Su man comes back from the airport. When she passes the aisle, she finds that the apartment next door that has been empty for a long time seems to have found a buyer. Many people are going in and out. She glanced casually at the door and saw a man carrying her in the house. The man was tall and straight. His well-cut suit wrapped his good figure. At the moment, it seemed that he was directing the porter.

Su man glanced at her and didn't care much. She picked up the key and entered her room.

In the evening, just after dinner, she heard someone playing guitar next door. She thought to herself that she might be the neighbor who just moved in today, so she sat listening to his guitar.

But what surprised her was that although he only played a few songs, each capital was the theme song of well-known films, such as the episode of broken blue bridge, the everlasting friendship, the episode of the godfather, the gentle talk, and the love story of love. To tell the truth, he talked about this song quite well, but only a few people can enjoy this song after all.

Su man curiously walks to the balcony and wants to see her new neighbor. Unfortunately, after she walked out of the balcony, the new neighbor stopped listening and approached the living room with his guitar. Su man still only saw his back.

At more than eight o'clock at night, Ji Mobei called. His voice on the phone was much heavier than usual. Su man heard the change in his tone and asked with concern, "what's the matter? What's the matter?"

Ji Mobei was silent for a moment, and then said seriously, "in fact, it's nothing, but the local thought in Indonesia is more serious. A tourism project invested by Ji here had to be stopped due to the protest of the local people. If the project was really stopped, the more than 1 billion Ji had invested in the project would be wasted."

Su man was worried after hearing this, "then you should be careful there." she didn't know how serious the matter in jimobei was, but the Indonesian people thought seriously, and she was worried that something would happen in jimobei.

Hearing the worry in her tone, Ji Mobei smiled and comforted, "it's all right. After all, it's an investment of more than one billion yuan. If the government here really stops directly, no one will dare to invest in them again. So there is room for maneuver, and I suspect someone... Forget it, it's all right." Ji Mobei suddenly felt that talking to Su man would only make her worry. Instead of doing so, she might as well not talk.

But Su man keenly heard his voice. She didn't understand business. However, she had seen her father talk about business before. He hadn't eaten pork. Hadn't he seen a pig run? Therefore, she vaguely guessed from Ji Mobei's words, "it won't be your opponent's secret trouble?"

Su man, Ji Mobei's opponent, thought of Shen Anlin for the moment.

And Shen Anlin has this motive.

But on reflection, Shen Anlin's hand can't reach that long.

While she secretly excluded Shen Anlin from her mind, Ji Mobei broke another piece of fierce news, "I guess you may think Shen Anlin did it. But I got a call from Nicole today. He told me that Shen Anlin's company is also very volatile these days. His company's shares have been maliciously sold at a low price, and the company's assets have shrunk seriously. I think he may not be able to pay now." so it can't be him.

"I think the things that Ji's company and Shen Anlin's company have encountered are all artificially operated by the same person behind his back, and I haven't found out his purpose." Ji Mobei said in a deep voice, telling all his guesses and thoughts one by one.

Although he knows that Su man can't help him, now he just needs to find someone to talk to.

After listening to Ji Mobei's analysis, Su man also secretly wrote down that Lenovo used to be around her father. Her father told her that the way of doing business is more important than the word "Ben". This word "Ben" means that you have to invest in whoever you want to make money. Of course, the shopping mall is also changing rapidly. No one will be an ever victorious general and only make money without losing money. But if you put this "Ben" If enough words are done, the amount of capital loss will be reduced to a certain extent.

Now, Ji's family has an accident in Indonesia. A strong dragon can't crush the local snake. Even if Ji Mobei has more ability, he can't fight the layers of relations in Indonesia.

But why not make a little concession, promise certain interests and obtain the support of Indonesian consortia. Let the consortia come forward. These consortia will naturally open up various relations with Indonesia for the sake of "benefit".

Su man carefully told Ji Mobei what he thought. Ji Mobei sighed heavily, "your idea is very good, but it will be difficult to implement. Now the heads of those consortia in Indonesia refuse to meet me, let alone talk about cooperation."

Su man heard him say that the road was blocked. She had no choice but to accompany Jimo Beigan in a hurry.

Ji Mobei didn't think that Su man could really help him, so after talking to her, he asked her to go to bed early, and then hung up the phone.

Su man is lying in bed, thinking about Ji Mobei. The guitar sound in the next room soon rings again. People's mood is really strange. Originally, Su man listened to the tracks he talked about and wanted to come forward to see the real face. But now listening to the music, he just feels that the guitar sound is restless and disturbing people's dreams.

She plugged her ears, got up from bed again and checked some news from Indonesia. After reading some news reports on Ji's investment in Indonesia, I realized the seriousness of the matter.

It turned out that an authoritative expert in Indonesia pointed out that Ji's development plan would have a terrible impact on the local ecology. A few days after the expert expressed this view, three more workers at Ji's construction site worked at height and accidentally fell and died. Now the voice of Ji in Indonesia is very loud.

The guitar sound next door seemed to be because there was no response, and soon stopped. Su man is busy reading those materials at the moment and can't care about the guitar sound.

Soon after, her cell phone on the table also rang. Su man went to see the cell phone number. It was Shen Anlin. Originally, she didn't want to take it, but she thought of what Ji Mobei said. Shen Anlin's company also received a heavy blow this time.

Hesitated, she pressed the answer button, "hello."

At the other end of the phone, Shen Anlin's surprise voice came, "Su man, it's me. I want to ask you a favor."

"What can I do for you?" Su man asked.

"Well, I've found someone making trouble these days. Isn't jimobei company also badly hurt? I want to cooperate with jimobei! Let's find out the man behind the scenes."

Proud as Shen Anlin, if he didn't really get into trouble, how could he want to cooperate with Ji Mobei. Su man thought of this and what Ji Mobei had just said. She asked tentatively, "is your company suffering a heavy loss this time?"

Shen Anlin was silent for a moment before he said again, "well, let's meet tomorrow sometime. I made it clear to my face."

"Why don't you disclose the loss of your company?" to be honest, Su man doesn't want to see Shen Anlin. Isn't it better to finish what you can say on the phone? Why do you have to meet.

Shen Anlin seemed to be aware of the reluctance in her tone. He heaved a long breath, put on a soft tone, and said in a dumb voice, "Su man, meet me." there was a faint prayer in his voice.

"Can't you make it clear on the phone? Otherwise I'll give you Mobei's phone, you can call him yourself." she's just a dispensable middleman. In fact, she doesn't need her at all. She made up her mind not to see Shen Anlin again.

Shen Anlin was silent for another moment. "Su man, I didn't want to say something. I suspect that the person behind the scenes who manipulated and destroyed my business with Shen Anlin is... The people of the joss family."

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