Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 979: I believe her

The cutting of the invisible sword energy is the end of the broken arm in an instant.

But at that moment, a small whip with lightning suddenly pierced through the air, like a silver dragon, hitting on the invisible sword energy, and at the same time the bodies of Qianqian and Shizhongsheng, Pulled back...


   iconic voice.

   is light sauce.

   Guangchan, who had been hiding in the dark, finally appeared.

   It is more serious than ever.

   The small lightning whip in his hand has broken into several pieces.

   But somehow he saved people back.

   "Sister Qianqian, are you all right."

Qianqian finally arrived and saw the blood stain on Qianqian’s elbow. Her face turned pale with fright. She grasped Qianqian’s wrist for a long time and found that it was indeed just a shallow blood stain, not a broken wrist. Then he patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

   "Which **** is hiding in the dark, get out of my mother."

   Qianqian looked forward and cursed.

Gao Tianliang and other swordsmen in white also rushed to support Shi Zhongsheng who had his broken arm. Fortunately, Shi Zhongsheng was already a half-step celestial being. His injuries healed very quickly and the bleeding had stopped. Just take back the broken arm Connected.

   "It is the Imperial Sword Sect."

   Shi Zhongsheng gritted his teeth and said: "It's the'Lingxu Sword Qi' of Yuxu Sword Sect, please be careful."

  Old Sword Demon said: "It's an array method. Many array methods have been laid around the city lord's mansion. The strong of the Imperial Sword Sect uses the array method to hide in the dark. Don't advance rashly..."

   The voice did not fall.

   "Dare to hurt my sister Qianqian, I want to kill you."

   Qianqian showed layers of light patterns on her body, and her profound energy turned into armor to protect her body. A silver long sword emerged in the slender jade palm, already striding forward.

   The long sword in her palm, slashing with the sword.

   The blue breeze flows.

   The invisible Lingxu sword energy that appeared in the sky was cut off by her silver sword.

   Take a few steps out.

   There was a ripple in the void.

   The others had no time to stop, Qianqian had already stepped into the void and disappeared.

   entered the battle.


   Shi Zhongsheng's complexion changed greatly.

   He knew the weight of this little maid in Lin Beichen's heart. Once Qianqian's accident happened, Lin Beichen's brain disease would break out instantly.

   "Quick, keep up."

   He didn't care about his broken arm, so he rushed in.


  Qianqian is also in a hurry, subconsciously rushing into the battle.


   Guangjiang raised her sturdy forelimbs, blocking the crowd.


   It glanced at Shi Zhongsheng.

   The latter looked dazed.

   Xiao Binggan rescued the field translator and said: "It said, let you back, don't enter the battle... everything has it."

   Everyone looked at the handsome white fat man.

   How do you understand the mouse?

   "Tons, tons, tons..."

  Guangjiang poured a bottle of Erguotou, lit a cigarette, and then showed a vicious expression on his face. The white teeth were sharp like daggers.


   The silver mouse threw the Erguotou bottle with his backhand fiercely, then turned into a silver lightning and rushed into the invisible formation ahead.

   It's time to do meritorious service.

   As long as I make great contributions, the owner will definitely reward me with that delicious wine.

   It firmly believes.


   A scream came from Xiao Binggan's mouth: "My feet..."

   The Erguotou bottle slammed into his foot unbiasedly. The magic bottle was so hard that it directly swelled someone's foot in [Diamond Sword Bone].

   "You must be on purpose."

   Xiao Binggan has one leg independent, raising his hand to rub his foot.

  The foreheads of the swordsmen in white clothes are hanging down in rows.

   It is obviously a tragedy and tragic atmosphere, why has it suddenly become sand sculptured?

   "Everyone go back."

   Xiao Binggan rubbed his feet and said, "Don't be impulsive, you will die for nothing."

   "But... are you just waiting like this?"

   Shi Zhongsheng couldn't help but ask: "It's useless, is there no better way?"

   "Wait, is the best way."

   Xiao Binggan confidently said: "I believe that my brother will come soon, and all problems can be solved with him."

   When everyone heard this, their hearts were shocked.

   Lin Beichen.

  Yes, we also have Lin Beichen, the ‘devil who touches the corpse’ and the ‘master of miracles’.

   Once the man arrives, all the problems will be solved.

The name   , these three words, seemed like a light that appeared in the endless darkness of the long night, and suddenly brought hope to everyone.

   Shi Zhongsheng looked at Xiao Binggan in surprise, and asked: "Then what about you? Don't you go in and help out?"

   Xiao Binggan calmly said: "I want to stay outside to protect your weak chickens... Guangjiang will definitely rescue Qianqian, and..."

   At this point, he paused, with an inexplicable self-confidence on his face, and said: "Qianqian is not the brainless man you think. She may not have her own reasons for entering the battle. I believe her."

   Shi Zhongsheng was stunned.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that this white, fat and handsome boy who only knows to eat chicken thighs all day long may not only be Lin Beichen’s attendant, but at the critical moment, he is more clear than his so-called predecessor. And calm.

  The people around Lin Beichen are not simple.

   Qianqian also looked at Xiao Binggan unexpectedly.

   "Everyone retreat."

   Shi Zhongsheng finally chose to believe in Xiao Binggan.

   The white swordsmen retreated slowly.

   Old Sword Demon and others also retreated at the same time.

  At this time——

   "Want to go? Unfortunately, I still have to die."


   Four Lingxu sword auras suddenly shot out from the void in front.

   The sword is incomparably sharp, and it is by no means an ordinary strong man in the celestial and human realm, and can fight against it.

"not good."

   Shi Zhongsheng's complexion changed drastically.

"I am here."

   Xiao Binggan yelled, the [Gatling Machine Cannon] I had already taken out, directly pulled the trigger, and fired at low frequencies.

   Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!

   In the air, the light and shadow of blue and purple'Sword Qi' flickered.

   The four Lingxu Jianqis were intercepted and broken in an instant.

  'Sword Qi' light and shadow remained unfailing, shot into the void ahead, disappearing between the ripples.

   was obviously swallowed by the formation.

   "[Crazy Shooting Crazy Demon] Xiao Binggan?"

   A slightly hoarse voice came from the void formation in front, saying: "Unfortunately, this is not on Jianfeng. There is no one-on-one. How long can you hold on to the killing technique?"

  Four weird figures, both virtual and real, appeared from the air, turned into sword lights, and rushed towards Xiao Binggan.

   Xiao Binggan lit a cigarette for himself, then raised his hand and shot.

   Zi Zi Zi!

   Between his palms, a purple ‘sword light’ was puffed out.

   The four silhouettes were extremely fast, but they still couldn't escape the deadly bursts, and they turned into blood mist and exploded in the air.

   "There are always people who do not believe in evil and think that they are special."

   Xiao Binggan spit out a smoke ring in a cool posture.

   "Deserving of the name of'crazy shooting', a young genius, a well-deserved reputation...hehe, it is a pity, but you have to be with the evil demon, you are destined to fall here today."

   In the void formation, the hoarse voice came out again.

   "Devil outside the sky?"

   Xiao Binggan smiled coldly and said, "Fart your mother."



   "Devil outside the sky?"

   In the city lord’s mansion, the mysterious female official frowned: "It is said that Baiyun City has colluded with the evil demon outside the sky, what evidence is there?"


   Indestructible Sword Master Jian Wuji sneered: "Of course, there is evidence, Master Lin, if you continue to hold on, you will be shielding the evil demons from the outside world. There is death and no life today, and no one can save you!"


My plan tells me that there must be another chapter in 2020.

As a result, my thoughts and codeword speed, and relatives said, no, you want to stay in 2021 to give everyone an earliest update.

Good night, hit the workers, and happy new year's day.

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