"Today is Tanabata." Lin Xue murmured.

Su man was stunned. Time passed quickly. Unconsciously, it was already Tanabata.

Looking at the roses in the young girl's hand, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her eyes and said with a little excitement, "snow, didn't we say to open a florist when we saved enough money? Now you finally have time and I have some small money. Let's open a florist together. If you are the boss, I'll be the second shopkeeper. How about it?"

Lin Xue was pulled back to reality by Su man's words. Looking at her smiling face, she didn't seem to digest Su man's words so quickly. Su man seemed to see the dawn of hope. He reached out and took the initiative to hold Lin Xue's cut hand. His eyes were bright. "Xue, I think this plan is very good. You are a patient person. You can manage the florist well if you learn the knowledge of flowers now, so I can sit and wait for the money." it seemed to encourage Lin Xue, Su man's face showed another firm smile.

Lin Xue's eyes have a shocking pain that can't be hidden. "Manman, I haven't done business. If you pay me to do business like this, you'll lose money."

Su man glanced and smiled, holding her hand with a slight force, "Xue, do you want to continue like this all the time? Your parents despise you and your brothers humiliate you. Do you deserve to live under their contempt? In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with this. If it weren't for you, your two brothers wouldn't be able to go to school at all. They are doing this to you just because they see that your value has been squeezed dry. If you can still go to school now They will never dislike you if you make a lot of money. "

Su man's words were very ruthless, but Lin Xue subconsciously defended her relatives, "no, it's not like this. They... They... In fact, I'm sorry for them... I'm ashamed of them."

Su man hooked her lips and smiled like a smile. "Without you, they don't even have faces. Xue, although your parents gave birth to you, you have paid so much for them for so many years. Now you can offset the kindness you owe them. You are also a person. You can't just live for your family. How can some people's hearts not be warm..."

Like Xu wanqiu.

Her five years of hard work in exchange for only her curse.

She called her a bastard.

In the face of interests, her daughter is also used to sacrifice at any time.

Such people are like a snake. They can't cover their hearts. Lin Xue's family, especially her two younger brothers, are similar to Xu wanqiu. Lin Xue doesn't owe them anything. Why should they stand at the highest point of morality and overlook Lin Xue.

Lin Xue is silent. The most important thing is that she doesn't know how to return to Su man. She wants to argue for her relatives again, but her defense seems so weak in front of the facts. She was really abandoned by her family. At this time, she really needs to find something to do. She doesn't want to live with a man like Liu Qiang anymore.

She was silent for a long time. At last, she seemed to have figured out something. She looked up and had some brilliance. She said softly and firmly, "Manman, thank you. I must do well and live up to you."

Su man listens to her saying that a stone head in her heart is unloaded at once. That kind of small flower shop doesn't cost much, but if it can free her from her current pessimism, it's a good business. Lin Xue was so kind to her, and now she can pull her at her most difficult moment. She's very happy.

Su man shows a smile that is happier than Lin Xue. Her smiling eyebrows and eyes are curved, like two crescent moons. Lin Xue seems to be infected by the smile on her face, and the corner of her mouth that has been hanging is also raised slightly, showing a faint smile.

They didn't expect that the accident would happen at the next moment. Suddenly, a group of people rushed into the cafe. Before Su man could react, the woman headed by Su man suddenly came forward. For a moment, Su man only felt a dark shadow coming at her, her face was cold, and a huge mass of ink poured directly on her face.

Su man was shocked for a moment, forgot his reaction, and stood there in a little embarrassment.

The woman splashing Su man's ink was wearing the latest dress of an Italian fashion brand, and the bag in her hand was also a famous brand. Even the pearl necklace hanging around her neck was valuable. She looked at Su man arrogantly, stared at her fiercely, and cursed with the most ugly and vicious words.

"Don't be a shameless woman. Why do you rob my cousin's man? You third party, female junior. My cousin is dying in the hospital now, but you can laugh here. You shameless junior. I'll ruin your reputation and see if you dare to seduce a married man again."

After she finished talking to Su man in a domineering manner, she turned to a large group of humanitarians behind her, "Let's take a snapshot of this little three. She is the little three who took part in the marriage between Ji Mobei, President of Ji family, and Mrs. Ji. This shameless woman encouraged Ji Mobei to divorce, causing my cousin to commit suicide in pain. Now she is still lying in the hospital... Let's help. We can't let this cheap little three gain power."

As she spoke, a group of people in the back took out their cameras and took pictures of Su man's embarrassed appearance. Lin Xue rushed forward to protect Su man and stop the reporters. The flash flashed before Su man's eyes. She was stunned. Her consciousness finally recovered and understood that Mu Lan ordered the play today.

There was a rage in her heart. Why do these people always like to provoke her. She asked herself that she hadn't done anything harmful, but these people never let her go. Her hands clenched into fists, and Bei's teeth bit heavily on her lips. Her whole body was covered with a cold momentum.

The woman opposite still felt that it was not enough, and smiled proudly, "This woman's surname is su. She always depends on men. What she can do best is to climb a man's bed. My cousin's husband is a man who values love and righteousness because of this woman. I don't know what ecstasy she gave my cousin's husband, which made him so determined to divorce my cousin's husband. This shameless Junior is a disgrace to our women..."

Lin Xue is so anxious to defend Su man, but these people are the woman "please" Come, how can they believe Lin Xue's words? Lin Xue is anxious and afraid. She quickly takes off her coat to cover Su man. Su man's teeth have bitten a wound on her lip flap. She pushes Lin Xue away, picks up the coffee on the table, strides to the woman with high toes, and Yang hand spills the coffee in the coffee cup to the woman.

"Ah!" screamed the woman.

Although Su man is also embarrassed, her eyes are burning with anger. It seems that she is still softer to Mu Lan. Since that woman took the initiative to start the war, she will no longer passively wait for others to hurt. This time, she will fight a beautiful counterattack.

"Did you just say I'm junior? Hehe, go back and ask your cousin who is junior. Come back again

Yes, with what you just did to me, I can go to the court to sue you. I want to make life worse for you and your cousin. "Her voice was cold and heartless, and her whole body exuded a strong aura, which shocked the woman at once.

Su man sneered and turned his eyes to the reporter behind the woman. His eyes flashed fiercely, and a sneer of monsters opened at the corners of his mouth. "You journalists can write as she said just now. But I keep the right to sue in the court. If your career is affected in the future, don't blame me..."

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