Ji Mobei ended the call in a simple sentence and hung up for about ten minutes. Brother Tong called impatiently. After Ji Mobei and Shen Anlin looked at each other, they both secretly affirmed their guess.

Timothy picked up the phone. "Hello, yes, this is Timothy. Yes, she was captured by the joss family... There is no news yet... OK, I'll send someone to pick you up then... Bye!"

"How's it going? Is his tone very urgent?" when Tong hung up the phone, Shen Anlin asked.

"The voice didn't seem so eager, but he said he would fly to Jakarta tomorrow morning. Then he would discuss with us."

Shen Anlin said, "it seems that Su man must have something special to do with him." otherwise, he doesn't need to fly in person.

"However, I suddenly have another question. If brother Tong is really Su man's father, why hasn't he helped her in recent years?" Su man has been poor for five years. Brother Tong was also in city a at that time. Why didn't he help her? “

This problem is not only Shen Anlin's problem, but also Ji Mobei's want to know. He glanced at the corners of his mouth and said faintly, "this problem is still waiting for him to come tomorrow. Let's let him solve our doubts for us."

Shen Anlin twisted his eyes and nodded gently.

The next morning, brother Tong came by on an early flight. Of course, Mrs. joss was with him. Timothy north and Shen Anlin received them at the airport.

As soon as Mrs. joss saw them both, she immediately showed a look of dissatisfaction on her face, "Mr. Ji, why didn't you send more people to protect Manman. Now something has happened, and I don't know if those people will do anything to him?"

Her words were urgent, and her tone inevitably took on a tone of blame.

Brother Tong coughed a few times behind him and reminded Mrs. joss to pay attention. Mrs. joss found that she was in a hurry and quickly covered up the past with other words. But Ji Mobei and his party were ready to talk from brother Tong today. When they arrived at the hotel, Ji Mobei and Shen Anlin sat on the sofa in the suite with a very dignified look on their faces.

"Brother Tong, before discussing the rescue of Manman, can you answer us a few questions?" asked Ji Mobei directly.

Brother Tong slowly took off his sunglasses. He had a glance at the ferocious scars on his face. A face was extremely ugly. His eyes drifted over the two people and said faintly, "what do you want to ask?"

"The first question, is Su man your daughter?" Shen Anlin's cold eyes narrowed slightly, like a small hook, which can see through people's heart.

"This question... Can I not answer?" brother Tong's expression was light and his eyes were light. The whole person seemed to be covered with an air-conditioning hood in an instant.

Mrs. joss gently pulled brother Tong's sleeve and gave him a wink, indicating that he would take this opportunity to directly disclose the truth of his life experience. But brother Tong obviously didn't want to disclose the truth so early. He kept silent and his lips closed in a straight line.

Jimo sees brother Tong sitting as steady as Mount Tai without any movement. His quiet face scratches imperceptible melancholy, and then says, "since brother Tong doesn't want to answer, let's continue with the next question. Why haven't you come to recognize Su man for so many years?"

Brother Tong raised his head, his dark eyes became very vicious, and his tone became as sharp as a knife, "President Ji, I think you may have made a mistake. Su man has a father. Her father left five years ago. I'm not her father. Why should I recognize her?"

At this time, Shen Anlin refused to admit it. Shen Anlin sneered, and his thin lips closed into a sharp blade, "Brother Tong, you said you had nothing to do with Su man. Then you might as well take your hair and the hair Su man left on the pillow and test the DNA. Then we will save Su man and report the DNA to her. I think Su man will be surprised if she really saw the DNA test report!"

"Enough!" Mrs. joss was the first to get angry. Josf raised her face, her eyes became very angry, and her tone became impatient. She turned back and said to Tong Ge, "brother, if I don't say it today, I'll be crazy."

"Mrs. joss, please think with your head while talking, and then decide what to say and what not to say." tongge snapped.

"Brother, hide, hide, you will know whether to hide or not. Now Manman has been caught, do you want us to take your secret into the coffin." Mrs. Jos's anger gradually rose to her chest, her face was slightly blue, and the chill in her eyes gradually rose, "or how to say that men are cruel."

Brother Tong looked a little annoyed. He pulled out a cigar from the cigarette box, lit the fire, and sucked it up. Ji Mobei and Shen Anlin Jian waited for a long time, but they didn't see brother Tong talking. They exchanged eyes and saw disappointment in each other's eyes. Ji Mobei just wanted to talk to brother Tong about how to rescue Su man, but brother Tong suddenly spoke at this time.

He said, "yes! You're right. Su man is my... Daughter!" his face was extremely depressed when he said this with his cigar in his hands.

"But I'm not going to meet her all my life," he added.

Mrs. joss looked at brother Tong with hatred. After sighing faintly, she turned her back directly, and the fog seemed to be in her eyes.

As soon as the breakthrough is opened, it is not as difficult for those behind to ask. Ji Mobei repeated carefully, "brother Tong, why don't you recognize Su man these years?"

Brother Tong sighed long, and the field suddenly became quiet. After a long time, brother Tong said again, "because Su man's mother. I'm sorry for her, and I don't want her children to know that she has a father like me. She's doing well in the Su family. She's the Su family."

"Is her mother Xu wanqiu?" Shen Anlin asked with a frown.

Brother Tong seems to fall into memory. His expression was blurred and his eyes were frozen. When he answered the question again, his voice immediately became sad, "The year I met her mother, her mother was only 16 years old, while I was 23 years old. I was seven years older than her. At that time, she was a good treasure in the family, with good academic performance, gentle personality and good looks. She also had a brother who loved her very, very much. If she hadn't met me, she might marry a rich man and teach her husband in her life All his life, although the days are calm, they will never be so miserable as now.

Alas, sometimes I really hate myself. I hate why I wanted to provoke her at first. If I didn't know her, she now... I hurt her and ruined her life in my hands... "When he said this, he couldn't help crying.

Tymobei reached out and gently patted him on the shoulder, comforting, "brother Tong, don't be sad."

"When she was 18 years old, she was pregnant with my child. At that time, she came to me and asked me what to do. I was an old fool and lived a life of fighting and killing all day. How could people like me have children? At that time, I asked her to kill the child, but she refused. We had great differences, and then she seemed to disappear for a long time , didn't come to me again.

Once, I took the initiative to go to her house and met her brother. His brother beat me up, scolded me as an animal and ruined his sister's life. Even so, I finally saw her. At that time, the child in her stomach had been several months. She appeared in front of me with her stomach. At that time, I really felt that there would never be a woman in the world more floating than her It's on. "

She later gave birth to a daughter. As you know, the girl is Su man. But she, my enemy knows her relationship with me. He kidnapped her when the child was about the full moon. When I took my brother to ask for someone, my enemy defiled her in front of me. Although I killed the enemy later, she... She was crazy.

The next autumn, she committed suicide. That year, she was 19 years old, and in a few days, she was 20 years old


Brother Tong said so much that Ji Mobei guessed the identity of Su man's biological mother.

It turns out that Su man is the daughter of brother Tong and Su Xiu, Su man's "aunt". Xu wanqiu and his wife are just Su man's uncle and aunt.

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