Ji Mobei's kiss is full of deep thoughts and deep love. He is a normal person. In the days when Su man left, he took his child and became a father with little desire. Whenever he wakes up in the dead of night and looks at the empty big bed around him, his heart is always tortured by boundless emptiness. That emptiness turned into uneasiness, slowly eroding his body and mind.

He's so tired.

People are tired and heart is tired.

Countless times want to escape from the current life, but in the end, they are bound by life.

Until the woman in his arms appeared again, he felt that his gray life seemed to have color again.

He has a lot to say to her and a lot to do with her. As long as he is willing, he is willing to support a sky for her. Sometimes, he even wondered if the woman had confused her, otherwise he would seem to have recognized her.

Life is incomplete without her. If he can, he really wants time to stay at this moment forever. Su man really belongs to him only at this time.

His kiss seemed to have a kind of innate magic, which made Su man's cold heart gradually sink. She gradually began to respond to Ji Mobei. Ji Mobei noticed her response, and he hugged her tightly with joy. His kiss was more intense.

Su man gasped. She felt as if her whole body was on fire. She was soft and uncomfortable.

Both of them gradually fell into each other's entanglement, and suddenly the door of the house was pushed open. Kane came in dressed in casual clothes with a black sunglasses on his face. When he saw the two people in the room, he quickly took off the sunglasses on his face, closed his mouth tightly, and rushed to Ji Mobei angrily. He pulled Ji Mobei's collar, waved his fist and punched Ji Mobei heavily in the face.

Su man was stunned, then seemed to react and quickly went to La Caine. Kane threw away his hand, and his dark blue eyes were full of anger. "Su man, have you forgotten what you've suffered in the past six months? You've been coaxed by him now. Don't you take revenge for the later things? Don't you want your child back? And, do you want to go to Ji's house and let master Ji trample on your self-esteem?"

Su manbei bit her teeth and glanced at Ji Mobei quickly. Her obsession gradually retreated and was replaced by indifference. She seems to have suddenly returned to the previous indifferent Su man.

Kane's thin lips and light hooks scoffed, "Su man, I'm also a man. I tell you, men's sweet words are the most unreliable. Do you think I've said any sweet words to you for so long? If you still think of Ji Mobei and don't continue our plan for him, if you're despised by their Ji family in the future, you'll be cheap yourself. I won't care about you anymore."

He hates that iron doesn't make steel. He doesn't understand how Su man was eaten by men like Ji Mobei.

Su man was shocked by his roar and didn't speak any more. Her two red lips tightly closed into a straight line. Looking at Ji Mobei's eyes, she had more complex expressions.

Jimobei was slapped by Kane and saw that Su man was indifferent to Kane after hearing Kane's bewitchment. Jimobei's eyebrows gathered high and his hands were clenched into fists. When Kane turned back and spoke to Su man, he also impolitely hit Kane in the face.

"I don't need you to interrupt about Su man and me!"

After tymobei reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a faint dark light flashed in his Obsidian eyes. He looked down at Kane who fell to the ground.

Kane felt uncomfortable when jimobei beat him. He quickly got scared from the ground and attacked jimobei in the direction of jimobei. Jimobei only felt that a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and Kane rushed in his direction in the next moment. He was also impolite, clenched his fist again and hit Kane in the direction of Kane.

After two or three rounds, two handsome men have wrestled together

Su man saw that the two were fighting and immediately ran forward to separate them. But both of them had been unhappy with each other for a long time. In addition, now that Su man was present, they couldn't stop. Kane hit Ji Mobei on the face with a left hook fist, and Ji Mobei hit Kane on the abdomen with a right hook fist. The two were inseparable. Su man couldn't persuade him standing next to him.

Jimobei's mouth exuded a trace of blood. He turned over, restrained Kane and gave a vicious warning, "don't think you're from the Jos family. Will I be afraid of you? Now I'm fully capable of killing you. If you know the truth, don't always pester my woman. The thing between me and Su man is our own thing. You don't need to fake kindness."

After his warning words, he raised his fist and hit Kane in the face again. Kane's handsome face was also colored at this time. But he didn't compromise. He pooped, spit out blood spittle, Xingzi, and the fierceness in his eyes flashed past. He suddenly rolled up his knees and was about to go to jimobei's abdomen. Jimobei was quick in hand and eyes, and immediately avoided the side, but Kane took advantage of this opportunity to turn over again. Instead, he grabbed Ji Mobei. Kane said fiercely, "who do you think you are? If you have the ability, marry her home. If you don't have the ability, don't blame others for pestering her. I just like pestering her. What do you want!" He grabbed Ji Mobei's neck with his arm, but Ji Mobei didn't admit defeat at all. Although he was stopped by Kane, he clenched his hand tightly like a fist, as if he was making full efforts to prepare for a blow to Kane.

"Enough of you two! This is my place. If you want to fight, go out and fight!" Su man looked at the wounds on both faces and immediately hardened his heart.

Kane turned back and squeezed her with a smile worse than crying. "Su man, this is our man's business. Don't worry."

Jimobei suddenly hit Kane in the face with his clenched fist while Kane looked up. Kane took a heavy punch from him and immediately loosened his hand pinching jimobei's neck. Jimobei seized this opportunity and immediately fought back. It was another turn, but it suddenly took the lead. Kane refused to accept, used both hands and feet, and wanted to attack Ji Mobei's body. Although tymobei is tired of dealing with his attack, he can still take the lead in the field.

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