On John's side, after he came out of the command center of the police station, he quickly called Ji Mobei. Ji has been rooted in city a for a long time and has many subsidiaries. What John needs most now is to find Ji Mobei to help him study the current location of the positioning chip he installed on Su man's shoes.

After receiving John's call, Timothy quickly contacted several engineers of the Institute of electronics. By the time John arrived in Gilles, the engineers had all arrived. John gave the things in his hand to the engineer. The engineer threw himself into the study at once.

Ji Mobei stood outside the glass door of the Research Institute and looked at the engineers who were nervous about their work. There was a dark wave surging in his Phoenix eyes. John could just see the black beard coming out of Ji Mobei's chin from the angle of standing. John also knows something about what Shen Anlin and Kane have done to the Ji family. He sympathizes with Ji Mobei. At this time, Su man and the Ji family are in trouble at the same time. He has to be busy at both ends. He may not even have time to shave.

Thinking of this, he comforted Ji Mobei with some sympathy. "Don't worry, the current Su man is not the former Su man. She will be fine."

Ji Mobei nodded silently, but the worry in his eyes was still so strong.

John looked at him and suddenly didn't know what to say to comfort jimobei. For a moment, they fell silent again, and the mobile phone in Ji Mobei's pocket rang at this time. Timothy picked up his cell phone and looked at the number on it. His face became a little unnatural. After he turned back and said sorry to John, he hurried aside to answer the phone.

John was keenly aware of the change of expression on jimobei's face. He watched jimobei walk to the other side of the corridor and talk on the phone. He followed quietly, hid in a remote place in the corridor, and listened to the phone in jimobei.

"... sister Fang, calm down first. I've reported the case to the police station. There will be people's search notices in TV stations and newspapers today. Xinyan is so cute that there will be no accident." Ji Mobei's slightly tired voice echoed in the corridor. John's eyes narrowed slightly and continued to listen.

"Don't worry, Xinyan is my sister. I won't let anything happen to her... Grandpa, don't tell him about Xinyan's disappearance. I'm afraid he can't stand the blow... Well, good. I'll call you as soon as I have news. Don't worry, grandpa can't see the flaw yet... OK, I'll take care of myself... Goodbye."

John hiding in the corner has re integrated Ji Mobei's words in his mind. He comes to a conclusion that Ji Xinyan, Ji Mobei's sister, is also missing.

After a little struggle in his heart, John came out of the corner of the corridor when Ji Mobei turned around and looked directly at Ji Mobei, "Mr. Ji, is your sister missing?"

Ji Mobei's narrow Phoenix eyes flashed past. He pursed his sexy thin lips and sighed, "the driver wasted some time on the road yesterday. When he got to Xinyan's school, he found that Xinyan had lost her. We looked for all the places Xinyan could go, but we didn't find her." Feng Mobei spoke in a low and depressed voice. This one after another made him tired of responding to his life. He only rested for two or three hours a day, but in this way, he still had unfinished business on hand.

He was so tired that he wanted to lie down and have a good rest. But every time he closed his eyes, what flashed before his eyes was the image of his closest and dearest lover. He is the eldest grandson of the Ji family, a good brother of Xinyan and the father of Su man's children. Others have the right to complain, but he doesn't. What he is doing now is what he should do. This is his responsibility.

The word "responsibility" is more important than Mount Tai.

John felt more sympathy for kimobei. Moreover, he also believed that if Su man knew Ji Mobei's current situation, she would also love Ji Mobei.

Favorite woman, Ji family who raised him, biological sister

The burdens of the three were all on Ji Mobei's shoulders. If he was not determined, he would have been tortured by pressure. He said with heartfelt admiration, "Ji Mobei, it seems that Su man did not choose the wrong person. You are a good man." a good man with responsibility and responsibility.

Ji Mobei raised his lips and smiled politely, "thank you."

John also wanted to say some comforting words to comfort Ji Mobei. An engineer in a white coat suddenly ran out of the research room. His face was still full of joy and said excitedly to Ji Mobei, "President Ji, we have found out the location of the chip."

With a happy face, Ji Mobei hurriedly followed him into the research room. In the research room, the Engineer in white coat pointed to a beating red dot on the screen and said slowly, "This kind of chip is not produced by our company, so it's still troublesome to locate the location of the chip. Fortunately, our company just cooperated with the communication company in city A. we cooperated with the communication company and mobilized all the information coverage points in city A. finally, we detected that the current location of the chip is an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city."

Ji Mobei's eyes were sharp and his tone was low. "In this case, I'll go to the abandoned factory in the suburbs now. Once you have new news, contact me immediately."

In the suburban factory building, Su man is still using procrastination tactics to work with a group of people in Gul.

After hearing what Su man said before, Gul felt a little relaxed. He still stuck half his body in the sofa, picked up an unlit cigar in his mouth and said in a low voice, "Miss Su has said so much. I really want to know what benefits our blue star gang will get if I cooperate with you?"

That's the point. Su man was secretly pleased and continued to say, "Mr. Gul is also an understanding person. I have put out my advantages. If Mr. Gul is really good for the group of brothers behind you, you will naturally know how to choose."

Gul picked up the lighter and lit a cigar. Then he took a deep look at Su man. Suddenly, he smiled, "the cake painted by Miss Su for me is really good. However, you and brother Tong are father daughter relationship after all. In a word that you Chinese like to say, blood is thicker than water. I wouldn't be so stupid. I let you go just by listening to you."

Su man was just trying to procrastinate, but Gul suddenly came back to the topic after only a few words. She was a little depressed.

Seeing that Su man was refuted by Gul, brother Tong took Gul's words directly, "Gul, I can see that you are so procrastinating. No matter what I do today, you won't let my daughter go. In that case, I don't expect anything. My daughter and I can die together today, which is also the blessing of our father and daughter."

As soon as the voice fell, tongge, who had been kneeling on the ground, turned over to Gul with a quick action. The next second later, the gun in his hand was against Gul's neck.

The situation on the pitch also took a sharp turn at this time. GUR's gang thought they had the upper hand. They were already a little tired in thought. Coupled with what Su man just said, their attention was distracted. Even GUR himself didn't fully concentrate. Therefore, tongge's sudden move was successful and robbed Gul's neck.

Other members of the blue star tarantula gang were stunned when they saw this situation. Then they took out their pistols and aimed at brother Tong. Brother Tong snapped, "don't move! I'll shoot him if anyone moves." while brother Tong was talking, he had pulled the trigger and aimed the gun at Gul's forehead.

The atmosphere on the court suddenly cooled down a lot.

Those members of the blue star gang did not dare to move again, taking into account the safety of Gul, and the passive situation of tongge was quickly reversed. Brother Tong turned back and gave a wink to his men. Among his men, there was a man with the strongest body. He quickly cooperated with brother Tong's rhythm, turned forward, grabbed Su man and wanted to take her away.

But Su man resisted and took the initiative to release the man's hand and nuzui in the other direction of the sofa. There, Gu Lei was still in a coma and didn't wake up. Su man wants the man to save Gu Lei first. After all, Gu Lei was involved by her. She doesn't want to involve Gu Lei anymore.

The big man ignored Su man's intention. He insisted on pulling Su man's hand and pulled her away from the center of the storm. Su man was pulled by the man and almost didn't stand still. Fortunately, several men behind brother Tong quickly helped her.

Without Su man's big chip, Gul felt a pang on his face and reluctantly suppressed his resentment. "Brother Tong, you really have the ability. What a pain in front of you, but in the blink of an eye, you changed your face and put the gun against my neck. Alas, I don't know whether to say you're cunning or insidious."

Brother Tong's cold face didn't have a smile. He pulled Gul up from the sofa, and didn't answer him.

Gul was brutally treated by brother Tong, and the green veins on his angry forehead protruded. He took advantage of the moment when brother Tong picked him up, raised his legs and kicked at brother Tong's crotch. There was a sharp light in brother Tong's eyes, and a beautiful rotation. His legs kicked at Gul's tiger mouth with force. Gul's tiger mouth was numb. Brother Tong took the opportunity to subdue him. The black pistol rested on Gul's neck again.

"Gul, you couldn't fight me before, and you couldn't fight me this time." brother Tong said in a low voice in Gul's ear.

Gul's eyes flashed unwilling, and he wanted to strip brother Tong of his skin and cramp.

While Kan Lei, who had been in a coma on the sofa, slowly opened his hazy eyes after hearing the sound of fighting in the field. A quick eyed member of the blue star gang saw Gu Lei wake up, quickly pulled Gu Lei from the sofa and put a gun on Gu Lei's head.

The situation on both sides is one to one, with hostages.

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