Shen Anlin stood by, and the disdain radian of the corner of his mouth was more obvious.

Just passing by? Bought a bunch of flowers?

This is a letter to people like Su man who don't know the truth.

"Thank you... Very beautiful!" Su man looked at the lily, bent her eyebrows and smiled. Seeing her smile, brother Tong hesitated even more. After he placed the flowers in the vase on the table, he rubbed his hands nervously and said, "just like you."

"How's Mrs. joss?" Su man blinked her long eyelashes to hide the loneliness in her eyes. "I'm really sorry. I've been giving you Weijin to take care of. Weijin must have brought you a lot of trouble." she said this sincerely.

"Weijin is very good. It's just that he often nags you." brother Tong looked a little slower when he mentioned Su Weijin. Su Weijin, who is also a poor child, has no parents since childhood. Just to know his exact identity, it may take Xu wanqiu to wake up.

Su man smiled faintly, like the ripples of a clear spring, rippling a layer of ripples in brother Tong's heart. "When I leave the hospital, I'll pick him up."

Brother Tong frowned. "You're like this now, don't bother to leave. When you're discharged from the hospital, you can live with Weijin in Mrs. Jos's villa. You can't even take care of yourself now. How can you take care of Weijin and them?"

Su man looked up at brother Tong. The sun outside the window fell on her face. The porcelain white skin suddenly had a crystal clear sense of permeability. Those black eyes looked dark under the snow-white skin, like a red deep pool, "this... I have a plan myself."

"Well, everything will be ready when you are good." brother Tong looked at his daughter painfully. This feeling of meeting but not recognizing each other stirred his heart.

Shen Anlin stood aside and looked at the awkward father and daughter, anxious for them. The characters of these two people are almost the same. Everything likes to be stuffy in their hearts. As a result, the people next to them can't go into their hearts. They can only let the people next to them worry.

They seem to fall into silence again. Su man doesn't know what to say to brother Tong. Brother Tong has thousands of words in his heart, but it's difficult to speak. For a long time, brother Tong finally couldn't stand the silence and said with a heavy voice, "I've heard about jimobei. I'm not afraid. If you're afraid of being harassed by them, you can go abroad to have a baby and give birth to the child at that time."

It was a good idea. Su man hung her head slightly and spread it down, covering her side face. She only saw her pretty nose and lightly closed eyes. From this side, brother Tong's heart almost jumped out. She is so much like her dead mother.

But her dead mother's life was more bumpy, and he didn't want her to repeat it.

How much love can be betrayed. He has failed her mother's life. I don't want her daughter to be shrouded in sorrow all her life.

Shen Anlin was so flustered that he couldn't help but say, "why bother so much. If you want Ji Mobei not to harass you again, you can... Marry me and let me be the father of the child... So where will they harass you?"

Shen Anlin wanted to be responsible for Su man, but Su man had no him in his heart for a long time. So when she heard such affectionate words, she just looked up gently and said with a alienated and indifferent smile, "No."

She's not stupid. She won't let herself fall into the vortex again. Whether Shen Anlin or Ji Mobei, no matter which of them she stands next to, she will become the object of ridicule.

Therefore, she will never accept Shen Anlin again. Even Ji Mobei could only get rid of him in her heart.

Shen Anlin was so rejected by her, and his annoyance was even louder. He still wants to say something to stimulate Su man, but brother Tong will not let Shen Anlin stimulate Tao Su man at the moment. Brother Tong smiled and said, "what Su man needs now is a quiet environment. Let's talk about everything else later."

Shen Anlin scratched his head feebly, sighed faintly, but he had the impulse to pull Ji Mobei and beat him up.

On Ji Mobei's side, he sent master Ji back to Ji's house. When master Ji returned home, his autocratic side was even more exposed. Picked up the crutch in his hand, he threw it at Ji Mobei. Ji Mobei avoided it and avoided the crutch he threw. But master Ji was not kind. He grabbed the ashtray on the table and continued to hit the mountain in jimobei. Ji Mobei didn't escape this time. His arm was hit by an ashtray and his whole arm hurt. Taking advantage of his separation, master Ji came forward and kicked Ji Mobei several times.

Although uncle Ji is old, he was in the army when he was young. So these feet down, Ji Mobei's legs must be bruised.

Sister-in-law Fang and Ji Xinjie heard the sound and ran down the stairs. As soon as sister-in-law Fang came down, she saw master Ji kicking Ji Mobei fiercely and hurried forward. Ji Xinjie also came forward distressed. One of them holds master Ji and the other holds Ji Mobei.

"Uncle... Mobei is a young man. It's hard to avoid doing things. You have something to say." sister Fang took uncle Ji and gave Mu Lan a wink. But Mu Lan seemed not to see her eyes. There was no intention of stopping. Sister-in-law Fang was secretly annoyed, and her favor for Mu Lan was lower.

"He's still young. He's almost in his thirties. He talks back to me all day because of a woman. If that woman can marry, how can I not let him marry. It's not the woman's big investigation. Look at him... Don't put Mu Lan's good wife, but also think about the woman outside. He really wants to fight me." Uncle Ji sees sister Fang helping Ji Mobei. He complains about Ji Mobei's crime. While talking, his hands and feet were itchy, and he raised his feet to kick Ji Mobei.

"Grandpa, don't beat your brother." Ji Xinjie stopped Ji Mobei in front of him. A pair of pure eyes looked at Uncle Ji bravely and flat his mouth.

When Uncle Ji saw Ji Xinjie coming up, he raised his feet and put them down again. However, uncle Ji still ordered, "you are not allowed to see that woman again without my order. If you really want children, you will have children with Mulan. What I want is Mulan's children."

Ji Mobei stood there with drooping eyes, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in sorrow. He looked up for a long time, clenched his teeth, and said firmly, "Grandpa, even if you really break off the relationship with me, I can't let my women and children fall out. You let me marry Mu Lan? Sorry. I've always had a contractual relationship with her, and we have signed a contract before. If grandpa doesn't believe it, I can ask someone to bring you the contract. Well, that's all I can say... Grandpa, I'm sorry. This time, I can't listen to you Ji Mobei looked at master Ji, gritted his teeth, and turned to walk outside the living room.

"If you go, don't step into this house again!" old master Ji roared behind him. But Ji Mobei's footsteps slowed slightly, and then left more calmly. His figure disappeared in the living room.

Master Ji looked at his back as he left, and his eyes became more and more lax. Finally, he disappeared. His heart hurt, and the whole person's mood fell down at once. The whole person seemed to be getting old in an instant.

"I don't live!" there was another shriek in the living room. When they looked at it, they found that Mu Lan, who had been standing next to me, suddenly rubbed frantically up the stairs. "If Ji Mobei divorces me, I'll die and show her! The girls of our Mu family are also dignified and can't be trampled by Ji Mobei..."

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