Gu Lei seemed to be suddenly trampled on his tail. His anger quickly broke the ten thousand point mark. He said angrily, "why don't I deal with Shen Anlin? He collaborated with Gu Luoluo and did many shameful things. Why don't I deal with him."

Su man feels very uncomfortable all over her body, but when Gu Lei says this, she takes Gu Lei as Su Weijin and corrects, "the word of losing all conscience... Is somewhat exaggerated." can we use a slightly mild word to describe it?

Gu Lei's meeting was interrupted by Su man. He hated iron and steel and gouged out her. "I said that losing all conscience is losing all conscience. Anyway, don't worry about those things. Just promise me to do those things for me. Don't worry. I'll help you deal with the aftermath when it's done."

Su man was thundered again. Why did he sound so harsh? Why did she suddenly feel like a revolutionary martyr.

Gu Lei saw her depressed look. Instead, he stamped his feet angrily, tightened his voice and said, "are you willing or not? What does it mean to stand silly?"

Su man rubbed her tight face and shook her head.

"Why?" Gu Lei's big eyes crowded anxiously. His deep facial features were even more charming under the residual light of the sunset.

Su man looked at Gu Lei. "First, I have a mother and a brother. If I really did that for you, Shen Anlin would certainly threaten me with my family. Then I would be very passive. So the money is not a problem of more or less money, but an unsafe thing." when she said this, she looked at Gu Lei's black eyes like grapes, The tone affirmed, "second, I don't believe you."

"Shit!" Gu Lei suddenly became angry again. "What do you mean? I told you I'm not with Gu Luoluo and Shen Anlin. You doubt me. You... Are too much. We could have reached a cooperation so that we can get rich together... Now... Hum!"

Su man couldn't help it. She whispered again, "Gu Shao, won't you come back from abroad?" so some idioms were used indiscriminately.

Gu Lei was still furious. Suddenly, he said, "how do you know?"

Su Mu is really unable to Tucao, he again tentatively said, "Gu Xiao, then I guess, you should not make complaints about your family in your home?"

Gu Lei looked at Fang clearly in surprise. His two black eyes released x again, "how do you know this? Are you interested in me, so you have been paying attention to the gossip news about me in those magazines."

Su man's temples suddenly jumped a few times. She couldn't. If she continued to talk to Gu Lei like this, the result could only be that she didn't get into the hospital by Shen Anlin, but was poured into the hospital by Gu Leilei.

She went to Gu Lei's heavy locomotive, reached out and leaned against it, showing a bleak smile to Gu Lei, "Gu Dashao, I just said I don't believe you, not that I don't believe your relationship with Gu Luoluo and Shen Anlin. What I don't believe is that you can fight Shen Anlin and them with your current character. Therefore, I won't risk my life and my family's safety to help you do that. Of course, you can fight Gu Luoluo and Shen without doing that kind of thing Anlin. "Su man said this and said word by word," I guess the reason why you don't care about them at home now may have something to do with what you usually do or what you say on weekdays that doesn't agree with the elders. "

Gu Lei scratched his head in surprise and sighed, "how powerful you are!" but his black eyes immediately darkened and whispered, "My mommy is my daddy's wife, and Gu Luoluo's mother is just a junior. I used to accompany my grandparents in the United States. I came back this year to know... My mommy has no place at home.

The shameless woman took advantage of my mother's illness and took her daughter to live in Gu's house... My father also connived at the woman, and Gu Luoluo's mouth was sweet, which made my father and my grandmother very happy... Now Gu Luoluo has found Shen Anlin, the fiance, and my father is very satisfied with Gu Luoluo... In contrast, I have been cheated several times Their mother and daughter are wronged... My father will only scold me when he sees me now... "

He sighed, "so I want to ruin Gu Luoluo's reputation by engaging in Shen Anlin. But you don't help me... Alas..." Gu Lei said, raised his eyes and looked at Su man. Su man suddenly thought of the cat.

"Listen to you, Gu Luoluo's mother and daughter have a lot of means. But have you ever thought that even if you catch Shen Anlin's handle, they may abandon their soldiers and protect their commander, which will have no loss to their mother and daughter. I think if you want to pay their mother and daughter, you'd better rely on yourself rather than others."

Although she only got to know Gu Lei for a short time, she saw her own shadow from him. In those days, she was silly, taking willfulness as personality and ignorance as independence. At that time, she didn't have a good reputation among those rich families, but his cousin, Su Xinzi, was different. She could also say that a black cat was a white cat with a clever mouth. At that time, she often became her companion Lining.

Gu Lei looked at Su man suspiciously. His two eyes blinked, "what do you mean?"

"It means that you should study hard first and make progress every day. If you only have goods in your stomach, you won't run around like a headless fly."

"But..." Gu Lei scratched his head in embarrassment. "I don't have any friends... I also want to study hard... But every time there is no one around me to supervise me, my self-restraint is not good, so..." he said more and more, "Gu Luoluo said a lot of bad things about me among our people. In addition... You can see... I'm more grumpy... So I basically know some fair weather friends..."

Su man nodded, "yes, this idiom is not wrong. A good friend of wine and meat will only make you swipe your card more and more, but will not make you any progress."

"Shit!" Gu Lei said angrily, "I'll tell you the key point. What do you tell me about those who have not?"

Su man was so yelled by him that an idea suddenly popped up in his head and said excitedly, "master Gu, why don't you do this? I'll be your personal consultant. You hire me, such as what gifts to give for the new year and birthday, what to wear for the dance during the festival. I can help you.

And... I can supervise you... Master Gu, what do you say about this? My charge is very low, as long as it's twice that of Shen Anlin. Shen Anlin has 300000 a month, and twice that is 600000. I'll give you a discount, 500000! I promise you a new image will appear in front of your father and the public in 500000 months. How about it? "

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