Gu Luoluo looked at Shen Anlin's leaving figure. Despair flashed in his eyes, and his body trembled even more.

Su man, I hate you!

You ruined me and let me be laughed at. You must die!

Her sharp nails were directly embedded in the meat, and there was a touch of bloodthirsty blood in her eyes.

When Shen Anlin chased out, Mrs. joss had already taken Su man into the car. He saw Gu renyun still apologizing. He hurried to the car. Su man on the car saw Shen Anlin, quickly glanced over his eyes, lowered his eyelashes, and clenched his bag tightly with both hands.

Mrs. joss obviously didn't want to deal with Gu renyun anymore and directly ordered the driver to drive. The car slowly opened, and Shen Anlin's eyebrows gathered tightly. What's the relationship between Su man and Mrs. joss? In terms of Mrs. joss's maintenance of Su man tonight, their relationship is by no means ordinary.

Gu renyun looked at the leaving car with a heavy sigh. When he turned back, he caught a glimpse of his son-in-law. He just patted him on the shoulder listlessly, and then left.

Shen Anlin's thoughts were separated from Su man's affairs, and he raised his feet to catch up with Gu renyun. He comforted, "Daddy, don't worry. Although Mrs. joss has some means, Gu can carry it."

Gu renyun paused slightly at his feet, looked up at Shen Anlin, shook his head and sighed, "all kinds of relationships here in city a are intertwined. Tonight we hit Mrs. joss in the face. Do you think Mrs. joss will give up like this?" he paused slightly and said faintly, "Anlin, your company may be implicated this time. I'm sorry for you."

Shen Anlin has great respect for Gu renyun. If Gu renyun had appreciated him at the beginning, he would not have done this in any case. So when Gu renyun said this, he still squeezed out a smile and said sincerely, "Daddy, don't worry. Gu and I are together."

Gu renyun nodded happily, but he shook his head in frustration at the thought of Shen Fu and his daughter.

Sure enough, I can't see the table. I'll make trouble for him at this time. Looks like he has to get his wife back.

Although the relationship between that woman and him is bad to a certain extent. But every time on such an occasion, she attended gracefully, and she was comfortable entertaining those dignitaries. On the contrary, alas

Shen Anlin saw that Gu renyun's back seemed to be several years old all of a sudden. He narrowed his cold eyes. After thinking for a while, he finally took the mobile phone in his pocket and dialed a string of numbers. But the phone rang a few times and hung up.

Su man here, as soon as the car drove two or three hundred meters out of the hotel, the mobile phone in her bag rang. Su man quickly turns her bag, takes out her mobile phone, opens it and sees that it's Shen Anlin. She hangs up without hesitation. As a result, Shen Anlin called again and again, but Su man hung up. Finally, she turned it off.

Mrs. Jos looked at her frown, fainted, and then smiled and said, "why don't you answer?"

"It's from a bitch. Don't answer it." then she put her cell phone back in her bag. Mrs. joss nodded slightly, knowing that she didn't want to entangle herself in this topic, so she changed the topic and said, "I'm glad to see you today."

Su man was flattered and said repeatedly, "I'm very happy too... And I almost bothered you today..."

"It doesn't matter." Mrs. Jos clenched her lips, smiled and looked elegant and gentle. "I also received the kindness of brother Tong. You gave me a chance to repay my kindness by bringing you out today. And..." her tone was stagnant for a moment, and then the smile on the corners of her mouth became more serious. She said slowly, "moreover, I'm glad to see you tonight." most things have happened in the past, She knew that with brother Tong's temper, she would not take the initiative to recognize the girl. In that case, she doesn't want to make things big now.

When Mrs. joss mentioned brother Tong, Su man's face flashed a thick doubt. She thought about it in her heart and said carefully, "madam, do you know brother Tong very well?"

Mrs. joss nodded and whispered "well". Can you be unfamiliar? I grew up in a yard when I was a child.

Su man carefully looked at Mrs. joss's face and said, "well... Do you know why brother Tong is helping me this time?" and it's a big help.

Mrs. joss had a slight arc in the corner of her mouth and said softly, "I don't know. Maybe he... His chivalrous heart broke out. He used to like helping people."

Su man didn't get the answer he wanted. She was a little depressed and continued to ask, "that Tong brother... Since he helped me, how can I thank him?"

Mrs. joss was stunned for a moment and answered silently for a long time, "well... He did these things voluntarily. I don't ask you to repay him."

Su man curled her lips. Although Mrs. joss said so, she always felt that she owed him by accepting brother Tong's help. She would be upset if she didn't do something to repay the favor.

Mrs. Jos looked at her. Her cheeks were white and ruddy. Her bright pupils and clear eyes were now reflecting her face. She couldn't help reaching out to help hold the dark sideburns on her head, "I think I like you very much. Why don't you go to my place tonight and let's talk. You know, I live alone and haven't talked to a young man like you for a long time."

The very sincere invitation made Su man frown slightly. She quickly apologized, "Mrs. joss, I'm really sorry... I have something important to do later... I have to go home. I'm afraid I can't go to you today, but next time, I'll see you when I have time."

Mrs. Jos was disappointed to hear her say so, but she didn't say anything. She gave Su man her address and left her cell phone number. She told Su man to see her when she was free.

Su man promised to stop and let the driver stop at an intersection. She got out of the car, waved to Mrs. joss and watched her car leave.

At more than nine o'clock in the evening, there was a lot of water on the noisy street. She took out her cell phone and turned on the phone. The mailbox was I filled all at once. Open the text message. It was found that in addition to Shen Anlin calling her mobile phone, Ji Mobei also made several calls.

Thinking of Ji Mobei's help at the party, she resolutely called him back. After the phone "tooted", she was picked up. Ji Mobei's slightly anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, "where are you now?"

Su man looked at the street and gave an address.

"Then stand there and wait for me. I'll pick you up right away." after that, hang up the phone directly. Su man wanted to tell him that she would take a taxi home by herself, but Ji Mo beigui was so fast that she had to stand in the street waiting for him.

The night was a little cold. The cold wind kept blowing Su man's hair. Su man waited in the street with his chest in his hands for more than ten minutes, and finally waited until Ji Mobei.

As soon as Ji Mobei got there, he saw Su man standing alone with his soft long hair dancing in the wind. Such her, thin, small, lonely figure, inexplicable sadness.

Ji Mobei got out of the car and walked directly to her. He grabbed Su man's hand and put her in the co driver's seat.

Inside the car, Su man looked at Ji Mobei, who was obviously a little heavy, and didn't dare to talk more. When Ji Mobei saw her muggy appearance, he was more angry. He stepped on the accelerator and the car drove quickly on the street.

Su man saw that he didn't speak, so she couldn't take the initiative to speak. Finally, jimobei couldn't help but say, "how did you know Mrs. joss?"

Su man said honestly, "I just met Mrs. joss tonight, too. Brother Tong introduced Mrs. joss to me and asked Mrs. joss to take me to the banquet hall." Ji Mobei could find out all these things later, so she didn't hide anything.

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