Kane wanted to trick Su man into doing some housework, and then he asked someone to clip the picture of her doing housework to Mrs. joss to prove that Su man is very good with him. Their relationship is also very harmonious. There is no kidnapping.

But no matter what means he uses, Su man is still very defensive against her. He can give her an injection, and then take ambiguous photos while she is sleeping to get angry with Ji Mobei and Shen Anlin. But he can't give Su man an overpowering drug and let her do the housework. This is obviously unrealistic.

Moreover, the day after he took the picture, his father who was far away in the United States called him again. He took the phone from his assistant. The first thing he heard was a scolding. He frowned in disgust and took the phone away from his ears. In fact, his relationship with his father is really cold. He also knew that his father just regarded him as a weight to win the appreciation of his grandfather. I won't invest too much emotion in him.

But it doesn't matter. His heart did not treat him as a relative. If he hadn't threatened his sick brother, he wouldn't still look at his face.

"You fool, didn't you promise me to do things well? How did that woman poke things into the family again? You don't know... How many people laughed at me because of your stupid son. You said that I spent so much energy to teach you how you are still so stupid, like an inexperienced cowboy. I really doubt what's going on in the body of a fool like you It's my blood. You've lost all my TMD face... I'll limit you and deal with the matter quickly. If necessary, get rid of the woman named Su man directly... "

He scolded a lot, and Kane's thin lips closed tightly. From his father's words, he can infer that Mrs. joss has reported the disappearance of Su man to the joss family. And his grandfather knows what he did this time.

He sniffed and calmly said to the man on the phone, "Dad, don't worry, I'll call him myself from Grandpa. He'll let me continue."

"It's not the first time you've lied to me. Do you think I'll listen to you? Fool, fool, carry the basket you poked this time. I won't help you. I don't even think you've humiliated me."

"Daddy, you can believe me or not. In short, I'll carry it alone this time. I hope you don't vent your resentment against me... On my brother." Kane prayed patiently for his brother.

"OK! I'll take care of it myself. In short, if this matter is not handled well, you won't want to see your brother again." after a burst of scolding, the phone over there has hung up.

Kane sadly returned his cell phone to his assistant. And bad luck didn't leave him. John rushed in from the outside. His long expressionless face was dignified at this time.

"No, young master. There is a helicopter hovering over the island. Maybe they found it."

"What!" Kane stood up from his chair and rushed out of the study to the outside of the villa. He took the telescope from his assistant and saw the man sitting on the helicopter. His face sank. He turned to John and said, "go and take her out. We'll go right away!"

He doesn't know how jimobei found here so quickly. They obviously don't have much contact with the outside world. Last night, he called his confidant. It is reasonable to say that he will handle things safely there. It's impossible to be caught by jimobei. What clues do they have.

Kane suddenly remembered the phone call his father had just made. A sharp light flashed in his eyes. Did his father betray him?

Kane was filled with indignation.

He is the wise leader of his father when he has credit.

When he got into trouble, he hurried to get rid of his relationship.

He is really ho De, how can he have such a "good" father.

Kane glanced up at the sky again and ordered the people next to him to pack up.

On the helicopter, Ji Mobei was looking down with a telescope. There was a luxury villa on the island, and bodyguards with guns were searching everywhere around the villa.

His eyebrows wrinkled tightly. With these bodyguards, their helicopter needless to say stopped. Even it was very difficult to get close. It's hard to guarantee that those people won't shoot them when they approach the island.

Next to Shen Anlin also looked down carefully with a telescope. He and Ji Mobei thought of going together. The corners of the mouth could not help hanging down.

Kane, they are in a good position now. They can't get close.

But if you don't get close, how can you save people?

How tricky!

In the villa, Su man has just entered the toilet. Maybe she is pregnant these days. She goes to the toilet very often. This time she just went to the toilet. John rushed into her room and looked around. He ran directly to the toilet and patted the door anxiously, "Miss Su, Miss Su... Hurry up... We have something urgent. We have to leave here quickly... Miss Su... Did you hear what I said?"

"Leave here?" Su man's eyes brightened instantly.

At this time, Kane suddenly made this decision. Is it because

Kimobei, did he come to save her?

Su man was immediately encouraged by the news. Of course, she suddenly calmed down.

She knew that one more minute of delay at this time would give Ji Mobei more hope. With this idea in mind, Su man shouted in the direction of the door, "Oh, I'm sorry... It's inconvenient for me now... Why don't you wait..."

"Miss Su, please hurry up!" John knew she was deliberately delaying time, but in view of her special status, he couldn't break in at this time. Therefore, at this time, he can only keep patting the door and urging Su man.

Su man was a little proud for a while, but Kane suddenly rushed into the room and saw John standing in front of the toilet door. His eyes narrowed and came forward and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Young master, she..." just at the beginning of John's words, Kane had lost his desire to listen. He slammed the door open. Found the assassin Su man sitting leisurely on the toilet.

"Come with me!" Kane had no time to get angry with her and picked her up. Although they still have advantages, he thought that since his father had denounced him, the joss family would send someone soon.

He can have people fire on them, but not on the joss family.

So, at this time, he has to leave quickly.

Kane forcibly picked up Su man. Su man resisted and didn't want to let Kane leave with himself, so he began to struggle in his arms. But her struggle, for Kane, was just a meaningless struggle. Kane's big hand held her tightly so that she couldn't react.

Su man is no longer willing, but also carried out of the villa by Kane. In a villa, she heard the "rumbling" helicopter taking off overhead. She looked up and saw a plane hovering over them. The plane was so far away that she couldn't see the people on the plane with her naked eyes. But her intuition told Su man that Ji Mobei must have come to save her!

"Mobei..." she struggled in Kane's arms again, desperately trying to get rid of Kane's arms.

"Damn it!" things have developed to a time when Su man's struggle will only delay time. Kane seems to have lost Su man's patience to continue to deal with it. His eyes flashed a cruel color, and immediately ordered John behind him, "go and prepare a tube of anesthetic."

John immediately turned to get it, while Su man suddenly took advantage of Kane's distraction and bit heavily on Kane's arm, "ah!" Kane cried out in pain, while Su man took this opportunity to break away from Kane's arms and waved angrily in the direction of the helicopter, "Mobei, I'm here... I'm here..."

Ji Mobei and Shen Anlin on the helicopter also quickly found her. When they saw that she was safe, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. But still worried about rescuing Su man.

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