For a man of Wen Qingliang's status, what kind of girl he looks for as his girlfriend is a very serious matter. Since Wen Qingliang took Ji Xinjie out to "see" his senior friends, the next day, he received his father's "inquiry" in the army. On the phone, Wen's father was furious and scolded Wen Qingliang.

Wen Qingliang adopted the attitude of "Non Violence and non cooperation". He could not bear the scolding of Wen's father. But if Wen Fu interferes in his marriage, he will resolutely oppose it. The conversation between father and son was finally completed in a very unhappy state.

On that day, Wen's father flew to city A. He was going to go directly to Ji Xinjie, but as soon as the car stopped outside Su man's yard, Wen's father saw Wen Qingliang who had been "waiting for the rabbit" in front of Su's house.

Wen's father saw Wen Qingliang and got out of the car. His hot temper broke out directly. In public, he went to pull Wen Qingliang's ear. Wen Qingliang grew up under Wen's father's severe punishment. At this time, he pinched his ear. In fact, it didn't hurt much, but he still had to pretend to be very painful and shouted out.

"Smelly boy, you broke my heart when I was growing up. This time I'm bolder and want to marry a mentally retarded child. Smelly boy, I'm so angry with you. Did you pay attention to me as a father?"

Wen's father hated the lesson that iron is not steel.

Wen Qingliang asked for mercy with a smile on his face. "Dad, can't I be wrong? Hurry up and let go of my ear. It really hurts to be pinched by you like this. Hey... I'm also an official. How shameless of me if you hold my ear like this."

"Face is to be given by others. You smelly boy don't deserve face." Wen's father kicked Wen Qingliang's leg angrily. "If you really want face, why don't you find a beautiful, virtuous and gentle woman instead of a mentally retarded child. Wen Qingliang, are you marrying a wife or looking for a daughter for yourself?"

Wen's father can't describe his shock when he just heard that Wen Qingliang found a mentally retarded woman as his girlfriend.

He is a clever son, but he doesn't put his intelligence on the right path. When I was a child, when other children came to school, they listened to the teacher. But he fights, bullies female classmates, and bullies teachers... He will do whatever he can think of. So when he was in primary school, his father wiped his ass behind him.

Today I'm going to apologize to the parents of the students he bullied; Tomorrow I will go shopping to the hospital to comfort the female students bullied by him; The day after tomorrow, I have to learn the review book for him... Whenever this time, he wants to put this son back into his mother's stomach.

Finally, he got the scholarship to study abroad, but the guy's careless character still hasn't changed. He fooled around with a group of friends all day, and he was very careless in his male and female style. He even maintained the relationship with multiple women at the same time. This is something that his father knows. He endured and endured. Finally, he graduated from college. The first thing he did was to throw him into the army for exercise.

In his father's opinion, only a place like the army can get rid of his ruffian spirit. During his time in the army, he did become better. As a father, he was a little relieved during that time.

Later, he has been sent abroad, and this time he returned to city A. He never thought that his son should become a lover and wholeheartedly want to marry a mentally retarded woman as his wife. He wondered if his head had been kicked over by a donkey.

In the face of Wen's father's slander on Ji Xinjie, Wen Qingliang's "three good" fiance immediately protested, "Dad, don't be so ugly as a mentally retarded woman. Xinjie is a very lovely girl."

"Cute can be a meal." father Wen pulled his ear hard again. Wen Qingliang smiled helplessly. Although his father is always calm when dealing with political affairs, as long as his affairs are involved, he will jump and get angry.

"Dad, don't pull any more. If you pull any more, it will break." Wen Qingliang begged for mercy and drilled into the car. And Wen's father seemed to feel ashamed of pulling his son in the street and got into the car. As soon as Wen Fu got into the car, he was even more unscrupulous. He waved his fist and beat his son in the face. "Beat you up and see how many girls you can fool with your face."

Wen Qingliang was used to being beaten. He smiled and immediately gathered together what he hadn't been beaten on the other side, and then smiled at father Wen, "Dad, if you haven't calmed down, continue to beat. If you beat your son into a pig's head, you may be able to calm down."

Wen's father still didn't get rid of his hatred and punched and kicked Wen Qingliang. After a good vent, he hummed, "you smelly boy, don't think you won't go to find the mentally retarded woman after I beat you. I tell you, I'm rare to come here. I must go to meet the mentally retarded woman for a while to see who is sacred and can subdue such a slippery head like you."

Wen Qingliang touched his battered face. After listening to his words, he couldn't help laughing. "Dad, don't you think what you said just now is very contradictory? Since you said that Hu Xinjie is a mentally retarded woman and then said you want to see who she is sacred. Your words obviously contradict each other. In fact, Xinjie is a very clever child. Don't you always want a clever daughter? When Xinjie marries me, she will be half of your daughter."

Wen's father saw that he was still picking at this time. He gnashed his teeth and clenched his fist tightly. "If our Wen family really marries a woman like her, they will be laughed to death. So, don't dream. I won't let her marry you, you'd better die. When you go back, I'll ask someone to find you a beautiful and good-natured family to marry."

Wen Qingliang seemed to have expected that Wen's father would say so, and he had already prepared his resignation.

"My good father. If your son can't marry me, I will marry a fairy in heaven, and others will laugh at me. If I have a stiff waist, what can I do if I marry Xinjie. In this society, the status of a wife depends on my husband. Wen Qingliang doesn't want to be promoted by women, so I marry Ji Xinjie, I'm in the way of who annoys who! "

Wen's father was shocked by his son's deviant words.

At this moment, he only wants to do one thing, that is to open Wen Qingliang's head and see what's in him? How can he say that he is the head of a city? How can he say such words like idol dramas to trick children into tears.

Wen Qingliang continued to swim while he was surprised, "Dad, actually. Xinjie is really not as bad as you think. Although Xinjie's intelligence is slightly lower than that of ordinary people, she is very cute and kind, and her origin is worthy of the four words' daughter '. Of course, if I say so now, you may not feel anything, but if you really see her, you will never doubt my words."

Wen's father is also a man who has seen big storms. He can't be fooled by Wen Qingliang's words. He still emphasizes that he should "escort" Wen Qingliang back and find him a suitable girl to marry.

Wen Qingliang knew that his father would not agree to him so easily. There was no way. He had to say to Wen in a cold voice, "Dad, if you insist on finding me a woman to marry, you can force me to marry and I can force the girl to divorce me. Things are stiff, and your face won't look good, Dad."

Playing rogue is the last magic weapon for father Wen.

"You, you! Wen Qingliang! I tell you, as long as I live one day, I can't let you marry Ji Xinjie!" Wen's father glared at Wen Qingliang with a calm face. Wen Qingliang sighed helplessly and ordered the driver to drive.

The driver who drove Wen's father this time was Wen's personal guard. With Wen Qingliang's order, he stepped on the accelerator, turned the car around and left the yard. Wen Qingliang was going to arrange Wen's father to the hotel. But Wen's father refused and insisted on staying in Wen Qingliang's villa. Wen Qingliang was stubborn, so he had to take Wen's father back to his home.

As soon as he took them home, Wen Qingliang's secretary called and said that he had an important meeting to attend. The meeting was related to the foreign investment in city a, so of course he couldn't attend. But Wen Qingliang was afraid that he would leave, so Wen's father immediately went to Ji Xinjie. In a dilemma, he called his secretary pony and prepared to let the Secretary "accompany" Father Wen, father Wen is also an old Jianghu man. He knows what his son's calculations are, and he hasn't exposed them.

However, as soon as Wen Qingliang left, Wen's father immediately gave a wink to his guard, who had been following Wen's father for more than ten years. One look from Wen's father made him guess what. Immediately, after receiving Wen's look, he took advantage of the pony's inattention and cut it with a hand knife. Before the pony could struggle, he was knocked unconscious.

When he got rid of the pony, Wen Fu left the guard with him. Fortunately, the babysitter was also Wen Qingliang's eye liner. After Wen's father left, she immediately sent a text message to Wen Qingliang.

In the car, Wen Qingliang received the text message, and his mouth slightly ticked. He frowned and thought for a while. Immediately, he picked up his mobile phone and sent a text message to Su man, telling Su man about Wen's father.

Su man was at work today. After receiving Wen Qingliang's text message, she worried that Wen's father would scare Ji Xinjie. She immediately left the matter at hand to Nicole, and she hurried back.

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