"Whatever you say, I just want the result. As long as you can marry me, I will be the winner. As for the means, it doesn't matter." Kane blinked with long eyelashes, glanced at Su man faintly and hugged his chest with both hands.

"Yes, the result is very important. But the process, Kane, even if you really forced me to marry you in the end, have you ever thought that you didn't marry the person you love in your heart. Do you think this result is what you want?" Su man became a little excited. Her long hair hung down her face, and her black hair set off her porcelain white face more moving.

Kane looked at her quickly, his long eyelashes blinked, and his eyes were filled with a sharp light.

"Having said so much, in fact, if you were in my position, maybe you would do more than me." Kane picked up the medical insurance cigarette on the table, pulled out one, put it to his mouth and wanted to light a cigarette, but suddenly remembered that Su man had a child in his stomach at the moment.

He hooked his lips, put the cigarette back into the cigarette box, and said faintly, "My mother is a woman. When she was very young, my mommy always took all kinds of men home and sent me and my brother out. Sometimes on rainy days, as long as my mommy had guests, our brothers had to go out. If we were a little disobedient, my Mommy would take a ruler and hit our brothers directly.

Later, a rich man wanted to pack and raise her. At that time, she moved to live with the man. She left her two sons in the rental house. My brother and I suffered a lot. Since childhood, I knew that people will be bullied if they are poor. Honor always belongs to winners.

I read very well, but my brother often skipped classes and slept in class because he went out to make money all day. He became a student that the teacher didn't like. The year I graduated from junior high school, the man who kept my mother went bankrupt and ran away with my mother. Before I left, my mother took away the money saved by my brother and me.

In my freshman year of senior high school, my brother went to drive a taxi. As a result, he had a car accident. Because the treatment was not timely, he was lame. In this life, he can only walk lamely.

In my junior year of high school, my brother was beaten for no reason. He just lay at home for several days. Since then, every rainy day, his body will hurt.

When I was in college, my brother's girlfriend abandoned him, and his spirit has changed into a trance since then... "

Kane's dark blue eyes became blue, and he slowly looked up at Su man, "Do you think our brother would have been hurt again and again if he had been stronger? The world is cruel. If he has no money, he has to have power. Everyone is very busy. They won't go to see your process. They only want a result and who is the winner of the game. In your Chinese words," the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. "

Su man listened to his story quietly, his dark eyes shining with moving luster. "Kane, you told me so many sad words, don't you want me to agree with you?" she whispered, "but you can't just think of yourself. Most people in the world have been hurt. When you shout that others are cruel to you, many people are in deep water."

Su man looked up at the sea falling out of the window. The waves rolled up and beat the rocks.

"I can tell from your words that you have a brother who loves you and can share for you. But since I

Five years ago, after I received a call from the doctor, my life was shrouded in tragedy. My father, who loved me most in the world, died in a car accident; my wise and clever brother suddenly became a fool in other people; and my mommy, who was used to the life of a lady, often lobbied me to sell my body and let her continue to live a life of a lady. "

‘ "From a high-ranking daughter, I suddenly became the object of ridicule. My cousin's family robbed my brother's property by despicable means. The three of us became destitute at night and even owed a lot of debts outside. The whole family depended on me. I haven't done more than 100 jobs in five years , there are also fifty or sixty. Sometimes one day after hard work, before I had a hot meal, creditors came to collect debts, or my mommy lost money playing mahjong and asked me to redeem people. Kane, can you imagine what life I had at that time? "

"Miss Su..." Kane's dark blue eyes blinked gently, and there was a trace of rare sympathy in his eyes.

Su man shook her head and smiled at the corners of her mouth, "Later, I finally couldn't bear it. I decided to sell myself. But on the first night of selling myself, I met my ex husband Shen Anlin. Shen Anlin always misunderstood that I dumped him for clinging to Gao Zhi. So he has been taking revenge on me... My brother was lost by him, and my mommy is now in the hospital bed. I had to go to Ji Mobei. Ji Mobei took me in, which is the most painful for me When I was helpless, it gave me hope to support. But I knew my identity very well. I was just a mistress of Ji Mobei, and we would be separated sooner or later. If I didn't have a child, we could get together and break up. But with a child, there would be a lot of disputes in the future. The child in my stomach would hurt another woman and her child. Moreover, my mother The child can't openly call Ji Mobei daddy. "

"Kane, I've told you so much. I don't want to win sympathy. I just want to tell you that you're not the only one in the world who is more pitiful than you. If everyone does everything you do to succeed, it will only be paid by those innocent people in the end."

Kane listened to her words and her dark blue eyes gradually faded. He was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "in fact, you and I have been hurt so much. We don't have to be at loggerheads at all. We can cooperate and win-win." as long as she wants, he can still marry her, and they can divide Mrs. joss's property into two.

In this way, no one needs to be hurt and everyone can take advantage of it.

It's just that Su man won't agree to this proposal, right?

His face sank again, and he suddenly ordered to leave. "John! Take Miss Su back to her room and remember to take good care of Miss Su." the Yellow bodyguard stepped forward and said to Su man expressionless, "Miss Su, please come back."

Su man looked up again and looked at Kane indifferently. She knew she couldn't convince Kane, so she didn't waste saliva. Straightened up and strode out of the office.

After she left, Kane sat on the big chair again and rotated the chair. He held his chin in his hands and looked out of the window. There was no expression on his face, but his eyes gradually turned dark, as dark as a bottomless pool.

After half a ring, he turned his chair, picked up the phone and connected to the security room. "Let John come later."

After returning Su man to the house, John approached Kane's study again and said expressionless, "young master, are you looking for me?"

"Well," Kane nodded. "You help me do something. Help me give this to Mrs. joss." he opened the cabinet and took out a very well packaged gift box.

"Yes!" John took the carton and strode out of the study to do his business. Kane pressed his whole strength on the big class chair, and a sigh radian came up at the corners of his mouth.

This desert island may really need some popularity.

Mrs. joss at the Jakarta Hotel soon received a gift box sent by Kane. She carefully opened the gift box. There was a recording pen, a medical report and a letter written by Kane himself.

Mrs. joss first opened the letter Kane wrote to her. Kane stated in the letter that he just invited Su man out to relax. Please don't worry about Mrs. joss. Then the medical examination report changed Mrs. Jos's face slightly.

Pressing the button of the recorder, Su man's voice said, "Kane, you tell me so many sad words, don't you want me to agree with you..."

Mrs. joss and brother Tong listened to Su man's speech in the recorder. They looked at each other and their worries were written on their faces.

If Su man is really pregnant, jimobei

I'm afraid master Ji won't agree to Su man and Ji Mobei, so the child in Su man's stomach suddenly becomes tricky.

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