Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 981: Need for noble son

The face of the four powerhouses suddenly showed relief.

   At that moment, they thought that the woman was so frantic that she would drag the four of them into the water with her own serious injury or death...

   But after a brief relaxation, I saw the figure of the old man dressed in sackcloth and frantic hair, and the hearts of Jian Wuji, Xiongba, Shimie and Tan Liuhuo suddenly sank.

   Chess is old.

   In the whole process of the sword discussion conference, the mysterious strong man who seemed to have no sense of existence, after all, shot.

  The title of the poem of victory over the half son of the sky, easily cracked the resonance of the four powerhouses to destroy the world...The powerful and mysterious cultivation of the master of chess is vividly demonstrated.

   "I have seen an old chess player."

   "Chess is old."

   Sect masters of the four great kendo forces all saluted.

   Regarding this old man, they only heard some legends and never really saw his strength, but just those rumors of scales and claws were enough for them to show respect in the first place.

   "Get down."

   The voice of Old Chess seemed to be rubbing between two rusty iron blocks.

   He stood in the void, without the slightest wave of profound energy escaping from his body. He carried a bamboo stick on his shoulders, and a wine gourd hung on the end of the stick. His hair covered most of his face, and his expression was not clear.

   "Master Chess, Baiyun City colluded with the evil demon outside the territory, the evidence is solid, I wait..."

   Indestructible Sword Sect's Master Sword Wuji's expression changed, and he must explain now.

   The voice did not fall.


   A cloud of blood exploded on Jian Wuji's left shoulder.


   Jian Wuji was startled, and subconsciously backhanded down the blood hole on his left shoulder.

I'm injured?

how come?

   What happened just now?

   He didn't even react to how he was injured.

  Only saw a white chess piece that was crystal clear as jade, spinning around ten meters in front of him, throwing a drop of blood down and falling from the void.

   That is the blood of Jian Wuji.

   Could it be that little chess piece that pierced his shoulder in an instant?

   Jian Wuji was terrified in his heart.

   "This is just a warning."

   Old Qi said indifferently: "I don't care what reason you use, the sword conference must go on as scheduled, and wait until the "Sword Immortal Inheritance" finds his true master, and you will deal with the rest."

   His will is consistent with the mysterious female official.

   is to ensure the smooth progress of the "Sword Conference".


Sect Master Wei Dongcheng of Ziyang Sword Sect tried his best to conceal his dissatisfaction, saying: "Master Qi, I have no intention of confronting you, but Baiyun City relied on the power of the evil **** to reach the finals of the sword conference, in case they finally win. , Got the'Sword Immortal Inheritance', wouldn't it be..."

   The voice did not fall.


   is also a mist of blood, bursting from his shoulders.

   "My words, just say it once."

   Qi Lao's tone has begun to smell of impatientness.

   Two chess pieces, one black and one white, circulate around him, like dancing elves, without the slightest smoke, but they are stressful.

   Jian Wuji, Wei Dongcheng, Xiongba, Chuanmei and Tan Liuhuo looked at each other at the same time.

   The silent communication was completed at this moment.

   "Senior, I am offended."

   Sword Wuji surrounded his body, the immortal innate profound energy skyrocketed wildly, and the gray flame burned fiercely, turning into a beam of light, soaring into the sky for thousands of meters, straight into the sky.

   This is a sign that the Great Celestial Man unreservedly urged his cultivation to the top.

at the same time--

   Boom boom boom boom!

   There are four light beams of innate profound energy, like a divine sword, rising into the sky, straight into the sky.

   Xiongba, Wei Dongcheng, Shimie and Tan Liuhuo, the four powerhouses, have also cultivated their body to the highest peak, exuding the power of the great heaven and human that suffocates the surrounding creatures.

   They are going to join forces.

   There is no nonsense.

   The five powerhouses looked resolute and shot instantly.

   Even in their hearts, there is no certainty of victory.

   but still shot.

"Why bother."

   Ke Lao sighed lightly.


   The bamboo stick in his hand was slightly spaced.


   Ji Dao’s move has already used half of the sword Wuji. In an instant, it was like a heavy addiction. The gray ancient sword in his hand burst directly, breaking every inch, and the right hand holding the sword burst instantly, together with the right arm...

   The Qi machine collapsed instantly.

at the same time--


   Two chess pieces, one black and one white, turned into streamers and flew out.

   bang bang.

   Two explosions.

   Tan Liuhuo, the lord of the Indefinite Flying Sword Sect, and Wei Dongcheng, the lord of the Ziyang Sword Sect, the swords in their hands and their bodies exploded directly, turning into two groups of blood mist and powder, exploding in the air!

   At this moment, the destruction of the Bone Sword Sect and the hero of the Falling Sun Great Desolate Clan, the two great celestial skills and swords of the Great Desolation Clan, blasted in front of the old man.

   saw him flick the bamboo stick.

   The wine gourd flew out lightly, just hitting the giant white bone sword shadow, like an iron block smashing a sand sculpture, instantly smashing the sword shadow that is enough to destroy any strong person below the sixth level of heaven, directly into the smoke shadow.

   Also smashed together was the figure of the Lord of the Bone Sword Sect.

   At the same time, Master Qi's left hand volleyed.

   The last big celestial-level powerhouse, the giant sword in his hand was silently turned into fly ash, and his huge body like a giant spirit was also directly shot into a mass of blood...


   Luo Xuan in the distance saw this scene, her legs and soul began to tremble violently.

  The sword repairmen of the major sects only felt that their eyes were dark for a while, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

   That is the leader of the five top kendo forces. It is not a cat or a dog, but this old man with sack of hair in sackcloth, in their peak state, casually exploded.

   There is such power in the world?

   Shouldn’t this be God’s patent?

   Old Chess unfolded his palms and retracted the two black and white chess pieces. The bamboo stick was put on his shoulders again, and the wine gourd was hung up. He sighed slightly and said, "Sure enough..."

   The next moment, a vision appeared.

   I saw five clusters of blood mist condensing in the air, rolling, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed into a human form, and finally turned into five great heavenly-level powerhouses, Jian Wuji, Xiongba, Wei Dongcheng, Chuanmei, and Tan Liuhuo.


   Luo Xuan trembled with excitement.

   A strong man in the realm of the Great Heaven and Human can indeed regenerate with severed limbs.

   I didn't expect to be blown up and become like that, they can regroup their bodies.

   Lu Guanhai seemed to understand something at this moment.

   Her complexion suddenly became weird, a slight fear, with uncontrollable anger.

   "Not coming out yet?"

   Chess shouted.


   Black and white two-color chess pieces turn into streamer lasing.

  The goal is still the five powerhouses including Jian Wuji.

   Only this time, different from the understatement in the last shot, among the black and white chess pieces, there is a faintly desolate breath of death.

   Ding Ding!

   A layer of pale golden water ripples in the void.

   Jian Wuji five people ten meters in front of them, an originally hidden golden array pattern rippling appears.

   There was also a handsome young man in a loose black robe, white hair, black eyebrows, and a purple pattern of lightning on his forehead.

The young man’s skin is white as jade, as if it is self-luminous. Between his eyebrows and eyes, he is full of awe-inspiring extravagance. He wears jade on his forehead and a golden crown in his hair. The pupils are like stars and dark golden. At the extreme, it was like a noble of God descended from the realm of God.

   No matter who it is, the first moment he sees him, he will have an impulse to kneel down and worship.

"It's you?"

   The mysterious female official who has been silent since the appearance of the old man, at this moment, suddenly couldn't help but exclaim.

   "Wei Mingchen, you **** who hides your head and shows your tail, finally dared to show up, hahaha..."

A mad and violent roar came from the depths of the city lord’s mansion. I don’t know when the white cloud city lord Chu Yunsun whose hair has turned dark red, like a violent ancient beast, can’t wait to rush. Came out.


Wei Mingchen appeared...

Is it the same as everyone imagined?

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