As night fell, the seats of benevolence hospital gradually quieted down, and a line of five or six medical staff dressed in white coats and protective clothing entered from the gate entrance. The doctor wearing a mask was an old man with gray hair. He went to the nurse desk and said to the nurse on duty, "show me the patient information in ward 609."

The nurse on duty didn't come to work long ago and couldn't recognize all the people. Seeing an old doctor say so, she looked down for the information and handed the patient information of hospital bed 609 to the doctor.

The doctor took a few glances and said, "this is a patient in VVIP ward. I can't make any mistakes. I'll ask her later."

The nurse did not doubt him and watched several people get on the elevator.

The elevator stopped on the sixth floor. The group of people hung their heads to avoid the camera. Then they stood in a place where the camera couldn't see. As soon as the old doctor lifted his mask, they could see Lao Chang's face at a glance. He whispered an order, "our goal is the ward of 609. As long as we sneak into the ward, we will give the woman an injection of anesthetic. The woman is now pregnant and easy to deal with. As long as she faints, we can 'steal' her out!"

Several people had squatted in advance. They knew that Kane had sent two bodyguards to guard the door of the ward. It was not easy to successfully enter the ward, so they had a battle plan in advance. But it was staggering that when they came to ward 609, they happened to see two bodyguards guarding the door. At this time, they didn't know what was going on. There was only one person left. And the bodyguard was a little absent-minded and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

Old Chang smiled coldly. He grabbed an electric rod in his hand and stunned the bodyguard playing with the mobile phone with a lightning speed. Then he ordered his four associates to hurry in to perform the task, while he himself stood at the door to watch the wind.

Their plan is very good. Lao Chang even imagines that when he gets the money, he can spend it wantonly. Just... Three minutes passed quietly, but several of his associates still didn't come out.

He was a little worried. When he looked around and made sure that no one had noticed them, he gently knocked on the door with his hand and urged the people in the room to move faster. But the answer was still silent.

His heart suddenly felt bad, but when he wanted money, he made the last effort, gently pushed the door and walked into the ward. A gun was right on his head, his feet trembled, and the blue veins on his forehead "burst out". Look up at the man with the gun.

In the room, Kane, with a gun in his hand, looked at Lao Chang with a sneer and said contemptuously, "you have great courage. You dare to hijack me. However, unfortunately, you met me. If you want to hijack someone in my hand, you can only laugh at your wishful thinking."

Kane hooked his lips, his peach eyes narrowed heavily, lifted his legs and kicked Lao Chang's legs heavily. Lao often bangs his feet and kneels directly to the ground. Kane looked at his gun and smiled jokingly, "come on, who let you come here?"

It was common for him to take back his gun. He was frightened, and he dared to breathe a little relieved. However, he was still breathing, and there were two pistols against his neck behind him. He is a desperado. He is cruel to his subordinates and more afraid of death than anyone else. Being held by two pistols, his spirit suddenly disappeared.

He looked up quietly at the house and found that several of his accomplices were also pointed at with guns at this time. Their plan this time was a complete failure.

The old man looked up at Kane suspiciously. Kane sat in his chair like a king and looked at him contemptuously. The noble and mysterious smell of Kane was dazzling. The old man often bowed his head with some inferiority and said, "how did you know we were going to act this time?"

Kane scoffed and crossed his legs. He looked back at John around him.

"John, tell him, how did we know they were going to do something tonight?"

John stayed in Jakarta to contain kimobei. Now kimobei has returned. John followed him back to city a to help Kane. There is a profession in the world called mercenary.

John, or many of Kane's bodyguards, belong to the category of mercenaries. These mercenaries were selected at all levels through hard work. Of course, if employers hire them, they will naturally have a lot of money.

Compared with the mercenaries like John and them, the people often led were a mob. Don't think that their secret squatting these days has been discovered by them for a long time, and today it's a plan. Kane had already quietly transferred Su man to ward 509 in the evening. Now Kane just wanted to see who had the courage to kidnap Su man in the hospital.

"Say, who ordered you?" Kane's peach eyes shot Sen Han's eyes. It seemed that he often didn't speak out the behind the scenes, so he was ready to let someone shoot him.

"Yes... Shen Fu and Su Xinzi... They paid us to kidnap..." Lao Chang was afraid of life and death. He didn't need Kane to frighten them any more, so he confessed obediently.

"Shen Fu? Su Xinzi?" Kane's eyebrows gently picked, and the coldness in the corners of his mouth was trembling. "Since these two people like Su man so much, he would do his best and pour a fire on them first."

Some people are really in the way. If you don't beat them to the ground at once, they may never give up in their life. He most hates those who are the virgin and father. Kindness to the enemy is harm to himself. Shen Fu and Su Xinzi, he really wants to get rid of them this time.

Kane sneered, looked down at Lao Chang kneeling on the ground, and a sneer came up at the corners of his lips, "do you want to live?"

Lao Chang naturally nods like mashing garlic.

"Then do something as I tell you. I'll spare you if you succeed. Of course, if you escape halfway, I'll let someone chase you." Kane's voice was cold and piercing, with a strong threat in his words.

At more than 12 o'clock that night, Su Xinzi, who had been waiting for Lao Chang to call, finally received Lao Chang's call, "how's it going? Has it succeeded? Has anyone tied it?"

Lao Chang was a little silent on the other end of the phone, and then said hoarsely, "we've tied up people.

You... Come over all night now. "He paused slightly and seemed to remember something. He quickly added," Oh, call Shen Fu, too. "

After su Xinzi hung up the phone excitedly, she changed into her favorite clothes and finished painting makeup. Then she drove to Shen Fu's place to find her. But Shen Fu was not there. She called her and suggested that she was in arrears.

Unable to reach her, Su Xinzi drove alone to the place agreed with Lao Chang.

"Lao Chang, Lao Chang... Are you there?" Su Xinzi shouted in the dark narrow house. But just then, an electric stick hit her back. Her head hurt and her body fell to the ground.

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