Ji Mobei's death made Su man focus all her energy on her work. She worked 24 hours a day, almost 15 or 6 hours. When she gets home, she will go to the girl's house to hug her and talk to her for a while. She won't have much time to rest if this day goes on. Lin Xue was worried when she saw her. Often told her to have a good rest, but as soon as Su man worked, Lin Xue's words became a breeze in his ears.

Sometimes she feels very sorry for her son who is far away in country m and leaves such a young child alone in country M. If jimobei were still there, their family might have been reunited. Unfortunately

When he was there, she didn't know how to cherish.

Now she knows how to cherish, but there is no one around her who can let her rely on unconditionally.

She can't separate herself, and she is worried about the little treasure in country M. In desperation, we can only trouble Mrs. Jos. Mrs. Jos loves little girls very much, not to mention the little treasure of country M. The day after su man told her, she flew to m country.

She asked the Engineering Department of the company to prepare a development report for the second half of the year. In the report, the top priority is to get the 4G business license of country F. G4 technology is different from traditional communication technology. Now it has been successfully developed and only waiting for promotion. Country f attaches great importance to this technology. If it can get the business license of G4, it will be great good news for Ji's in trouble.

Su man read a series of materials and was very interested in the project, and asked people to contact the officials in country f, saying that they also wanted to join the G4 business license promotion project. Country f quickly accepted Ji's application, but Su man soon learned that Shen Anlin's company also participated in the G4 license competition.

What do you say about Shen Anlin. Since Ji Mobei's absence, he has become a leader in the whole business circle of city A. There are countless people flattering him and countless small companies waiting to cooperate with his company. Shen Anlin seems to be the king of the business circle of city A.

If Ji had been in the past, he might have a fight with Shen Anlin company. But now Ji's family is not as good as chicken, and the whole Ji's family is not as good as before. Therefore, when the news came from country f that Shen Anlin's company also participated in the competition, many people at the top of the company were worried and did not think Ji's company could compete with Shen Anlin's company. These people persuaded Su man to resume another project to recover Ji's company.

Su man doesn't know that Ji Shi can't fight Shen Anlin now, but she still wants to have a try. Bi Jing, this project is too important for Ji Shi. If Ji Shi can succeed in taking over this project, Ji Shi can get out of the mire of suffering at one stroke. On the contrary, if Ji does not meet this challenge and is still thinking about competing with other small companies for those low profit and time-consuming projects, Ji may soon be unable to make ends meet. Therefore, Su man clenched her teeth, overcame all opinions and insisted on doing the project.

One sunny afternoon, Su man just saw off a customer in Mingtai building. She and her secretary Nicole found a coffee shop, ordered a cup of coffee and sat down. Nicole reports Su man's work plan for the afternoon. Su man can hardly squeeze out such a little time to rest. She leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes and listened to Nicole's report with ease.

Suddenly a noise rang out. Su man opened her eyes and followed the sound to look at the glass window of the cafe. She found a group of reporters asking questions around Shen Anlin. Wearing an iron gray suit, Shen Anlin stood out in the crowd, and countless magnesium lights "clicked" around him.

Su man took a look, then silently took back her eyes, bowed her head and drank her coffee attentively. Nicole glances at Shen Anlin, lowers his head and continues to report to Su man on his work in the afternoon.

It was Shen Anlin's secretary who found Su man sitting in the coffee shop. He quietly reported the situation to Shen Anlin. Shen Anlin's cold eyes quickly flitted over the delicate figure in the coffee shop, and there was a complex light in his deep eyes.

After he dismissed the reporters, he adjusted his clothes and then walked into the cafe. She sat down at the table where Su man was sitting, raised her eyebrows and said to her, "what a coincidence."

"Yes, what a coincidence." Su man answered him faintly, and then looked up at him.

Shen Anlin looked at Su man carefully. Today, she was wearing a dark professional suit, her dark hair was pulled up with a clip, and her face was painted with a light layer of makeup. The whole person looked mature and capable, and had a very different style from the previous gentle temperament.

"I heard that you Ji Shi will also compete for the G4 business license? Su man, if I say something ugly, Ji Shi is not my opponent at all." Shen Anlin's eyes never moved away from Su man. Over the years, he has never been short of women, but he still feels lonely. Even when he slept with other women, he couldn't help calling Su man's name.

The woman who drifted away from him.

It became his robbery. Maybe he can't survive her fate in his life.

"Thank you for helping me out last time." Su man refers to what Timo Bei said for her in Ji's building last time. It was obvious that one sentence of kimobei was better than her hundred. Those people are very proud of him.

Shen Anlin collected the look on his face, and there was a faint light flashing in his eyes.

"Su man, Ji Mobei is gone now. Do you really want to support Ji alone in the future?"

Su man heard what he said. The rest of her eyes glanced at Nicole and Shen Anlin's secretary in the field. Niko they also saw that they seemed to have something important to say alone, so they found an excuse to leave. When there were only two of them, Su man hung his head and said faintly, "there are no others now. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Shen Anlin pursed his thin lips, lowered his head and whispered, "Su man. It will be hard for a woman to take over such a big company. Have you ever thought..." his voice suddenly paused, then looked up and said very seriously, "You don't have to live such a busy life at all. Although Ji Mobei is gone, there are still others who can give you happiness. Can you... Consider... Me!" Shen Anlin used all his strength after saying these words. After saying these words, he seemed to clench his fist nervously and looked at Su man more flustered.

Su man was slightly surprised and stunned, but then she smiled again. She leaned her whole center of gravity against the back of the chair and said with a smile, "Jimo's bones are not cold. Do you think if I marry you now, will I be despised by people outside?"

"If you mind the gossip of people outside, we... Can't disclose our affairs. I want you." Shen Anlin said very seriously. He changes women faster than clothes. But no woman can make him palpitate like Su man.

There are thousands of women in the world, and his heart is only open to the woman named Su man.

Su man casually stirred the coffee with a spoon in her hand, and then took the coffee to her lips and took a sip.

Things in this world, but if you add the word "before", they will fall in price.

Of course, the same is true for her "ex" husband.

"Su man, if you can come back to me, our company can take the initiative to give up the competition for G4 business license and help Ji Shi to participate in the competition. Also, I will treat your children as my own children. I will treat them well and not let others bully them. Also, I will pay off the debts owed by Ji Shi In short, as long as you are willing to come back to me, I will do whatever you want me to do for you. "

When Shen Anlin said this, he put himself in a very humble position to beg her. Shen Anlin, who calls the wind and rain in the mall, is a mess of failure in love.

Su man looked at him calmly and then smiled. Her smile was so cold that Shen Anlin's heart jerked and hurt badly.

"Shen Anlin, if you said this to me a year ago, I would be moved to jump into your arms. But now, everything is over. Although Ji Mobei is gone, I am his wife." she stretched out her hand and the wedding ring on her hand brightened Shen Anlin's eyes.

"Sorry, I have other things to do. I can't accompany you." Su man picked up her bag and got up and left. When she passed Shen Anlin, Shen Anlin suddenly grabbed her hand and Su man frowned.

Shen Anlin lowered his eyes and said in a low voice.

"Su man, since I said this, it will always be effective for you. When you figure it out one day, find me in the room on the top floor of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. It will always be your home."

Su man paused, stretched out her hand and took out her hand from his hand. Without any nostalgia, she left the cafe directly. Nicole, who was not far away, saw that she was leaving and hurriedly followed her behind. The figure of the two soon heard the news at the door of the cafe.

The afternoon sun shone on Shen Anlin's face, and Shen Anlin sighed heavily.

Su man, you can't mix well in the mall if you want. I believe that one day, you will appear on the top floor of the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Moreover, that day will not be far away.

Shen Anlin suddenly raised his head, facing the sun, with a strange smile in his mouth.

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