Pan Baimei was also a calculating person. Hearing Su Yaodong say so, her mind suddenly became active and laughed. Only Su Xinzi didn't understand what his parents were up to.

Su Yaodong and pan Baimei exchanged eyes. Pan Baimei smiled and said to Su Xinzi, "Xin'er, you should walk more with Su man."

Su Xinzi immediately frowned angrily, "Mommy, don't you want to pass Su man and approach Mrs. joss?"

Su Yaodong hummed, "otherwise you think you have another way? Now you two have lost my face. You two don't know the situation of" Henglong ". You've been tearing apart East walls to make up for west walls. Now if you don't find someone to pull us, we may be finished soon."

"However, I hate Su man. I don't want to see her face." Su Xinzi immediately lost her temper, shook her head and refused what Su Yaodong had arranged for her.

Su Yaodong's face sank and immediately shouted, "Su Xinzi, you can't help it. If you don't want to go, you have to do it. I tell you. If 'Henglong' goes bankrupt, do you think you can still live a young lady's life? Just look at Su man. When we took 'Henglong' Su man from her, their family had to pack up and leave like a fart and live a poor life outside."

"No, no, I won't!" Su Xinzi immediately shook his head hysterically. "If you want to go, I won't go. I don't want to be your tool for collecting money."

Su Yaodong immediately looked back angrily at Pan Baimei. "Look at your good daughter. She pushed and blocked her to do something. She can't do anything at home. She can only go shopping and swipe her card! If Henglong really falls down, your mother and daughter will be reduced to the street."

Pan Baimei frowned, took Su Xinzi's hand and coaxed softly, "Xin'er, it's okay. Your father just asked you to go out with Su man more. When we get in touch with Mrs. Jos, you can kick Su man away. You'll still be the eldest lady of Henglong."

Su Xinzi's mouth was high and he looked reluctant, "Mommy, I feel sick when I see her. Su man is the most upright woman. I used to follow her like a servant girl. At that time, I was always called the ugly duckling. Mommy, I really don't want to find her now. Otherwise... We'll find Gu Luoluo again. She promised to persuade his father to help our company."

Just after su Xinzi's words were finished, Su Yaodong scolded angrily. "Look at you, pan Baimei, your stupid daughter. Stupid is no different from a pig. Such a stupid daughter, do you think I can give Henglong to her?" Seeing this, he found many women outside these years and asked them to have children for him. Fortunately, his kung fu paid off. Finally, a woman gave birth to a son for him.

Pan Baimei was not happy to hear him hurt her daughter so much. She turned back and scolded Su Yaodong, "yes, we two women are waste food. Well, go find those fox spirits outside to help you do things. Xin'er and I will never stop you. I'm afraid those women outside are more waste than our mother and daughter. Su Yaodong,

You old man, I warn you. I have evidence of your murder of your brother in my hand. If you support your son born outside in the future, I'll let you go to prison. If it's a big deal, we'll die together. "

"Pan Baimei! You bitch, I won't marry you until I have had bad luck in my last life."

"Su Yaodong, you old man! I've been unlucky to marry you all my life! You can't even compare with one of your brother's fingernails."

"Yes, I'm not as good as him, but so what. He hasn't turned into ashes yet. The strong is the one who laughs last. He can't compare with me forever. Don't think I don't know. You bitch used to like him."

"Su Yaodong, you bastard..."

Su Xinzi saw that the two men fell into a scuffle again. A good-looking smile appeared at the corners of her mouth and quietly left before the two men started fighting.

As soon as she got out of the door, there was a scuffle between the two in the room. She stole a smile, quickly went to the garage, took a sports car, and drove out for a ride.

On the way, she received a call from Gu Luoluo. Gu Luoluo asked her to go to a bar. When she got there, she knew that Gu Luoluo had drunk a lot of wine. When she saw Su Xinzi, she directly lay down on her and cried, "Xinzi, Su man, that bitch ruined me. My father slapped me hard last night and scolded me as a daughter who can't make it to the table. Even Anlin, who is my fiance, scolded me. Xinzi, tell me, what kind of person am I?"

Su Xinzi secretly mocked her. Gu renyun was right. Gu Luoluo was just an illegitimate girl. Why is an illegitimate girl so arrogant.

Although she thought so in her heart, she dared not say so on her face. She forced out a smile on her face, and she flattered, "in my opinion, you are a smart, beautiful, capable and virtuous woman."

After listening to Su Xinzi's "praise", Gu Luoluo stopped crying. However, when he looked up again, a beautiful face had been ferocious and gnashed his teeth and said, "I really want to destroy Su man's bitch now."

Su Xinzi's heart suddenly moved, "me too, you know? Today, my father read the newspaper at home and scolded me. The most annoying thing is that my father and Mommy asked me to contact Su man's bitch. You don't know, I hate her and gnash my teeth. She's a girl. Why should I take the initiative to get close to her?"

Gu Luoluo narrowed his eyes, the ferocity on his face was even worse, and his tone became gloomy. "If there was a way to make that female branch despised by thousands of people overnight, that would be good."

Su Xinzi sighed the same way and echoed, "yes."

The two drank some wine together. Gu Luoluo kept picking up his cell phone and calling Shen Anlin's cell phone. But Shen Anlin didn't answer at all. In the back, Gu Luoluo angrily threw his mobile phone directly onto the sofa and scolded unclean words, "Su man, you bitch. I curse that you have been abandoned by men all your life. I curse you, bitch, bitch..."

Su Xinzi was inspired by her words. She immediately picked up Gu Luoluo and said excitedly, "I now have a way to make her notorious overnight. Are you interested?"

Gu Luoluo lifted her heavy eyelids. As long as she could knock down Su man, how could she not be interested. "Tell me... What's a good idea..." her dark pupil stared at Su Xinzi.

Su Xinzi was so excited, "don't worry, it must be a great idea. But... I'm a little short of money recently... You know, gucci has another bag."

Gu Luoluo listened to the meaning of her words, took out the checkbook directly from her bag and wrote a few numbers on it. Then he pushed the check in front of Su Xinzi and said, "are you satisfied?"

Su Xinzi took the check and his eyes lit up immediately. In the past, she would not be happy because of these hundreds of thousands, but now the "Henglong" is in recession, and Jiang Yaodong also began to slowly restrict their mother and daughter from buying those luxury goods.

"Come on, what's your idea?" he put the smile on Su Xinzi's mouth into his eyes, and a contemptuous smile came up on his mouth. Money can make su man win or lose. She thinks it's worth it.

Su Xinzi carefully took back the check in her hand, with a sinister smile on her sweet face, "my way is also very simple. It is to deceive her to a place, then drugged her, found two men to QJ her, and then took nude photos of her. Finally, it was posted online. In this way, she will soon be ruined."

Gu Luoluo's deep eyes twinkled with a cold light. A moment later, she hooked her lips, "that's a good idea. I didn't give my money in vain. It's just... How can I cheat her out?"

Su Xinzi pondered for a little while and said, "this is also very simple. Do you think it's ok..." she covered Gu Luoluo's ear and whispered all her ideas to Gu Luoluo. Gu Luoluo's smile deepened after listening to her words.

"Yes," Gu Luoluo commented, "I will ruin her reputation this time."

Su Xinzi also catered with a smile, "well, I support you."

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