After putting the paper in Mr. Smith's hand back into the paper bag, he took out the previous cow leather bag, took out the final result agreed by them, and slowly announced, "now, I declare that the winning company is..."

When he said this, he stopped deliberately again. Su man is nervous and has already clenched her clothes, waiting for the final result

Mr. Smith thought it was almost over. He smiled and said, "well, no kidding. I announce that the winning company is the proposal put forward by the quarter group."

As Mr. Smith's voice fell, the people in the meeting looked at the letter together, Su man. The surprise suddenly came. Su man was stunned and wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

Until Nicole pushed her with his elbow and whispered to her, "president, we won! We won!"

Su man blinked, got out of her shocked thoughts, quickly got up and bowed to Mr. Smith. "Thank you, thank you! Thank you for giving us Ji Shi this opportunity! Thank you!" because she was so surprised that her words were a little confused.

But I really can't blame her.

Although she really wanted to win, she also knew their disadvantage. She also sat here with little hope and waited for a result. But the result was a big surprise to her.

Mr. Smith took the lead in getting up from his seat and applauded, "don't thank me. This is the result of your company's own efforts."

Having said that, Su man bowed to Mr. Smith with some excitement.

Of course, there is joy, there is loss. Several other companies that lost the election were quite dissatisfied with the result. As far as they know, they have also heard about the unrest that has taken place in Ji's family these days. For the female president who took over Ji Shi, they got the information that she was a novice. Because of these two reasons, other companies on the market do not regard Ji as their competitor this time, and they look at Su man with a respected attitude.

But now, the opponent they ignored won the final victory. Except for Ji's staff and Hank's company, I'm afraid there is no one in the field.

Shen Anlin sat in his seat, his eyes as cold as ice.

He slowly got up, clapped his hands and clapped, but his face couldn't help showing a cold sneer. He looked at Mr. Smith in the middle of the field. "Mr. Smith, I'm very interested to know why it was Ji who won the championship this time?"

His doubts are also generated in the hearts of representatives of other companies. Therefore, with Shen Anlin's questions, representatives of other companies in the audience also expressed their doubts. Those with intense emotions said that hank was unprofessional.

In fact, Su man also wants to know why Mr. Smith chose to cooperate with Ji in the end. However, this doubt was asked by Shen Anlin in such a contemptuous tone, and she was still very uncomfortable.

She glanced at Shen Anlin coldly, and Shen Anlin was looking at her.

They looked at each other for a moment and quickly moved away.

Su man doesn't want Shen Anlin to look down on her. She straightens her back, raises her chin slightly, and looks at Mr. Smith with a decent smile on her face.

After accepting the public's questions, Mr. Smith said very friendly, "You may not be satisfied with this result. Some people may think that hank company has accepted Ji's benefits. Here, I want to say a fair word for hank company and Ji. In this week, only Ji didn't send someone to contact our staff, let alone take bribes from our hank company staff in other ways. This One thing, let me have some good feelings for this company. "

When Su man heard this, she immediately talked to her face and bowed her head in embarrassment.

In fact, she was not as noble as Mr. Smith said. At first, she also thought about starting from Mrs. Smith. But later, Shen Anlin reminded her that she didn't do it. Mr. Smith actually liked Ji because of this thing, which made her feel as if she had cheated Mrs. Smith, and she secretly felt a sense of guilt.

Mr. Smith's words began slowly at this time, "Of course, I just like Ji Shi. This kind of favor is not enough to influence my own choice. Hank will choose Ji Shi as our partner, which is unanimously approved by the executives in charge of the project. Ji Shi's proposal is very good, some details are marked very clearly, and even some shortcomings of their proposal are highlighted It's an honest company. Hank likes to cooperate with honest companies. "

"Mr. Smith, but a good proposal doesn't mean that the company has a good executive ability?" Shen Anlin said again, pointing directly at Ji's current problem.

Before Mr. Smith answered this time, Su man bowed to Mr. Smith. Then her eyes fell on Shen Anlin.

"I admit that we do have some problems. If these problems are not solved in time, it will affect the cooperation between our company and Hank company. However... After saying the shortcomings, I also selfishly express the advantages of our company. Ji's reputation has been good since its establishment. We have an excellent R & D team. There are many excellent talents If it hadn't been for the financial crisis some time ago, I don't think we would have lost to several companies here. "

At this time, there was plenty of light in the conference room. Su man tied her hair in a bun, and her small face was exposed. Her smooth forehead, sharp chin, thin white skin and eyes like black gemstones.

The more she talked about her self-confidence, the more profound her smile was, the resolute fluorescence in her eyes flowed, and her face was quiet and beautiful.

"Ji's financial crisis has been solved now. Hank company can provide this opportunity for Ji at this time. Our company will cherish this opportunity. I dare not say too much, but I think we will not lose the expectation of hank company."

When she finished speaking, her smile was faint, but the expression on her face was incomparable perseverance. Like a flower blooming in the night, she is so beautiful that people can't move their eyes.

Shen Anlin looked at her and was extremely angry. He was not so angry because he lost the bid. The development of his company is at its peak. There are many businesses waiting for him to take over. Hank's business is big, but it won't starve if it's not received. What he really cares about is that if Ji's business gets bigger and bigger after he wins the business, won't he be closer to Su man?

He took a deep breath, and his cold eyes turned around Su man several times, hoping to lock the woman firmly beside him. Let her belong to him alone. So she'll never run away.

After listening to Su man's words, Mr. Smith took the lead in clapping again. He took the lead in going to Su man's side, gave her a very gentlemanly hug and whispered in her ear, "come on, honest lady." they can make a steady profit in this business. In fact, they can do it with anyone. However, what Mr. Smith valued was that Su man did not use some side doors to obtain cooperation opportunities like other companies.

Su man's face turned red again. After struggling for a while, she said frankly, "Mr. Smith, in fact, I have mended my flower knowledge for several days before, but I didn't use it in the end."

Mr. Smith understood what she meant and smiled very kindly.

"It's all right. Next time you come to country f, you can come to my house. I'll introduce you to my wife. Your knowledge of flower boats won't be in vain." Mr. Smith suddenly paused and his expression suddenly became serious. "However, even if you become good friends with our husband and wife, you won't affect my choice in business."

Su man smiled and accepted Mr. Smith's invitation to come to country f next time. I'm sure to visit Mr. Smith's house.

The news of Ji's cooperation with hank company soon spread back to city A. Affected by the good news, the orders that Ji had lost returned one after another. The whole company has swept away the previous haze and returned to the previous orderly track.

On the night of the announcement, Mr. Smith returned home as usual. The servant came up to help him with his clothes. When he saw that his wife was not meeting him at the door, he asked where his wife was going. When the servant said he was in the bedroom, Mr. Smith immediately walked in the direction of the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Mrs. Smith just put down the phone and saw her husband with a gentle smile on her face.

"Just now jessia called to thank us for taking care of her niece."

Mr. Smith shook his hand. "No! The child fought for all this. It has nothing to do with me. I won't help her niece because of your relationship with jessia." Mr. Smith's "jessia" is Mrs. joss. Mrs. joss knows Mrs. Smith and their relationship is not shallow.

Mrs. Smith took the back of Mr. Smith's hand, kissed it gently and smiled happily, "thirty years. Compared with jessia, I'm really a happy woman. Thank you for not giving up on me."

Mr. Smith smiled foolishly, reached out and took his wife's hand again.

What a contented woman. It's only 30 years. He still wants to spend 40, 50, or even 60 years of his wedding anniversary together.

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