In a spacious and bright office.

Shen Anlin put his hands against his jaw and rotated the big class chair. His cold eyes were like a deep pool. The whole person fell into meditation. After half a ring, he turned his chair, picked up the phone and pressed Mrs. joss's phone. "Mrs. joss, I'm Shen Anlin. I have to tell you something after thinking... Su man is back... But she's with Kane now... Well, I'll see you later."

After Shen Anlin hung up the phone, he left the office and went to Mrs. joss's appointment.

Luxury suites in five-star hotels. Kane gently crossed his legs and looked at Su man sitting opposite with dark blue eyes. "You've returned the check now. What's your plan next?"

Su man supported a drawing board on her legs and kept drawing on the paper with a pen in her hand. A head of millet colored hair half hung down, revealing a section of Yingrun's neck.

Her curled long eyelashes drooped slightly, "don't you want to find out the boss behind Shen Anlin and avenge yourself? I've made an appointment with him to meet at the Asahi bar in the evening."

Kane's sexy thin lips gently lifted, and his slender fingers gently knocked on the table, "Shen Anlin, you're not easy to deal with. Be careful yourself."

Su man flicked the corners of her mouth and continued to lower her head and draw her ideas on the paper. In those dark days, gray suddenly became the main tone of her life. After she committed suicide, she suddenly wanted to open some things. She wanted to change her life, so she tried to pick up the brush and draw, trying to fill her life with all kinds of gorgeous colors.

Unexpectedly, she was so blessed that she picked up her brush and began to design clothes. Later, she systematically learned some knowledge of fashion design. On the night of the party, Kane said she was a famous designer. In fact, this title greatly raised her. She is far less successful than he described. Her current living condition can only stay in fashion design, which is far from being described as "teacher".

"Don't worry, I know Shen Anlin better than you. This time is not only for you, but also for myself."

Kane was silent, and his dark blue pupils looked like a curved sea.

He took another deep look at her. Although they were very close and smelled each other, they seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

"So, where's kimobei? Have you figured out a way to deal with him?" Kane tried to break the embarrassing silence. Su man finally stopped his pen and looked up at him seriously. "What's the matter with master Ji? How are you doing?"

Kane mentioned this, and his eyes flashed with pride. "You are asking about Kanshang. Country Z is currently in the stage of regime transfer, and officials from the central government are also fighting in succession. It is said that the mayor of city a who will soon take office is a mayor who is very contrary to the political opinions of the Ji family. In addition, the old master of the Ji family seems to be in the wrong team in the central government, and the cold winter of the Ji family may be coming." When he said this, he suddenly said seriously, "Su man, if Ji's family background is not as good as before, and master Ji is willing to allow you to marry Ji Mobei, what will you do?"

"The dead camel is bigger than the horse. No matter how down-to-earth the Ji family is, they will not accept people from my background. Therefore, your question is impossible to achieve, and I don't need to answer you." Su man's long eyelashes drooped slightly, casting a small shadow on his eyelids. What Xu wanqiu had said to her was still vivid at this time. She knows her identity very well. She just wants to get her children back and ask for an explanation for her past. As for others, she won't think more.

Kane was silent and didn't talk any more. He just looked at Su man and became a little confused.

In the evening, Asahi bar.

Shen Anlin went to the bar in advance and found an open private room to sit down. Seven o'clock sharp in the evening. Su man, dressed in a red fishtail skirt, slowly stepped into the bar. Her appearance, like a red glow across the dark mud, immediately attracted the eyes of many men in the field.

Through the open glass window, Shen Anlin looked at Su man, who had become the focus of the crowd's eyes, and his heart fluttered quickly. The hand holding the cup also tightened slightly. When she saw Su man come to him, the light in his eyes was gradually deep.

The eyes of the people in front of her were as clear as lotus, the black bright eyes were moist and flexible, and the enchanting red set off her concave convex figure more symmetrical and beautiful. At this time, she is more like a demon lotus, integrating purity and demonization, and can easily control men's eyes.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Su man said faintly to Ji Mobei opposite.

"It doesn't matter. I'm early." he quickly took back his eyes and drank a glass of wine in his hand.

Su man finished ordering wine to the waiter, then slightly hooked his lips, smiled at him, "I'm sorry, I've made an appointment with some friends tonight. I hope you don't mind at that time." her black eyes were as bright as stars, and Shen Anlin's Adam's apple turned gently and said, "Oh."

Su man's eyes flashed directly over him and looked at the men and women who indulged in Carnival in the bar, with a cunning flash in her eyes. Once upon a time, she was as humble as a mole ant and wanted to sell her body, but she was humiliated by the "patron" brought by Ji Mobei. Wasn't Shen Anlin very proud at that time? Today, she will also let Shen Anlin taste the pain she suffered in those years.

"How have you been these six months?" Shen Anlin asked after another sip of wine.

Su man didn't answer his question. She picked up the drink on the table and drank it.

"Mrs. joss, they all want to see you when they hear you're back." Shen Anlin continued to look at her and wanted to see the reaction on her face. Su man's head bent down gently, and her long hair hung down, just covering half of Su man's face, so that Shen Anlin couldn't see the look on her face.

The dance music in the bar began to be high. The DJ stood on the stage and shouted to the people under the stage. The crowd began to make a noise, and the atmosphere on the dance floor was pushed to the top.

At this time, the cell phone in Su man's bag rang. Su man said sorry to Shen Anlin, then connected the phone and gave the private room number to the person on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Su man picked up a smile like a smile, raised his lips and said to Shen Anlin, "here's my friend!"

Shen Anlin subconsciously looked back at the door of the private room. The door of the private room was pushed open. Several women with heavy makeup came in wearing cheap clothes and said hello to Su man.

Two of them even boldly sat down next to Shen Anlin and winked at Shen Anlin. Shen Anlin looked at the heavy makeup on the faces of the two people next to him. There was a faint feeling of nausea. He wanted to get up and leave immediately.

But Su man on the opposite side didn't seem to have had enough. She hooked her mouth and smiled, "President Shen, don't you want to ask me how I've been in the past six months? I'll tell you now..." she said something and winked at the two people sitting on both sides of Shen Anlin. They understood and began to prepare eagerly

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