Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 984: Old iron, you lost this sword?

[Huang Shen Ling] The projections are all images of the people in Baiyun City being tortured.

  The sword repairmen on the stone bridge are also powerful men who have been killed out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. They have swords in their hands and walked to kill people. Who among them is not stained with blood, and whose sword has no dead souls?

   Ordinary life and death, killing like blood, they have long been used to seeing them.

   However, the scene projected in [Arabic Order] made them feel the throbbing and horrified.

   hurt the family.

   Even the few ignorant and ignorant children did not let go.

   The torture of physical pain and the oppression of psychological destruction...

  This kind of execution method, if anyone thinks about it carefully, they can't help but have great fear.

  Although it has always been because of the terrifying power of the evil demon outside the sky, and the pollution ability, it is impossible to prevent it. As a result, almost every evil demon believer will hurt the whole family once discovered, but such repeated torture methods are still extremely rare.

   In the video footage, you can clearly see that the torturer is wearing a pale yellow priest's robe with a pattern of mountains, rivers and sun.

   That is the status symbol of the priest of Dahuang Temple.

   This group is also known to be discolored by everyone on the host Zhenzhou continent.

As long as you provoke them, even if you are a martial arts powerhouse in the realm of heaven and humanity, a bishop in charge of a temple, or a mortal emperor who calls the wind and rain, the end result is that you will be wiped out. If your family is serious, the world will evaporate, and you will become a criminal. Atonement...

   At this time, Jian Wuji was in charge of the [Desolate God Order], and there was a sense of pleasure that the power of life and death was under control.

   He is very satisfied with this effect.

   The reason for releasing such a fragment is that apart from proving that Baiyun City is indeed in collusion with the evil demon outside the sky, there is another point, it is to frighten the three supreme masters of top kendo power.

   Against the Great Desolate Temple, the consequences will be dead and terrifying.

   Look at the people in Baiyun City in the screen, and you will know.

   Falling into the hands of these yellow-robed demons in the skin of the gods, it is almost impossible to survive and die, and I will definitely regret coming to this world.

   On the host real continent, almost no one can escape the fear of being dominated by the Great Desolate Temple.

   Even some other more powerful orthodox gods and their followers will not work.

If the orthodox **** belief system of the host Zhenzhou Continent is compared to a towering tree, then the Great Desolate Temple is the undisputed backbone of this tree, and countless other orthodox gods, large and small, are just this The branches of a big tree, even if there are a few luxuriant branches and leaves, can never compete with the main trunk.

On the projection of   【Arabic Order】, segments of images still flashed continuously.

   Later, in addition to some people from Baiyun City, some wild sword repairers also appeared.

   are more or less related to Baiyun City.

  The content of the torture is also the information about the evil demon from outside the sky in Baiyun City [Shen Zi of Dark Moon], and there are even several ‘Devil’s’ who have been enchanted, from Baiyun City...

   Numerous signs and evidences have shown that Baiyun City and the evil demon'Dark Moon Son' are absolutely in collusion.

   is by no means a blameless blaming for the crime.

   "Everyone, what can be said but cannot be said, I have already said very clearly."

Jian Wuji slowly put away the [Desolate God Order], looked around, his tone became tough again, and said: "Today, I am ordered by the Bishop of the Great Desolation Temple to come to encircle and suppress the evil spirits of Baiyun City. It has nothing to do with the three. , Chief Mei, Chief Zhen, and Palace Lord Hua, you are deceived by the evil demons outside the territory. I don’t blame you. Taking your clansmen withdraw at this time. It can also be said that those who don’t know are not sinful and can be forgiven. Otherwise, just think Think about it, the confrontation with Dahuang Temple is over."

   The air that was a little hot because of the boiling magma suddenly became more suffocating.

The four words    Great Desolate Temple, like four ancient sacred mountains, are firmly pressed into everyone's hearts.

  Especially some of the ordinary Celestial-level powerhouses among the three major forces have already begun to feel anxious on the side.

  At this time——


   The sound of gold and iron, impassioned.

   Fenglei Great Sword Clan Chief Mei Huashuo lightly flicked the sword in his hand, and said blankly, "Done?"

   Sword Wuji was startled.

What does    mean?

   "Swordsman is better to speak with a sword."

   Meihua Shuo said indifferently: "Sect Master Sword, if you have finished speaking, let's do it."

   There is still no wavering.

   Such a tone, such a posture, and such an expression made Jian Wuji, who thought it was a clever method, finally realized that his previous scheming had no effect at all.

   The remarks and demonstrations just now, aren’t they acting like clowns?

   The clown is myself?

   Jian Wuji suddenly felt that he was greatly insulted.


   Jian Wuji's eyes throbbed, and his anger was extreme, but there was something he couldn't understand: "Why are you so obsessed?"

   Mei Hua Shuo's face calmly said: "The temple of the world is suffering and great waste is long gone."

   "Okay, very good, I have been very restrained, I just don't want to increase the killing in vain, I hope you Feng Lei sword clan, Feng Lei Shen behind you, can withstand such consequences."

   Jian Wuji sneered.


"Bah, you like to be a dog, but I want to be a man with a straight waist. Each has his own way. Go to the bottom level. What's the point of taking a broken brand here to fight against others?" The patriarch Zhen Rulong's temperament was fierce, and couldn't help but swear again, saying: "Will I wait for three people, don't you know the fate of the enemy against the Great Desolate Temple? Do you need your dog to remind you? Let the old man die."

   said, shot directly.

   The three silver whites are like a sword light that is trained on a horse, in the shape of a product, cutting through the hot void, like the light of death, taking the sword infinity.

  The most proficient Sanguang family is Sanjianliu.

   "Looking for death."

   Yunri Dahuang Clan patriarch Xiongba greeted him with a huge sword.


   The two big celestial-level powerhouses, at this moment, ran into each other without fancy.

  The broken sword energy, the terrifying profound energy energy, escaping crazily, continuously radiating and impacting the surrounding rocks...

   The underground lava space vibrated.

   Pieces of rubble fell from the top, fell into the magma, and turned into black smoke.

   Fine dust is permeated in this facial space.

   This underground space seems to collapse at will.

   "Shoot together, make a quick decision."

  Almost at the same time, the Sect Master Tan Liuhuo of the Wuding Feijian Sect also drank and shot.

  The sixteen-handed half-walker-level amorphous flying sword that has been in force for a long time, turned into an overwhelming sword light, like a sea of ​​swords, sweeping towards the extreme Sanguang clan chief Zhen Rulong without mercy.

   He hated this stinky guy a long time ago, and finally found the opportunity, immediately shot, wishing to smash his body into pieces.

   But the sword power hasn't reached Zhen Rulong's side, a refreshing faint and dark fragrance drifts past, which is like a tangible thing, blocking the terrifying sword aura.

  Hua Feihua, the lord of Smell of Fragrant Sword Mansion, made a move.

   On the surface, he looks like an eighteen-beautiful girl in the kendo powerhouse. His face is delicate, not beautiful, but he has a superb temperament. The palace dress has a long skirt and wide sleeves like flowing clouds. The fragrance floats between light waves.

  The terrifying killing power is hidden in the fragrance, blocking the offensive of the Wuding Feijian Sect Master Tan Liuhuo...

   There is a legend on the host real continent.

   Facing the sword repairman of Wenxiang Sword Mansion, once you smell the dark scent of her sword, it means that the footsteps of the **** of death are silent, slowly approaching you...

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie, die, die all."

   The Bone Sword Sect Chuanmei shot like a lunatic.

   "Hee hee... Death is not a relief."

   Poison Butterfly Shan Kuangxu's smile echoed in the hot space.

   Her figure was disillusioned, and she came to the opposite side of the stone bridge with a few flashes. With a wave of her arms, the black wings behind her swayed a large swath of poisonous mist, covering indiscriminately, and the killer was hurt.

   "It's a pity that the lost person has made the wrong path again."

   The Sect Master of Ziyang Sword Sect also followed suit.

   The powerhouse of the big heaven and human ranks, urging the profound arts with all his strength, the energy fluctuation is terrifying.

   In the entire underground magma space, there was a kind of suffocation like a balloon that was about to burst, that the strong wind blasted and exploded.

   The Celestial-level powerhouses below the fourth-level realm suddenly felt that their bodies were going to lose control, let alone participating in the battle.

   "I, today, I must tear all of you hypocrites and bastards, ah ah ah, eat your heart and drink your blood."

   Chu Yunsun growled.

   He finally couldn't restrain the anger in his heart anymore, and violently shot.

   The dark red powerful alien profound energy glow responded to the magma flowing crazily below, and crimson blood lines appeared on his face like quirky tattoos, protruding out.

   Chu Yunsun seemed to be a beast that had lost his sanity, and greeted the Sect Master of the Bone Sword Sect.

   Boom boom boom!

   It was in a white-hot state immediately after the fight.

   And Lu Guanhai also shot.

   There is a silver sword in her hand, and the sword's strength changes exquisitely.

Fighting with her, a pair of black like ink-film wings gave birth to the Poisonous Butterfly Mountain Lord. She is also a strong female. The tentacles, tongue and arms can emit poisonous butterfly sword qi, and both wings are waving. In between, there is a faint dark flame lingering in the void, containing highly poisonous, long-lasting...

   Lu Guanhai's sword light is lingering, like a giant screen rewinding, directly enveloping these black poisonous fog...

   And the opponent chosen by the mysterious female official Lin Lord is Wei Dongcheng of Ziyang Jianzong.

   In an instant, the battle situation instantly entered a tragedy of life or death.

   Sword Wuji holding the [Desolation of God's Order] standing on the east side of the stone bridge, the light gray indestructible sword swirls, dissolving the surging battle fluctuations around, and making it possible for the heavenly people behind him to bear...

   "Is it originally laid out here?"

   He slowly raised his head and noticed an abnormality.

   The rock that oscillated all around, amidst the volatility of the extremely big Celestial-level powerhouse, although it was faltering, but it never collapsed. It turned out that the rock wall was not inherently tough and unbelievable, but with the help of some wonderful force.

A series of light silver beams of mysterious veins are outlined and embedded deep in the rock, crisscrossing, as if a dim and almost invisible moonlight, supporting the walls and top of the entire underground magma space, maintaining the entire space 'S complete...

   "This silver power..."

   Jian Wuji vaguely felt that he seemed to have known each other before, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it, as if it had been in the memory for too long and could not be reawakened.

With the help of the breath of [Desolate God Order], he also felt that the silver light net not only maintained the integrity of this magma space, but also isolated all the breath and energy fluctuations, making any profound energy and spiritual power impossible Through this layer of optical network directly to the outside world.

   No wonder these guys dare to attack here.

  If today, before the master completely solves the old chess, if his party is defeated here, if Rong Mei Huashuo and others evacuate calmly, then all the truth will be buried here...

   If the Great Desolate Temple cannot know the truth, they can escape punishment.

   is really good calculation.

   But in the face of absolute strength, these calculations can only seem pathetic and ridiculous.

   His gaze fixed on Xiao Ran and the others across the stone bridge.

  The masters and experts on the side of Baiyun City have already made all the shots. They are in a hard fight, and they cannot protect themselves...

   Kill these useless wastes in front of them, the passage behind them should be the place where the Dark Moon evil demon is hidden in the intelligence.


   Sword Wuji waved his hand.

  The immortal profound energy of the great heaven and human realm erupted, and the sword aura whistled out, opening a safe area on the stone bridge to resist the murderous aftermath that broke out when the great powers above met.

   The big kendo sect masters and kendo casual cultivators immediately rushed forward.


   "Get revenge."

   "Kill these **** in godskins."

Amidst the loud roar, the disciples of Baiyun City rushed up without fear of death, and immediately fell into a pool of blood, or was knocked off the stone bridge and fell into the rolling magma below. In the midst, the clam turned into a wisp of blue smoke, in this world the body and spirit are completely destroyed.

   Their deaths are valuable.

  The powerhouses of the Fenglei Great Sword Clan, the Scented Sword Mansion, and the Supreme Sanguang Clan were also inspired to fight and rushed...

   Jian Wuji strolled on the stone bridge in a leisurely courtyard.

  The sword repairmen fighting around, as long as they get close to him within one meter, they will be shaken away silently, and immediately turn into broken blood fog bone stubble, and die silently.

   There are no exceptions even if it is the second and third level devas of the three top kendo sects.

   "Block him."

   The three elders of the Fenglei sword sect, seeing this scene, couldn't help but yelled, desperately urging the innate profound energy, and displayed the famous ‘three talents from the wind and thunder’ battle formation of the Fenglei Great Sword Clan and jointly attacked.

   Jian Wuji raised his hand and waved gently.

   Sword Qi comes and goes.

   The figures of the three Fenglei Great Sword Clan elders suddenly stiffened, and then they fell apart in an instant, like shattered building blocks that quickly collapsed...

   is not the enemy of one.

   The gap between each other is really too big.


  Zhen Rujiao, the elder of the precepts of the Sanguang tribe, rushed to him.

   He is a sixth-level Celestial Realm cultivation base, with three life-warm swords, comparable to a half-walker, roaring out, and the sword energy emptying is terrifying.

   Jian Wuji's expression did not change at all.

   The ancient sword in his hand slashed casually.

   Zhen Rujiao flew out, spurting blood in his mouth, and smashed into the crowd behind him severely. The three life weapon had been broken and exploded. I don't know how many people were killed.

   There is no sword Wuji suppressed by the strong of the same level, just like a **** of war, there is no enemy in front of him.

  He stepped out.

   body shape flickers.

  In the next instant, he came to Zhen Rujiao, who had not yet gotten up, and stabbed again with a sword, trying to kill him.

   There are a few powerful Sanguang tribes around, and when they want to rescue, it is too late.

   Seeing that Zhen Rujiao was about to die under this sword, suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

   A long sword was born out of the sky, with the tip of the sword facing the tip of the sword, with a slight creak, stabbing on the indestructible ancient sword of Jian Wuji, blocking the sword.

   Jian Wuji was slightly surprised.

   Someone can block himself with a sword?

   When he looked up, his eyes condensed, and the look of surprise was even more obvious.

   It turned out to be the Peerless Tianjiao [Wind and Thunder Swords] Meilin, the sword sect of Fengdaida who had been completely abolished in the rumor.

   Merlin who has broken his arm.

   The young man holding the cyan wind sword in one hand accurately and elegantly blocked Jian Wuji's slashing blow in this extreme way.

   What surprised Jian Wuji was that the power transmitted from the cyan Wind Sword was definitely not like a decadent genius with a broken arm.

  According to the past rumors and intelligence, even the peak state of the [Wind and Thunder Swords] shouldn't be able to stop him with this sword.

   Juniors are juniors after all.

   No matter how famous the younger generation is, they still have to kneel in front of the real senior.

   But this young man with a broken arm...

   At the moment Jian Wuji was startled slightly, a wind sounded in his ears.

   and listen to the wind.

   That's Fengjian's ultimate move.

Merlin, holding the sword in one hand, erupted with unparalleled fighting power. At this moment, he was chasing the seventh-level heavenly beings. Seeing the light flowing like the wind, he has learned the taste of the law of the wind, and it is pervasive and unstoppable. .

   Sword unceasingly swings the sword without extreme surprise.

   Indestructible sword gas layers are stacked, laying absolute defense in front of him.

   In an instant, profound energy collided, sword energy clashed, sword peaks cried.

   Clusters of dazzling sparks, splashing and falling continuously in the void, fleeting, incredibly fast.

   "Too slow, too slow, Jian Wuji, your sword is too slow."

   Meilin shoots a sword with one hand, but one sword and one sword seems to flow through the gap, almost surpassing the dynamic vision capture limit of the powerful man in the big heaven and human realm.

  The sword of the wind is known for being quick.

   In an instant, the two did not know how many times they fought each other.

   Like the moment when two flints collided, I don't know how many fleeting sparks burst out.


   The last impact.

   The two figures crossed by.

   Meilin turned around, retracted the long sword, and looked back.

Jian Wuji also turned around at this time, looking at the young Tianjiao of the Fenglei Great Sword Clan, his eyes were full of horror, because there were three red spots on his chest, which were slowly seeping out like plum blossoms. It is becoming more and more obvious...

he is injured.

   Under the sword of a junior, was he hurt?

   This son, never stay.

   Jian Wuji's eyes flashed killing intent, no matter what the outcome today, this kind of enchanting seedling, if it is allowed to develop and grow, will it be repaid in the future?

   He didn't hesitate at all, and directly urged [Desolate God Order].


  【Desolate God Order】is not only a token, but also a weapon.

   contains the divine power of the Great Desolate Temple.

   The slap-sized token changed in the face of the wind and turned into a light yellow giant card, directly facing Merlin and slamming it down.

   Mei Lin looked solemn, and his profound energy shook wildly.

   He held up the split sword with his mouth, his white teeth bit on the hilt of the sword, and then peeked at his back with his backhand, holding the thunder sword for several days, and directly unsheathed it out.

   In the magma space, thunder rolled in an instant.

   The purple thunder light slashed on the [Desolate God Order] giant card at the moment Meilin raised his hand and waved the sword.

   The picture stagnates briefly.



   A terrible burst of energy rolls and radiates.

   Mei Lin's complexion changed, her figure was directly shocked, her mouth was more than her facial features, blood overflowed, turned into droplets of blood and swayed in the void, instantly evaporated by the boiling magma...

   "The power of God."

   Meilin landed, staggered back, and his tyrannical cultivation base was almost shaken away, and the whole person entered a short-term out of control state...


   The Indestructible Ancient Sword turned into a rainbow light with an incomparable killing intent, and instantly attacked and killed him.

   This is a sure kill sword.

   Because of Merlin's side, no one can stop this sword.

   This is a mortal crisis.

  Because Jian Wuji did not hesitate to use [Desolate God Order] in order to kill Merlin.

   Unless there is a miracle.

   But are there many miracles in this world?

not much.

   Will there be?

   There will be.

I don’t know if Jian Wuji’s luck is too bad, or Meilin’s luck is too good. In that moment, between the indestructible ancient sword and Meilin’s eyebrows, which is less than three fingers wide, suddenly a black and white two-color yin and yang picture appears, The portal of teleportation appeared without warning.

   Jian Wuji's sword pierced into the black and white portal.

   He was trapped on the spot.

  Almost at the same time, a strange cry came from the black and white two-color Yin Yang portal.

   was followed by a cursing voice.

   "Which **** opened a black hole in the yard to trick me?"

   This voice is a little frustrated.

   "Old chess?"

   At the moment when he saw the black and white yin and yang picture, Jian Wuji reacted, and the terrifying fear struck him, and he pulled back for the first time.

   But the subconscious reaction in his mind told him that it was wrong, it was not the old chess master.

   That voice is not the old man.

   He used the sword seal secret technique, and wanted to recall the ancient sword that had been shot into the portal.

   But the message that came was that the ancient sword was directly fixed by some terrifying force, and for a while, it was impossible to retrieve it through manipulation.

what happened?

   Jian Wuji felt uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, in the black and white portal, a handsome young man in white clothes rushed out, clutching the indestructible ancient sword in his hand, and cursed loudly: "Who is the bastard? The hair band worth ten thousand profound stones was cut off, and I'm going to lose money...Huh?"

   The boy scolded halfway, and suddenly he was shocked.

   This place is so familiar.

   As if I have been here?

   Even the temperature in the air is so pleasant, which brings up some good memories.

   And, how come there are so many people fighting here?

What exactly is going on?

   Lin Beichen subconsciously raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   He looked at the indestructible ancient sword in his hand that was struggling desperately like a strange python, then looked at the sword Wuji on the opposite side, and said, "Old Tie, is this sword lost?"



Big chapter.

It’s not that I don’t update, it’s that your chapter reviews are scared, Lin Beichen dare not change it if he doesn’t come out

There are typos in the chapter, please change it first

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