When Ji Mobei came out of Shen Anlin's room, Su man was still curling up to sleep. He bent his head and gently kissed her on the cheek. Su man vaguely opened her bleary eyes and asked softly, "when is it?"

Probably because she just woke up, she looked very lazy, like a sleepy little flower cat.

"It's still early. Go back to sleep!" Ji Mobei gently rubbed her soft hair again. The warm lip flap was immediately attached to her eyelids, and her voice was very soft. "Good, sleep more."

"OK." Su man slowly closed her eyes again, and her soft hair rubbed lightly on the pillow. Timobei looked at her and felt soft. But his tenderness didn't last long. He thought of what Shen Anlin said. He and Su man had so many "together", and Su man will come back to her one day.

With a slight astringency in his heart, he looked at Su man reluctantly, got up gently and went to the study to do what he was doing.

The next day, when Su man got up, Ji Mobei was gone. However, Ji Mobei left her a note. It said that he had a business to talk about today and might not accompany her. Let her take a day off in the hotel today.

After reading the note, Su man got up and cleaned himself up. In fact, somehow, she was quite sleepy these days. She asked her to play around in the sun. She also wanted to stay in the hotel and sleep more. Therefore, she has no feeling of rejection for jimobei's arrangement.

She dressed up and ordered her favorite breakfast in the restaurant downstairs. But before breakfast, she suddenly saw a familiar and strange figure.

"Miss Su, how are you?" when Kane, dressed as a waiter, greeted her, her pupils narrowed slightly, and the spoon in her hand fell directly onto the paper towel on the table.

"Why are you?" Kane appeared so quickly, and he was still wearing waiter's clothes. Is it... Su man looks around and finds that several tough men in the restaurant have noticed her abnormality and come in her direction. She secretly guessed that these people might be sent by jimobei to protect her.

She felt a little relieved. With these people, Kane should not do anything too much to him in public. But her idea proved to be very wrong at the next moment. Kane moved in her direction. Suddenly, she felt something on her body. She looked down, but she was frightened to find that it was a black pistol.

"What do you want to do?" it was a lie to say that she was not afraid at this time, but she knew that writing fear on her face would only make Kane despise her more. So even though she was extremely afraid, she still had to pretend to be calm and look at Kane.

Kane's dark blue eyes twinkled with dazzling light. He looked at the big men coming to him with a cool voice. "Miss Su, come with me, or I'm not sure if this gun will break through your body."

He paused lightly and continued, "I heard that Miss Su's brother is visiting Mrs. Jos's house at the moment. If something happens to your sister, your brother will be miserable. He may be helpless for the rest of his life."

Well, Su Weijin threatened her. Su man had to get up from his chair even though she didn't want to. Kane put a hook on his mouth and smiled brightly. The beauty of his beautiful face was shining.

Su man follows him to a safe passage of the hotel. The bodyguards sent by jimobei to protect Su man also closely follow up after notifying jimobei.

Kane took a joking look at the bodyguards who followed him. After blowing a snap of his fingers, several Indian men rushed out of the aisle. They came towards them with iron bars in their hands.

"Kane, what do you want to do?" Su man looked at Kane warily as soon as she saw that the situation was wrong.

"Ha ha. What do I want to do?" Kane smiled lazily. He lazily took back his gun and played with it. He looked extremely cold and arrogant. "What I want to do is very simple. Let you marry me."

"You're crazy! Why should I marry you?" asked Su man, but she had figured out why Kane wanted to marry her. After all, it was Mrs. joss's property that caused the disaster.

Kane suddenly turned his gun around, pointed it at one of the bodyguards not far away, and kept repeating the threat of "pa".

"Come on, don't scare people. Even if you kill them today, I won't marry you. Because even if I marry you, as long as Mrs. joss doesn't like you, she can deprive me of my inheritance right at any time. So instead of kidnapping me, you'd better be serious and get in touch with Mrs. joss. You want to start with me and get the inheritance right. That's really wrong It's a waste of time and manpower. "

Kane smiled softly. "As long as we get married, I promise to be a good husband. When Mrs. joss sees me treat you well, he will treat me well." his chin rose slightly and said coldly.

Dizzy! Su man glanced at Kane in disbelief. Would he really be kind to her as he was running for inheritance? I'm afraid she's just a pawn for him to get the inheritance. The man has such a thick skin that he can take such shameless words for granted.

Kane smiled gently, pulled the trigger in his hand, and with a bang, the bullet just shot through one of the bodyguards, and the rest rushed towards Kane. And the group of Indonesians called by Kane rushed over at this moment.

The scene was chaotic. The bodyguards Ji Mobei assigned to Su man were first-class experts, but even experts couldn't stand many people. What's more, Kane's shooting is very accurate. After shooting a few shots, he immediately dragged Su man away along the safe passage. Su man didn't want to run with him. He grabbed the guardrail on the corridor and grabbed Kane's hand.

Kane chuckled, raised his hand and hit her directly on the neck. Su man only felt a burst of soreness in her neck, and then she fell over. Kane caught her body at this time and took off his waiter's clothes directly, wearing a dark suit inside. He picked up Su man and went downstairs.

Downstairs, his car had already been waiting there. See, Kane came down with a man in his arms. A swift bodyguard immediately drove for him. Kane sat in the car and said to the driver, "drive!"

Kane took comatose Su man to fly to one of the many islands in the Indonesian islands by a civil aircraft.

There are only Kane and comatose Su man in the cabin. Kane is tasting the wine with a wine glass. There is Mozart symphony in the cabin. Kane closes his eyelids and listens to the music with a pleasant look. He can't extricate himself from it.

After a while, Su man woke up. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Kane's beautiful and ugly face. She struggled to sit up from her seat, looked around and looked at the surrounding environment. Finally, she raised an eyebrow and looked at the culprit, "where are you taking me?"

"Where are you going? You'll know when you go." Kane crossed his legs and took another sip of red wine. He looked cold, proud and charming.

Su man gritted her teeth and told herself secretly that the more this time, the less she could panic. Moreover, Ji Mobei must know about her disappearance at this time. He believes that he will come to her.

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