung up. Sunye stood up and turned to leave the room. Feeling more charged, she was ready to fight the long battle.


Orea was pretending to concentrate in class. The teacher was blabbing something she did not care about but feigned to keep her attention on him while she listened to the news using a hidden earbud. Her thick hair curtained the earbud in her right ear.

"The Finance Minister has been summoned to the court today where his trial would begin," the reporter was saying. "He has been charged for killing his lover and for soliciting drugs among the youth. Prime Minister Lee has made it clear that Shin Hyun will not be a part of his cabinet anymore and that he will be barred from entering politics for the rest of his life…"

Suddenly, a paper ball fell on her lap. Startled, she looked down and discreetly picked it up.

"Let's bunk."

She frowned and glanced at Myung who signalled her with his eyes. Orea peeked at the teacher who was going on and on about some math formula which she was sure she could do in her sleep. She already had her phone and wallet in her pocket, the only things she would need for the day. Without any hesitation, she raised her hand.

"Sir, I need to use the washroom," she said.

"Hurry up then," the teacher told her. Orea nodded and headed out of the classroom. She hid behind a wall, waiting for Myung to come out. A few minutes later, he casually strolled out, carrying a note.

"How did you manage to get out?" she whispered.

"Threw a paper ball at the teacher's head," he shrugged. "He told me to go to the principal with a note."

Orea wanted to facepalm herself. Why didn't I think of that? She wondered.

He led her to the school's storage area which was mostly used to keep junk. It was old and quite dusty. Orea sneezed upon entering the place.

"Why are we here?" she winced. 

"To escape of course," Myung shrugged. Passing by the series of shelves, he took a right turn and stooped down. There was a large box covering part of a wall. He pushed it aside and revealed a small trap door which led outside. Pushing the door, he opened it.

"This leads straight out of the gates," he winked. "Ladies first-"

Orea did not waste any time and crawled out of the space. Her tiny figure easily fit in and she was able to hoise herself out. Myung waited for her to leave, trying not to concentrate on her smooth white legs…

"Freedom!" Orea exclaimed as if she had escaped a prison. "This feels so great!"

Myung climbed out of the hole and stood next to her. She was very happy upon escaping the dull school for the day, ready to enjoy her free time by trying to hack into Sam's system again.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go home and take care of some stuff!" she said cheerfully and was about to walk away but Myung held her by the collar, pulling her back.

"Home?" he asked sharply. "Why are you going home?"

"Hey!" Orea protested. "Let me go!"

"I didn't break us out of school so that you can go home," he said. 

"Oh yes!" she groaned. "Our project. We have to finish that."

Myung blinked. Was this girl mad? She was focused on the project? How did her mind work? Did it work at all?

"So what do we do?" she asked. "Shall we go to a hotel?"

"H-h-hotel?" Myung was shocked. What the hell? 

"Yeah," she shrugged. "We have to check out their guest registration system, right? For our software."

"Oh, that."

Myung was suddenly irritated. He pinched her arm causing her to squeal.

"OWWW!" She cried. "What the hell?"

"We're not gonna work!" he told her. "It's our free time. We'll go out and have fun."

"Sounds like a pain," she groaned. "I'm going home-"

But Myung grabbed her collar and dragged her away, ignoring her protests. 

"Just so you know, if I don't listen to me BTS oppas for a day, I'll die!" she warned. 

"Die then."

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