Gu Lei's Dayang acupoint was another "sudden" jump, "Su man, can't you save some face for me, the eldest brother, in front of Wei Jin?"

Su man shook her head. "No, the upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked. I don't want Wei Jin to be damaged by you in the future."

Gu Lei stomped again angrily, but Su man hung Su Weijin a drinking cup and took his hand to leave. Gu Lei was so angry that he stared again and shouted at the top of his voice, "Hey, didn't I say I'd invite you. Why do you have to go back to dinner?"

Su man said without looking back, "Gu Dashao, we'd better save some money. Let's go back and buy something by ourselves. It's cheaper to cook it."

"You stupid woman! You don't eat free food!" Gu Lei said to Su man, who hated iron and steel. "If you don't eat, I'll find some friends to eat in the sea, and then go to the dance hall to dance after dinner, which makes you envy to death."

Su man suddenly stopped and looked back at him. A shrewd light flashed in her eyes and said with a smile, "I almost forgot. Gu Dashao is a rich man. I don't eat. Others eat yours. In that case, I've decided. I'll take Weijin to rub yours tonight."

Gu Lei ruffian smiled, patted himself on the chest and said proudly, "that's right. Anyway, if you don't come down to rub me, there are others to rub. This is called not eating for nothing and eating for nothing."

But Gu Lei soon knew he was wrong. Because Su man didn't take him to any famous restaurant or restaurant at all, but walked through the streets and took him to eat many "dark" delicacies. Finally, the three sat in a narrow fried noodle restaurant and looked at the sister and brother opposite, who were lowering their heads and seemed to eat with relish. Gu Lei lowered his head and looked at the large plate of fried noodles in front of him, Shook his head in pain.

"This tableware should not have been... Sterilized? These chopsticks are disposable... But they don't look very clean?"

Su man glanced at the plate of fried noodles intact in front of Gu Lei and said with a smile, "Gu Dashao, where are you so particular about eating for the poor? But this fried noodles is really delicious. I don't believe you have a bite."

Gu Lei half believed and half doubted, picked a slim root, took a small bite from his mouth, immediately spit out the noodles like a nausea, and said angrily, "Su man, you lied to me. Where is this delicious? The taste is heavy."

Su man shook her head and asked Gu Lei, a rich childe, to sit here with them. It was hard enough for him. Now let him eat this kind of noodles, it seems to be really difficult for him. She smiled kindly, "Gu Dashao, it's really hard for you to let you eat this. Ha ha, but... You can ask the chef at home to get you a delicious meal after you go back in the evening. Now you... Grievance first."

Su man then lowered his head and ate again. Gu Lei looked at the noodles and couldn't eat any more. He simply threw away his chopsticks and asked with both hands, "Alas, what do you do about Gu Luoluo? I can tell you, Gu Luoluo is really not a good woman. You should be careful."

It's most annoying to mention such disliked people at dinner. The people who hurt have no appetite at all. Su man simply put down his chopsticks and hiccupped, "You say she's not a good person. Then she calls me. If I don't go, who knows if she will fuck me behind my back. Instead of thinking about it here, I'd better go there and make it clear to her. Moreover... I have to make it clear to her about Shen Anlin's visit to me last night and let her take good care of Shen Anlin."

Gu Lei's face suddenly became a little ugly. He looked at Su Weijin and glanced sideways at Su man. "If Shen Anlin goes to make trouble with you next time, no matter how late, you can call me. If I was there last night, I have to beat Shen Anlin's beast."

Su man was slightly stunned. As soon as his heart warmed, he suddenly felt that he was lucky to know people like Gu Lei. But Gu Lei's next sentence quickly blew away Su man's favor for him. Just listen to Gu Lei, "It's up to the master to beat a dog. Isn't Shen Anlin a soft rice man? Why should he go beyond my territory? Does he think you have no master? He dares to bully you both. That's quite throwing my face,... It's disgusting!"

Su man blinked, swallowed the saliva, and asked, "Gu Dashao, excuse me, are we dogs?" why don't you say they have no lord.

Gu Lei glanced at Su man contemptuously and said, "in the future, you and Weijin will be covered by me! He Shen Anlin bullies you. I'll find a group of people to beat him up next time..."

Su man quickly persuaded, "don't go crazy and do stupid things."

"Do you still like him?" Gu Lei asked with some discomfort, staring at her with X-shaped eyes.

Su man's eyes were dim and said faintly, "I liked it before, but now I want to forget him bit by bit."

Gu Lei raised his eyebrows suspiciously, "Oh? I doubt what you said. You don't like him. Why don't you let me find someone to beat him up. Aren't you defending him?"

After su man heard what he said, his face returned to normal and his tone was natural, "you ask someone to beat him, he

I'll find out it's you. At that time, you'll be in more trouble. You might as well find someone to stab his car tire secretly. "

Gu Lei clenched his fist and promised, "anyway, if Shen Anlin goes to you again in the future, he will call me. This man and Gu Luoluo are a natural couple. They are so cheap."

Su man didn't take over the words when he scolded them so much. But an hour later, when she was led by the waiter, pushed the door into the private room, and saw the two people sitting in the private room, she felt that Gu Lei was right at all. TMD, Gu Luoluo and Shen Anlin are born bitches.

In the private room, Shen Anlin saw Su man, his cold eyes twisted and narrowed slightly. He wondered how Su man could appear here? But when he looked up and saw Gu Luoluo looking at him, he suddenly understood what had happened. He quickly restrained his slightly surprised look on his face, gave a light cough, and said coldly to Su man, "haven't seen you for a long time."

It was only last night that we met. Now we pretend to counselle in front of our girlfriend? And Gu Luoluo, she said on the phone that she came alone, but what's the situation now?

These two people are really born movie stars and movie queens!

Su man just wanted to speak, but Gu Luoluo got up from his chair and said to Su man with a proper smile, "you must be su man. Hello, I'm Gu Luoluo. Nice to meet you."

Su man swallowed his words, nodded to Gu Luoluo and said calmly, "Hello, I'm Su man. I'm glad to see you, too."

Gu Luoluo's beautiful face squeezed out a touch of deliberate joy, "I heard that you are Anlin's ex-wife. We both like the same man. This is fate."

Su man sneers. It's called shit fate.

I only hear the new laugh, but I don't see the old cry. Did Gu Luoluo call her here today to show her their love?

Shen Anlin, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth and said coldly, "you two should sit down and talk."

Because of this sentence, Gu Luoluo hurriedly sat down next to Shen Anlin. Su man chose a seat away from them. The waiter took the menu and asked them to order. Gu Luoluo glanced at Su man. A successful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He took the menu to Shen Anlin and Jiao didi said, "Anlin, Su man is a guest. Let's let her order first."

Su man looked at the scene of "loving each other", pursed her lips and said faintly, "no, I came here after eating. You'd better order!"

Gu Luoluo immediately made a "considerate" appearance and said fondly, "Oh, how can this be? Su man, you are our friend. You can't save us money. Just try to order what you should. This meal is what Anlin and I invited you." she suddenly paused, looked at the clothes that Su man wore for tens of dollars, and sympathized, "You must have never had a big meal for a long time. Take advantage of this opportunity today to have a good meal. Otherwise, if you leave here, you won't have such a chance."

She didn't know what to say. Su man put a sneer on her mouth, looked up, stared at Gu Luoluo, and opened the door to the mountain path, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in having dinner with people I don't like. I'm here today just to tell you. I hope you can take good care of your boyfriend, and don't let him get drunk at night, break into folk houses and be taken away by the police!"

Su man said coldly, got up and left immediately

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