Ji Mobei pulled the corners of his mouth again, drew a slight smile, then turned around, took Su man's hand and walked past Shen Anlin. Su man turned back and stared at him. Shen Anlin only felt that the cold sight without emotion was like a sharp knife, slowly cutting every inch of his skin, and his heart trembled.

He wanted to come forward and hold her hand, but after looking at her cold eyes, his hand dropped unconsciously.

Watched her being pulled into the car by Ji Mobei, and watched their car leave quickly. His heart suddenly seemed to be gouged out by a knife.

He really couldn't understand why things were getting worse and worse.

Depressed, Shen Anlin returned to the car. Shen Anlin stepped on the accelerator and the car drove quickly. Suddenly the mobile phone in his pocket rang. Shen Anlin glanced at the mobile phone screen and saw that it was Gu Luoluo's phone. He thought for a few seconds before pressing the connect button.

"Anlin, where are you?" Gu Luoluo asked.

"Driving." Shen Anlin replied wearily.

But Gu Luoluo didn't seem to recognize his tired words. She smiled at the other end of the phone. "Anlin, the dress we tried last time has been changed. Do you want to come and try it out?"

"No need." Shen Anlin coldly refused, "I don't care. You're the protagonist. As long as you know the * * people at that time. We can have a suit for men."

"But, Anlin, you are my fiance. How can I allow you to dress badly..."

Shen Anlin interrupted her irritably, "Luoluo, I'm sorry. I'm tired now. I want to be alone. Sorry, play by yourself. Remember to have fun." Shen Anlin hung up her phone and turned off the machine. Recently, he felt that he was getting closer to Luoluo. He also lost his patience to deal with her unreasonable demands.

His car stopped at an entertainment city. By the evening, the sky had slowly darkened. And there are more and more guests in the bar. He took a seat at the bar, ordered a bottle of spirits and drank.

There was heavy metal rock on the stage, and there was a loud cry below the stage. Shen Anlin poured wine cup by cup. Now he only wants to get drunk. When he is drunk, he doesn't have to think about anything or worry about anything.

Time seems to overlap all at once. Five years ago, in the dark days when Su man left him, he used alcohol to drown his worries every day and anesthetized his nerves with drunkenness in order to stop thinking about Su man's selfless woman.

How painful that time was, how much he hated Su man in his heart.

That woman cruelly destroyed everything about him. He had thought countless times that after he became famous, he would stand in front of her and humiliate her severely in order to repay the humiliation he endured over the years.

But five years later, he was abandoned by that hateful woman. Funny, he now has his own company, car and house, but he still can't win back her heart.

She, Su man, is capable of torturing him all her life.

In the dimness of drunkenness, a hot woman took the initiative to chat up. He sniffed and stretched out his hand to take out a pile of money from the skin. When the woman saw the money, her eyes became more intense C

He scoffed that he could buy back the attention of other women with money, but why, why... He couldn't exchange Su man's sincere treatment.

He, Shen Anlin, will hate the woman named Su man all his life.

But why did his heart hurt so much.

Painful breathing is difficult.

Su man, I really want to break off your wings so that you will always belong to me alone.

Jimobei takes Su man back to the house in the city center. Su man is not curious because she was drunk once before. Just sitting on the sofa obediently, Ji Mobei went to the kitchen to make two cups of mellow coffee and put it on the show, one in front of Su man and the other by himself.

Ji Mobei smiled gently, like shining on the water near the river and picking up flowers under the moon, which was very comfortable. "You'll live here in the future."

Su man's curled eyelashes trembled slightly and whispered, "OK." Ji Mobei also accompanied her to many places today. She also remembered that he had promised Ji Mobei.

Be his mistress.

However, Ji Mobei was considerate and said, "this house is where I usually work overtime and stay late. Later..." he hooked his lips and gently put down his coffee. "In the future, I will accompany you as much as possible."

Su man's cheeks became hot. Before she found her brother and before her Mommy was awake, she knew that she could not offend Ji Mobei anyway. She is drinking poison to quench her thirst, but this is the only way in front of her. She is mean and selfish. She wants to catch kimobei. In this life, she is destined to be a bad woman who can't save ten evils. For the words his father told her before his death, she will try her best to find her brother and wake up Mommy.

For a long time, Su man slowly looked up and answered Ji Mobei softly, "OK!"

Ji Mobei saw that her face was red and her eyes were dense. She was green and astringent with a different kind of beauty, which made people confused.

"You... Have a bad stomach. Where do you want to eat in the evening? I'll accompany you." as if to divert his attention, Ji Mobei said with a smile.

Su man thought of what the reporter had photographed when she went out to dinner with Ji Mobei that day. She quickly shook her head and whispered, "otherwise, I'll cook tonight. Let's eat at home."

Timothy was just trying to change the subject, so she had no problem hearing her say so.

Su man said and did it. She went to the kitchen directly around her belly pocket. Ji Mobei sat on the sofa and watched the financial news on TV, but his heart was on Su man, who was busy in the kitchen.

Let Su man cook some delicate food. It's hard for her. However, the good thing is that ordinary food can't beat her. For example, when cooking noodles, she quickly brought out the prepared noodles and apologized, "I don't see any ingredients in the kitchen. This noodles... You can make do with it."

The warm light just shone on her face. Her eyelashes were long and warped, and her cheeks were sweating and glowing slightly red.

Ji Mobei habitually picked up the chopsticks on the table and bowed his head to eat. Su man smiled and promised, "don't worry, my cooking will slowly get better."

Ji Mobei smiled and was noncommittal.

The two settled a meal in silence. After dinner, Su man went to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. It may be because she was nervous. She cleaned up very slowly. She tossed several bowls and chopsticks back and forth several times.

She was nervous, but jimobei didn't have to relax. Originally his favorite financial news, but this night, he was stunned and didn't listen to a word. All his thoughts were on the woman in the kitchen.

But no matter how long it takes, the bowl will have to be washed. Financial news will also have an end.

When Ji Mobei took her back to her bedroom, the pointer of the clock on the wall had pointed to 8 p.m. Su man bit her teeth, blushed and said, "do you have any... Clothes such as pajamas or T-shirts that can be replaced... I'm going to take a bath first..."

Ji Mobei was slightly stunned, but soon shook his head. He has always lived here alone. Except for his aunt who comes to clean every time, no other woman has set foot. He doesn't have those clothes.

Finally, Su man took a white shirt from Ji Mobei's cabinet and hurriedly hid in the bathroom. The ticking sound of water in the bathroom is like a piece of music, and every note strikes Ji Mobei's heart. Although he is not very old now, it's just that tonight he... Is more like a hairy child of eighteen or nine, impulsive, hot-blooded and excited.

At the moment, Su man in the bathroom is standing under the shower, looking down at his body, with empty and blank eyes. She gently wiped her porcelain white body, stroked her whole body inch by inch and bit her teeth. She suddenly turned off the shower and whispered to the bathroom door, "President Ji..." now that she has chosen the road, it is a road of no return. Before a family reunion, she can only... Firmly grasp Ji Mobei.

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