John passed the information of the blue star tarantula Gang to Interpol. The blue star tarantula gang has been doing covert activities in country m for years, smuggling, drug trafficking, kidnapping and even self-made guns... Interpol has long been watched by people. This time, I heard from John. Interpol also attached great importance to the backbone of blue star tarantula to city a, and set up a special investigation team. The police here in city a also joined hands with Interpol to destroy the harmful organization when the blue star tarantula gang committed a crime.

They secretly looked for Su man. Su man's attitude is very firm. She is willing to make the bait herself and catch the gang organization. She is well aware of the great danger of this task. With her ability, if it is not handled properly, she may be killed at any time. But she also clearly knows that since Mu Lan can call a blue star tarantula Gang, she may also call a yellow star tarantula gang. The blue star tarantula Gang is not the key. The key is the people who hide behind and control everything.

If the enemy is not completely eradicated, those who wait can only be beaten passively.

This time, if her plan succeeds, she can not only completely defeat Mu Lan and Xu wanqiu, but also involve many people. Her revenge may be completed once.

Because they didn't know when those people would do it, the police installed tracking systems in her hairpin and other places in order to keep the hostage safe. He also sent someone to follow Su man secretly to ensure Su man's personal safety.

All the plans are perfect, but the fly in the ointment is... Ji Mobei.

Su man didn't tell Ji Mobei what she was going to do next. Ji Mobei called to ask her to have dinner. For the first time, she handed over her little girl to Lin Xue. After she simply dressed up, she went on a date.

It was lunchtime, but there was no one in the restaurant. Su man asks the waiter about it before she knows that Ji Mobei has bought the whole restaurant. In the private room, Su man pushes open the door of the private room. Ji Mobei just takes off his suit and reveals a light colored shirt. His cuffs roll up slightly and is looking down at the menu. When he heard the footsteps, he raised his head and saw Su man.

Su man painted a light makeup today. She was wearing a Brown Knee Length sweater and a pair of boots. Their eyes collided in mid air, and the soft waves in the air collided.

After Ji Mobei ordered, Ji Mobei looked at her with a smile, "it must be very hard to take a little girl at home these days. She has a good skin."

Su man lowered her head and smiled. "No matter how hard it is, it's my child. I'm not tired with it." at this point, she paused again, took out a piece of paper from the steamed stuffed bun and pushed it to Ji Mobei, "Before coming, I just called the doctor in M country. He said the child recovered very well. It may not take long for him to leave the hospital. At that time, you have to pick up the child. This is the address."

Ji Mobei was stunned. Su man refused to tell him which hospital the child was in. Now he suddenly came to this change. He stared at the note on the table. Stunned for a moment, he stretched out his hand to pick up the note and looked at the address above. The ecstasy in his eyes was hard to hide.

He will see his son soon

Thinking of his young son alone in M country, he felt a little pain. He asked Su man several times, what's the matter with the child?

But Su man never answered him this question.

A trace of uneasiness flashed in my heart.

Ji Mobei looked up at Su man again and found that Su man was staring at him. Their eyes met in mid air, and Su man quickly dodged.

"What about you?" Ji Mobei took over her words with some doubts. Su man thought of what would happen these days, and her smile suddenly faded a little, "I, of course I went with you."

Ji Mobei listened to her voice in a strange way. He couldn't help saying, "Su man, aren't you feeling well today?"

"No." Su man answered with a guilty heart. Ji Mobei thought she was worried today. He wanted to ask, but the waiter just came up at this time. Ji Mobei didn't ask his questions. During the meal, they didn't talk much. After the staple food, it was dessert.

Ji Mobei saw that Su man was careless after rectifying the meal. He endured it for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help asking, "what's the matter with you today?" it was obvious that he was not in a state.

Su man forced herself to squeeze out a smile. "No, I'm fine."

Ji Mobei Na Na, this meal was a little dull for both of them. After eating, Su man said he wanted to buy toys for his children. Ji Mobei happened to be on his way and sent Su man to the mall. In the car, Ji Mobei turned his head to look at Su man sitting next to him and suddenly said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you something. I saw Gu Lei the other day. He also asked me about you and your current contact information."

Gu Lei

Su man's eyelids jumped suddenly, and her memory was used to her like a flood of opening the gate. Is the boy who once told her to be the type of man she likes now okay?

Timo looked North at the front and whispered, "but I didn't give it." With a man's intuition, he always feels that Gu Lei is also very likely to become his rival in love. He still faces two mountains of Shen Anlin and Kane. At this time, he doesn't want to pull down Gu Lei. Some people may think that he is very selfish, but he has always been selfish in dealing with the woman he likes.

"I didn't give him your contact information, you won't blame me?" Ji Mobei stepped on the exit valve, and the car quickly turned in one direction and drove to another road.

"It's good that you didn't give him my contact information." Su man looked at the world outside the window. This time is obviously not the time to meet Gu Lei.

Ji Mobei looked at Su man unexpectedly. "I thought you would blame me. After all, you used to be good friends with Gu Lei." moreover, he was ready to be punished by Su man.

The afternoon sun was warm. Su man leaned against the window and slowly stretched out her hand. The breeze blew her hair up. She turned her head fiercely and smiled gently at Ji Mobei. The smile seemed to have some magic. Ji Mobei was warm in heart and said helplessly, "what's the matter with you today? How do you feel strange?"

"There's something wrong with me, but it's you. You're very strange. You keep asking me what happened." Su man's eyes flashed an imperceptible emotion. She lowered her eyes and projected her long eyelashes on the bottom of her eyes. Her expression at the moment was light and very unusual. Ji Mobei unconsciously climbed up a trace of haze between his eyebrows and eyes.

He was sure that Su man was hiding something from him, but she didn't say it. No matter how much he asked, he couldn't pry words out of her mouth.

The car stopped at the largest shopping mall in the city center. Su man got out of the car and Ji Mobei got off. He went around behind Su man, reached out and took her hand, took out his gold card from his pocket and stuffed it into Su man's hand. "You're my woman now. I like you to spend my money." he gently brushed her messy hair off her forehead.

Su man looked at the VVIP card in his hand, puffed a smile, held the card in his hand and raised it, "since you say so, I'm not polite. President Ji Da is sitting in the office waiting for the bank to call you."

Ji Mobei leaned in her direction. Su man immediately smelled the faint fragrance from him. He put his hands on her slim waist, "since the card is given to you, it's yours. You can spend whatever you want, even if you lose your family." when he spoke, the faint smell of mint lingered in her nose, and Su man narrowed his eyes slightly, "President Ji Da, when will he say sweet words to women?"

Timo looked around and saw that no one was looking at them. He quickly bowed his head and left a shallow kiss on Su man's soft cheek. "Aren't you afraid of running away again? Naturally, you have to have snacks."

Su man stood on tiptoe and gave Ji Mobei a kiss. "No matter what, you will be the father of our children."

Ji Mobei sighed lightly, "Alas, you always hide your words. You always feel like you have something to do today. But you don't tell me. Su man, haven't you promised to marry me? In this way, we will be one in the future. Don't hide anything in your heart all the time? Maybe I can help you..." Ji Mobei's cell phone rang in his pocket before he finished his words. Ji Mobei picked up his cell phone and looked at it. His face suddenly became dignified.

"It's my uncle..." he said to Su man and answered the phone. Su man stood and watched Ji Mobei's face become more and more ugly. When Ji Mobei hung up, she asked, "what's the matter?"

"Su man, go shopping by yourself first. I have to go back to Ji's house. Something happened at home." Ji Mobei confessed to Su man and drove away in a hurry. Su man knew that something important must have happened to Ji's family, otherwise Ji Mobei's mood could not have fluctuated so much. In other words, she hasn't started with the Ji family yet. Now the Ji family's affairs can be arranged by the new mayor.

Su man strolled around the mall bored. She didn't buy anything. After coming out of the mall, she wanted to take a taxi in the underground parking lot.

"Su man!" a strange and familiar voice came.

Su man paused and looked back. Gu Lei's young face had been reflected in her eyes.

I haven't seen him for such a long time. He doesn't seem to have changed much. He opens his mouth and smiles. His white teeth can still shake other people's eyes. He trots over and says excitedly, "I've been with you for a long time. Some are not sure about you, so I don't dare to say hello to you! I... i... I don't know what to say. Haven't seen you for so long, are you okay?" There was uncontrollable joy in his tone.

Su man didn't know what to tell him. But the next moment, a van suddenly came up in the underground parking lot. The van shone in their direction with a high beam. The car stopped at a distance of one meter from the two of them, and then jumped out of the car. The men rushed towards them.

Su man reacts and pushes Gu Lei away. But the next moment, someone has stuffed a wet towel around her mouth, and she soon loses consciousness. Before closing her eyes, she vaguely sees that Gu Lei has been dragged to the van by those people. Then, she has no consciousness anymore!

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