Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 87 - Courtroom Arc (3)

Sunye was reading the documents she had received from the Defense team and was stunned. The transactions were made by NGO's and unfortunately, the NGO's were thorough with their accountability. All the transactions were properly audited and verified which meant that the money Hyun received were clean. 

"Damn it!" she cursed and threw the papers away. This was now very complicated. If it was proven that the money Hyun received from these NGO's were not used to buy drugs, then the case would fall apart. He could get off on a technicality and be released. The government would become a laughing stock and Sunye might lose her reputation.

She hesitated before picking up her phone. Oh what the hell! She conceded. Against her better judgment, she dialed the demon's number.

SD was with Jonghyun. They were still in the car which was beginning to annoy even the mild mannered SD. Jonghyun was simply doing some other work on his tab, not moving from his spot at all while SD sat at the driver's seat like an idiot.

I wanna play with my little minx! He moaned inwardly. He was missing his usual routine of annoying Sunye at her court hearings. Sitting in a car with his half-brother was not his favorite pastime.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. Taking it out, he suppressed a smile. It was Sunye.

"Is it someone important?" Jonghyun asked when he heard SD's phone vibrate.

"It's my girlfriend," SD lied smoothly. 

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend," Jonghyun frowned. "When did that happen?"

"We've been together for eight years but are quite private people," SD stated. "If you may excuse me…"

"Not at all!" Jonhyun said. "You can talk to her here. I'll put on headphones."

Fucking idiot! SD cursed in his head. Jonghyun was an overly suspicious person and he was not going to let his secretary leave his sight even for a second. There was only one way to talk to Sunye in that situation.

"Alright sir," SD nodded and picked up the phone.

"Hi darling," SD greeted. "I'll be home late tonight. Do you want me to pick something up on the way home?"

"Who the hell are you calling darling?" Sunye frowned. "Do you wanna die?"

"Me?" SD went on. "I'm at work right now. With my boss."

Sunye immediately understood that Jonghyun might be close by and SD could not take the risk of talking to her directly. 

"What do you want me to pick up?" SD asked, still keeping up the ruse. "Prawn soup?"

"The Defense lawyer just turned all of Byungsoo's transactions to Hyun into NGO donations," Sunye revealed. "The offshore accounts Byungsoo used turned out to be from several NGO's who sent the money to Hyun in order to work on several development projects. I checked the documents and unfortunately, the fact has been verified. If it turns out that Hyun did not use this money to buy drugs, he'll be acquitted."

She was going through her own papers when she found something. Country I…

"There might be something!" She exclaimed. "I have a document here which states that Byungsoo sent money to a few accounts in Country I. The Defense doesn't know about this one! They missed it. Can you find out if this account was used to purchase drugs?"

"Ahh you want Irish stew for lunch," SD said. "I can make that myself, dear. Oh? You want it from that restaurant we visited last time? Alright. I think I'll order it for you. The delivery man should be able to deliver it by…"

He checked his watch. It was 11:30 AM. "Half an hour," he said. "That'll be fine, right?"

"Twenty minutes," Sunye urged. "I have till 12 PM."

"Twenty five minutes then," SD stated. "I'll have it sent over as fast as possible."

With that he hung up. Jonghyun, who was merely pretending to listen to music, spoke up.

"Your girlfriend is quite demanding," he remarked.

"Yes, and I like her for it," SD smirked. "It makes her look cute."

"You like overbearing women?" Jonghyun snickered.

"I like opinionated ones," SD carefully shot back. "You see, their feisty nature makes life more interesting."

His fingers were already texting Armin, the current President of Country I. The man may despise SD, but he can't ignore him. He had already seen what SD could do and would never dare to go against him.

"Send me all the information of President Rihan's offshore accounts and if he had any links with Doctor Lim Byungsoo of Country K. Fifteen minutes. Stat!" 

SD ordered via the secret text while his lips were busy chatting with Jonghyun. 

Back in Country I, Armin was busy poring over some documents when his phone beeped. He glanced at it and froze. Why was that man texting him?

His hands were trembling when he picked up the phone to read the text. His eyes widened in shock. What the hell? This could take a long time!

But Armin knew very well that if he did not complete it on time, SD would not stop until the entire country perished. The civil war was merely a teaser. That man could plunge the whole world into a chaos which would kill millions. Armin shuddered when one of his subordinates revealed that SD was not an ordinary man but the right hand man of the leader of the Light.

The Light...even taking the name of that organization was a taboo. If there was one organization which could stand against the Company, it was the Order of the Light. While the Company was made of a small group of elites controlling world events, the Light was completely the opposite. They had no status nor identity. 

No one knew whether they were rich or poor, men or women. Their motto was simple: know everything while knowing nothing. Unlike the Company, they did not deal with petty things like money, gold nor drugs. They were much above that. The Light dealt with information and networks. They bought and sold information which could make or break the world. It made them even more dangerous than the Company and being the right hand man in that organization only meant that SD was one of the most dangerous men in the world.

Sweating profusely, he ordered his secretary to execute the task. She was taken aback by the urgency but seeing how the President was insisting on it, all the staff in the Presidential office abandoned all work to complete this task.

They only had ten minutes left.


Myung drew out a chair for Orea who looked extremely nervous. She looked around as if she was afraid of being caught.

"No one is gonna bite you here," he sneered. "It's just a simple lunch."

Easy for you to say, she winced in her thoughts but did not say it out loud. "I'm just not used to coming to these kind of places," she lied.

"This is not different from the Prime Minister's mansion," Myung shrugged. "Just think of it as an extremely expensive place. That's it. Besides, I booked this whole floor for us. No one's gonna disturb us here."

Orea pursed her lips, trying not to say anything. They were seated at the topmost floor. The large windows overlooked the vast city which lay beneath them. If she was not so nervous, she would have appreciated the view. 

But her insides were squirming and she was unsure of what to do. Her gut instincts were urging her to text SD and beg him to save her but he was occupied at the court. Myung was unaware of her actual problem.

Locos was outwardly a posh restaurant but in reality, it was secretly owned by the leader of the Light. The restaurant was built specifically for the elite class and VVIP's solely to collect valuable information from them. They spoke freely with their clients and partners here while the servers catered to them. The servers were in fact members of the Light who reported back to their bosses at the organization. If the Light found out she was with their enemy, many questions would be raised.

"The menu, sir," a server said as he handed Myung the menu. "And this one is for you, madam."

He handed Orea a menu which she took and mumbled a thanks. Myung cleared his throat.

"I'll have the baked potatoes and Beef Casseroles," he requested. "For drinks, I'll take a pineapple shake. And what will you have, Orea?"

Orea was lost in her thoughts, worried about what she was going to do. Myung clapped his hands near her ears, startling her.

"What are you gonna have?" he repeated.

"I...I…" she trailed off. "I'll have the same as you."

Myung placed their orders and the server left them alone. Orea looked very nervous and Myung misread that she might not be used to such a place.

Should I have taken her elsewhere? He wondered. He chose this place because of its privacy and also the view, thinking that she might enjoy it. But Orea only seemed distracted.

"Orea are you alright-" he was about to ask but the server re-entered with a tray carrying their drinks.

"Two pineapple shakes, sir," the server stated. He put Myung's glass in front of him and then proceeded to put Orea's drink in front of her. Orea briefly glanced at the server putting her drink on the table. His sleeve slightly moved back when he did that and her eyes fell on his tiny blue tiger tattoo. She froze and slowly met the server's eyes.  The warning was clear in them.

We are watching you.

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