Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 990: Power projection

"we won."

Xiao Ran, the head of the Fengji Academy, let out a long sigh of relief, her eyes shining with heat.

   The most perfect script.

   This battle was won.

   The key figure is from Baiyun City.

   After this battle, it is impossible for the great swordsman forces such as the Fenglei Great Sword Clan and the Xiangxiang Sword Mansion to overlook Baiyun City.

  A single Lin Beichen can wirelessly raise the status of Baiyun City on the host Zhenzhou continent.

   After all, one person has a hundred swords and eliminated the supreme masters of the six top kendo forces. Today, you can kill Jian Wuji and others, and tomorrow you can also kill the leaders of other kendo forces.

  Unless it is the first of the top kendo powers like the Famous Sword Family, how many people can stand against Lin Beichen in kendo alone?

  Of course, the world of martial arts in the host real continent is not just kendo.

   There are countless strong people outside of Kendo.

   But ruling the roost together is already the ultimate dream of many geniuses.

   The other disciples in Baiyun City were also relieved.


   is to the end of life.

   "By the way, the time elder of Jianxianyuan brought his disciples to support the City Lord's Mansion, why didn't you see them?"

   Lin Beichen controlled three hundred remnant swords and asked back.

   Aren’t they all killed in battle?

   Not so much.

   Guangjiang and Xiao Binggan are following.

   "Can you put away the sword first."

  Chu Yunsun looked at Lin Beichen coldly, and after the battle was over, he once again recovered to a state where he looked at Lin Beichen more unpleasantly.

   Lin Beichen looked at the three hundred sons floating beside him, and said, "I won't accept it."

   Everyone: "..."

   Are the kids awkward?

  Sword fairy demeanor suddenly fell into the mortal world.

   Actually, they know the embarrassment of Young Master Lin.

   These three hundred remnant swords were originally stored in [Baidu Netdisk], but now the space inside is occupied by the spoils just licked, and the three hundred'pro sons' are suddenly homeless.

   Let's do this first.

   After all, there are three hundred remnant swords flying around, it looks very majestic, doesn't it?

   "The City Lord's Mansion did not receive support."

Xiao Ran quickly replied, "When the forces such as the Immortal Sword Sect attacked the city lord’s mansion, they had already set up a formation outside, guarded by the Fleeing Sword Sect and the Yuxu Sword Sect. With the strength of Time Zhongsheng and others, they could not break through the formation. legal……"

   That was before.

   Lin Beichen calculated silently in his heart, with Xiao Binggan and Guangjiang, there would be no major problems.

   "Right, where's Old Ding?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

   Xiao Ran opened his mouth to answer...

   At this moment, Lin Beichen's face suddenly changed.

   Everyone present changed their expressions drastically at the same time, and looked at the few remaining powerful kendo sects at the other end of the stone bridge.

   A strange and terrifying force slowly recovered among these people.

   is far beyond the power of the previous six heavenly beings.

   "Is there any hidden means?"

   The voice of Zhen Rulong, the head of the Sanguang clan, was suspicious and solemn.

   Lin Beichen controlled the flying sword and approached the group of people.

   Is there any hidden powerhouse?


   The stronger you are, the more excited I will be.

  The strong, aren't they all treasured.

   "Ah, ah~~"

   A heart-piercing scream came from the mouth of a strong elder of the Immortal Sword Sect.

I saw a strange golden light suddenly gushing out of his body, as if a large light bulb was installed in the viscera. The golden light radiated from every pore, and his whole skin became thin when it was illuminated. layer……

   That powerful and terrifying power radiated from this person's body.

   But obviously, he himself cannot bear this kind of traffic.

   This is not his power.

  In a few breaths, the expression of this young immortal Sword Sect elder changed from screaming pain to a kind of cold and indifferent calm.

   opened his eyes.

   The dark golden pupils burst into golden light.

"did not expect."

   His voice has changed.

"It's him."

   Fenglei Great Sword Clan Chief Mei Huashuo exclaimed, "Wei Mingchen!"

   Hua Fei Hua and Zhen Rulong's expressions have changed a lot.

   They also recognized it.

   The aura that exudes from the young elder of the Indestructible Sword Sect, isn't it the new bishop of the Great Desolate Temple, and the only commander behind this action, Wei Mingchen?

   can't be wrong.

   Lu Guanhai and Chu Yunsun also became nervous at once.


   There is a magical formation here, which cuts off all breath.

   Isn't Wei Mingchen restrained by the old chess master?

Why does    appear here?

   "It is a power projection."

The mysterious female official Lin Daren discovered something and said: "This person originally had Wei Mingchen's power projection in his body, but it has now been activated and has become a clone of Wei Mingchen... Maybe it was used to monitor Jian Wuji and others before. The dark child."

   This Wei Mingchen is really accurate and difficult to deal with.

   Everyone felt a headache.

   No wonder this person will become the rising star of the Great Desolate Temple, occupying a high position in a short time.

   But Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

   "Power clone?"

   He slowly approached, overlooking the'Wei Mingchen', and said, "Hey, I'm speaking now, can you hear me on your own?"

   "Lin Beichen, the speed of your growth surprised me."

  'Wei Mingchen' raised his head and looked at Lin Beichen.

  His voice is still indifferent and does not contain the slightest emotion, as if it is a machine, and slowly said: "Now I swear allegiance to me, I can ignore all the previous things, and I can give you immortality."

"Ha ha."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said, "Look at the sword."

  The remnant sword in the sky turned into light and shadow, like the falling of stars in the sky, sweeping towards the "Wei Mingchen".

"Wrong choice."

  'Wei Mingchen' raised his hands and pushed it out abruptly.

   A dozen kendo masters in front of him, before he could react, were shot directly by the surging golden power, and hit the flying sword against the sky.

   "Come here?"

   Lin Beichen sneered, without any hesitation.

   Treating the enemy, he will not show any mercy.

   If'Wei Mingchen' felt that he would show mercy to these'innocent people' and make the sword formation flawed, it would be a big mistake.

   He was not going to let these people go.

   Boom boom boom!

   Flesh and flesh fly, and bones shoot.


   Lin Beichen's complexion suddenly changed.

   These people were not shot by him.

   It exploded when he almost touched Feijian.

   And when their bodies exploded, the splashed blood was not bright red.

   is dark gold.

   The dark golden blood carried a kind of strange energy, and instantly sprayed all three hundred remaining swords.


   The curious sound of sulfuric acid corroding gold and iron sounded.


   A broken sword with a handle instantly lost its original shape, became more and more mutilated, and began to soften.

   eventually turned into a cloud of dark golden iron mud, landing on the ground.


   Lin Beichen was taken aback.

   He quickly summoned the big silver sword back.

   Six drops of dark golden liquid rolled on the sword.

   Lin Beichen held the sword, the sword body shook.

   The six drops of liquid were shaken out.

   The sword is intact.

   He was relieved.

   But the other three hundred "pro sons" all lost control.

   The sword formation technique was broken.

  Because of Lin Beichen's body, there is no other flying sword to control.

   "Relying on external forces, after all, not as strong as one's body."

  'Wei Mingchen' waved his hand, and a long sword on the ground fell in his hand. Under the infusion of his dark golden profound energy, it instantly turned into a dark golden long sword, glowing with weird light.


   His body and sword are one, spanning a distance of 20 meters, a sword stabs Lin Beichen.

   "Sword One."

   Lin Beichen greeted him with a sword.

   Ding Ding Ding!

  In an instant, the silhouettes of people interlaced, and they exchange dozens of moves.

   Lin Beichen was shocked to the qi and blood in his body, his arms numb.

   "It's just a power projection, why is it so strong?"

   He was secretly surprised.


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