Su Yaodong took his hand and walked over. He smiled at Kane and said, "what a coincidence, Mr. Kane." he said to Kane, but his restless eyes glanced at Su man in Kane's arms.

Su man felt his eyes and remembered that she was still in Kane's arms.

She felt a blush on her face and hurriedly asked Kane to put her down. Kane hooked his lips, but didn't want to put her down. He didn't even put her down. He even took Su man in his arms and went in the direction of the small foreign building. He didn't pay attention to Su Yaodong and Su Xinzi at all.

"Kane, please put me down!" Su man frowned and insisted that Kane put her down.

Kane ignored her. Instead, Su Yaodong and Su Xinzi in the back shamelessly followed her. Su Yaodong pulled his daughter's hand and introduced Kane with a smile, "Mr. Kane, this is my daughter."

Kane gave a faint "Oh" and did not go to see Su Xinzi. Su Yaodong quickly winked at his daughter and indicated that she had something to say. Su Xinzi looks at Su man in Kane's arms. She's going crazy with jealousy. Of course, just now, she made a decision secretly. Be sure to give Kane the gun from Su man's hand.

She listened to his father. Kane belongs to the joss family.

The joss family is a big American consortium.

If you can marry into the Jos family, it is equivalent to a sparrow becoming a Phoenix. It soared to the sky.

And Kane looks so good.

She must fight for such a good condition.

She firmly believed that she was not much worse than Su man. On the contrary, in some ways, her ability must be better than Su man.

She just lacks a chance. A chance to show your charm in front of men.

She squeezed as much as she could, squeezed out the best smile and smiled sweetly at Kane. "Mr. Kane, I'm Su Xinzi, that is... Su man's cousin. It's really nice to see you here today."

Kane has seen too many women like Su Xinzi, and he writes his calculations in his eyes. He has always had a bad temper with such women. So in the face of Su Xinzi's carefree hospitality, he only glanced at her coldly, narrowed his peach eyes, and stopped his steps, "Oh, are you really Su man's cousin?"

When Su Xinzi saw Kane speak to him, she quickly nodded happily, "yes, I'm Su man's cousin. And we've always been very good friends."

Su man was really choked by her shameless words. In order to get close to Kane, Su Xinzi took the initiative to admit that she was a cousin. And ah, they describe their relationship as so close.

Why didn't she say she was a good best friend when she United Gu Luoluo to frame her?

Now let's climb the relationship.


Su man snorted softly, then turned his head away and waited for Kane's words.

Kane made a mocking arc around his mouth and said coolly, "thank you for introducing yourself. Otherwise, I thought you were Su man's aunt." Kane said this and stared at Su Xinzi with good eyes.

The sweet smile on Su Xinzi's face suddenly couldn't hang up. Suddenly, she hated Kane again in her heart. Instead, Su Yaodong looked at his daughter. The smile on her face was about to hang up. He took over the words and smiled twice. "Mr. Kane is really joking. But... Anyway, my daughter is some old image. No wonder Mr. Kane would regard her as Su man's aunt."

Su man looks at Su Yaodong's servile flattery and feels refreshed. At the beginning, when their family was about to be desperate, she begged them. But Su Yaodong drove her away directly. At that time, he didn't say anything about love. Now when she saw him like this, she just wanted to scold, "deserved it!"

Kane made it worse, "Miss Su Xinzi, it seems that I'm not alone. Your father also said you look old. Miss Su Xinzi, you really need to be maintained. When you stand with your father, others will only think that you two are brothers and sisters, and they won't know you at all. It's a parent relationship."

"You, you..." Su Xinzi's face turned white immediately by his words. Her sharp fingernails were pulled into her palm, but she didn't feel any pain.

"What's the matter with me?" Kane deliberately pretended to be ignorant, turned to see Su Yaodong and bent his lips. "President Su, did I say something wrong just now? That's why your daughter was so unhappy."

Su Yaodong quickly winked at Su Xinzi, but Su Xinzi was only silent in his emotions and didn't see Su Yaodong's eyes at all.

"Oh, it seems that I really made your daughter unhappy." Kane said again, "in that case, President Su, we won't see each other in the future."

Kane said this and raised his feet to leave. Su man is very happy to see Su Xinzi's shriveled appearance in her arms. What about Su Yaodong? He glared at his daughter angrily. Seeing Kane leaving, he immediately caught up with him and followed him with a half bent waist.

"Mr. Kane, the capital injection of my company... You see..."

Kane raised his eyebrows. "Someone will call you soon. Please wait patiently at home."

"Mr. Kane, can you hurry up... I'm really waiting for money... Or my company..." Su Yaodong wiped the sweat on his forehead. He wanted to finish talking, but he looked up and saw Su man looking at her. He choked on what he said.

"What's the matter with 'Henglong'?" Su man heard Ji Mobei say that Henglong is borrowing from banks for a living. I can't support it. Today, seeing Su Yaodong's look like her ass is looking for fire, she secretly infers that the current situation of "Henglong" may be worse than they think.

Su Yaodong didn't answer Su man's question and didn't want to go back to Su man's question. Kane directly exposed his background. "Since Mr. Su is embarrassed to answer this question, I'll answer it for him.

The pre-sale of several properties recently launched by "Henglong" is extremely bad. Moreover, the houses previously sold have been complained by the owners because of quality problems. Now the capital chain is completely broken. In other words, waiting for "Henglong" will be the end of liquidation. "

Su man was a little happy before, and his mood suddenly plummeted. Anyway, "Henglong" is also the painstaking work of his father's life. If it really breaks down, his father will not rest in peace.

Kane saw the change in Su man's expression and patted Su man on the back. He glanced at Su Yaodong again. "Goodbye, Mr. Su!" don't follow him again C

Kane's words are so straightforward. Su Yaodong knows that if he keeps pestering like this, he will only offend Kane. At that time, he will have no good fruit to eat. Su Yaodong stood there somewhat discouraged, looking at their backs and entering the small Western-style building. Then he looked back angrily and saw Su Xinzi standing there. He immediately threw an eye knife at her, strode to her side, raised his hand and slapped Su Xinzi in the face.

"What's the matter with you? How do you usually stimulate and play with those men? I became mute in front of Mr. Kane today. Su Xinzi, I tell you. Our company will go bankrupt. Once the company goes bankrupt, you and your mother will have to live on the street. How can a smart person like Su Yaodong give birth to a daughter who can only eat, drink and play?"

Su Yaodong scolded more and more angrily, blaming himself for raising such a daughter who can only eat, drink and have fun. In terms of serious affairs, she can't help him share.

Su Xinzi was so beaten by him. She was wronged in her heart and flat mouth on her face. She mocked, "you blame me for my incompetence now. Why did you give birth to me at the beginning? If you didn't give birth to me, you don't have to lose face now."

When she said this, her eyes were quickly replaced by cruelty, "if you really dislike me, it's useless. Then you'll recognize Su man as a daughter. Unfortunately, you want to recognize me, but Su man doesn't recognize you. You think I'm ashamed, and I think you're ashamed of being groveling to others."

Su Yaodong's whole body trembled angrily. He quickly came forward and slapped Su Xinzi again.

Su Xinzi was used to being beaten. She didn't feel much pain on her face, but in her heart, she was unwilling to go to the extreme. "You hit me! You always hit me! You wait. One day, I'll prove to you that I'm better than Su man." she turned angrily and ran quickly in the direction of her car.

Seeing her arrogant appearance, Su Yaodong also said ruthlessly, "OK, OK! Since you want to go, please go quickly. You don't come back to me in the future."

Su Xinzi immediately got into his car, drove the car and ran away, leaving Su Yaodong standing on the corner and yelling.

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