The next afternoon, in the teahouse on the fifth floor of Sihai international. Su man takes Su Weijin by the hand and walks into the teahouse.

Sihai international is the king of buildings in the central area of A. It is beyond the reach of other buildings in the surrounding business district. It stands high surrounded by the surrounding buildings and has the momentum of overlooking everything.

When Su man and Su Weijin entered the teahouse, a waiter came forward to entertain them. The waiter looked at their clothes with eyebrows, but he kept a professional smile on his mouth, "welcome."

Su man reported to her family, "sorry, we're looking for someone. His last name is Gu. We're friends of Gu Shao. We made an appointment. Excuse me, is Gu Shao here?"

Hearing the word "Gu Shao", the waiter's neglect in his eyes suddenly dissipated, and immediately said enthusiastically, "Gu Shao, he has arrived. Come with me."

Su man took Su Weijin's hand and followed behind the waiter. What he saw was the ancient decoration in the teahouse. On the wall were many paintings of ink landscape, carved screens made of mahogany, pear blossom wood imperial chairs, large blue and white porcelain vases, as well as various ancient fans and facial makeup, which fully reflected the Chinese style. From time to time, the sound of zither playing came from the air, which made people restless and relieved a lot unconsciously.

The waiter led Su man to a box and said to them, "guys, Gu Shao is inside."

After thanking the waiter, Su man knocked on Gu Lei's door. Gu Lei is crooked at the moment, cocking his legs and looking bored in a daze.

Seeing Su man, Gu Lei immediately jumped up from the mahogany chair and pouted, "you are really lucky. This young master is waiting for someone for the first time. How is it? Are you moved?"

Su man said bluntly, "speak human words!"

Gu Lei immediately jumped up, stamped his feet, and said proudly, "you're a boring woman. Give me some indication. I'll wait for you... Wait, Su man. Who is he?" Gu Lei immediately jumped behind Su man and looked at Su Weijin. Su Weijin was stared by him and immediately hid behind Su man. Su man protected Su Weijin behind him like a hen protecting a chick. He introduced him, "Gu Shao, he is my brother, called Weijin. He had a car accident and his head was injured. But he is very good and will never affect our trip today."

Gu Lei is hooking the corners of his mouth, his two eyes still emit a bright light, and muttered, "Wow, you look nothing like your brother. Your brother is much more handsome than you. However, I'm still not as handsome as me. I'm the most handsome of the three of us."

There are many differences between sister and brother. Gu Shao made such a fuss. However, how to say, now he is his parents, and she doesn't offend him very much.

Su man curved her mouth and said to Su Weijin behind her, "brother, he's Gu Shao. You call him Gu Shao, he's not a bad man."

Su Weijin stood out from behind Su man and saluted him very seriously and normatively, "Gu Shao."

Gu Lei waved his hand and said, "don't listen to your sister. You can call me big brother."

Su Weijin blinked her clear eyes and wanted to seriously call Gu Lei "big brother", but Su man stopped his action at this time, blinked, stared at Gu Lei and said, "Gu Shao, my little brother is not sensible. You can't really deceive him as a child. Well, there's not much time. Let's do business."

Gu Lei resents that Su Weijin didn't call himself "big brother", and is about to flat his mouth and complain. But Su man didn't want to take out a diary from her bag, turned it over and said to him very seriously, "You can't dye your hair black. Although city a is at the forefront of fashion now, if you go to a business ball. There are a lot of bosses there, it's a very serious scene, and then your yellow hair comes forward, others will inevitably disagree. Moreover, in view of your previous impression is really bad, and you have even been rated as the 'worst clothing award' by a weekly, so you must take it this time The hair is dyed black. It gives a new image. "

"Shit! You can read those gossip magazines." Gu Lei's green veins protruded on his forehead. Suddenly he thought of something and said with a proud smile. "It seems that my young master still has some skills. Although it is the 'worst clothing award', it is also an award. Others can't think of it."

Su man was impressed by his powerful logical thinking. She had never seen such an arrogant person as Gu Lei.

Su Weijin hid behind Su man and whispered, "my sister said bad is bad. That's the worst. Since it's the worst thing, it must be what others don't want."

Su man couldn't help laughing at his brother's words. Looking at Gu Lei again, his face was green and white, and he wanted to be angry with Su Weijin. However, in view of Su Weijin's situation, he forbeared, and finally his green tendons jumped up, but when it came to the boundary point of the outbreak, he directly let out like a ball.

Su man put away the smile on his face and urged, "Gu Shao, time is really running out. We have to go up."

Gu Lei didn't lose his temper, but he wanted to make a big splash at the ball, so he had to let Su man take him to the sixth floor. When Su man used to have money at home, he often went to the hairdressing salon on the sixth floor with his cousin to do his hair. Now he's back in the old land and has mixed feelings.

She told the hairdresser her request, and then Gu Lei was pressed onto the chair. During this period, the stylist was making Gu Lei's hair. She was worried that her brother was boring, so she took a sharp turn of her head to explain it to Su Weijin.

Gu Lei saw their sister and brother through the reflection of the mirror, one seriously teaching and the other seriously recording. While changing the hair gel halfway, he asked curiously, "Hey, you really have nothing to do. Why do you let your brother remember the answer of brain twists? You really have nothing to do."

Su man said seriously, "Weijin is not stupid, but others always say he is a fool. I want him to be anxious about the questions and answers, so that he will always have a chance to perform in the future. As long as he can answer, others will praise him. Children need praise."

Gu Lei said in a low voice, "what if there is no chance to show? Didn't he learn in vain?"

Su man said with a faint smile, "No. you see Weijin, he studies very hard and is very happy. Although the result is very important, the process is that Weijin's life has been enriched a lot. And every time he remembers one more question and answer, he has a unique sense of achievement. So I don't think he learned in vain."

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