Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 996: Qin priest reappears

Wei Mingchen did not expect that he would be injured.

   Although it was just a hair-like wound, it made him feel a trace of anger.

   A strong male lion was bitten by a mosquito, and a nine-day dragon was pecked by a chaffinch. These are unforgivable things.

   The sword turned out to be made of iron from the outside world.

   is the silver big sword made by Master Shen in the intelligence?

   is a good weapon.

   The sword of the host Shinshu is almost worthy of his own.

   This sword can barely be obtained.

   For an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Wei Mingchen's mind.

   The only thing that puzzled him was why Lin Beichen would escape?

   This kind of rock escape technique that comes and goes freely is a magical technique in the gods, also called magical powers.

   Even in the realm of the gods, not everyone can do it.

   is an unspoken secret of many hidden deities factions.

   According to legend, this escape technique came from a higher plane of the world, that is, the gods of the God Realm. It is also good luck to get some inheritance of scale claws.

   Could it be that Lin Beichen, who has risen so fast, is there any force behind him that can't support him?

   Thinking of this, Wei Mingchen's thought to kill is stronger.

  Never allow such people to live in the world.


   Sword Qi broke through the air.

   Lin Beichen's attack is coming again.

   He did the same, and once again treacherously drilled out of the rock wall, the sword came out with one sword and two, and the invisible sword qi came straight out.

   Lin Beichen's current cultivation base, there is no resistance under the heavenly sovereign, and he once again used the seventeen sword tricks, which can be described as shocking.

   But Wei Mingchen didn't evade at all, he raised his hand and pushed out.

   The golden profound energy turned into palm prints, instantly condensed, lifelike, attacked through the air, quickly enlarged in midair, and turned into a golden palm of tens of meters in a blink of an eye, containing the terrifying mighty power.

   Sword Qi hit the palm print, splashing clusters of fire.

   "Fuck, Tathagata palm?"

   Lin Beichen gave a strange cry, and flew backwards and cursed grinningly: "You shameless dog is hanging up. I want to explode you..."


   In the next instant, his whole body was swattered into the rock like a fly hit by a fly swatter.

   Transformed into an ordinary great celestial peak powerhouse, in this moment, it must be dead, and instantly transformed into flesh and blood molecules.

   But fortunately, Lin Beichen reacted very quickly, the earth element's innate profound energy was activated, like a fish swimming into the sea, and quickly escaped into the rock.

   Wei Mingchen was expressionless and launched again with a palm.

   The huge golden palm print was formed instantly.


   Boom boom boom!

   One palm and one palm launch.

  The huge golden palm prints photographed the huge palm prints on the stone wall of the lava space, and they were deeply sunken.

   Lin Beichen suddenly felt bitter and couldn't tell.

  Although he can escape into the rock, Wei Mingchen's palm is constantly bombarding it down. Not only does his palm force the bombardment more solidly, he can also penetrate the rock...

  A careless one, with a palm in the front, he had to spit out three liters of blood.

   The situation is not right.

   Isn't this that I hide and attack Wei Mingchen?

   How come it seems that the dog like Wei Mingchen is beating moles?

   I was beaten as soon as I showed up?

   Lin Beichen is really unable to spit out a mouthful of old blood in his throat.

   "No, if this continues, I really have to hang up this time."

   Lin Beichen quickly thought about the countermeasures.

   At the moment of life and death, it seems that I can’t take care of the vest and can’t drop it. Whether the secret will be discovered or not. It seems that I can only open it up directly and bring Wei Mingchen closer to [Reincarnation of Despair]...

   This thought came to him, and he thought of another possibility--

  Will it be embarrassing if Wei Mingchen pulls closer to the little black room and can't beat it?

   Is it a cocoon?


   A huge golden palm print bombarded the stone domain hidden by Lin Beichen.

   The terrifying squeezing force instantly acted on his body.


   Lin Beichen directly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the limbs and skeletons seemed to be crushed instantly, and the speed was instantly delayed.

   At this time, another palm of Wei Mingchen was already blown down.

   "To die to die to die..."

   Lin Beichen was shocked, and on the spot, he was going to open up desperately.

   Just then, a familiar voice sounded.

   "It's alright."

   A silver sword light flashed in the void.


   Jianguang cut through the golden palm.

   The palm print and the sword light disappear into the void like bubbles at the same time.

  The pale silver light circulates in the void.

   seems to be an invisible magic pen, which outlines the lines of clothes and figure in the void, depicting a tall and beautiful woman with silver hair bit by bit.

  Moon's white robe for the priest, long silver hair like snow, and a pair of sword wings on the back slowly opened, shaking slowly, floating in the air.

A beautiful face, flawless features, with the mature beauty of a 234-year-old woman, big and round eyes, slightly upward-turned eyebrows, sword-like eyebrows, bold and straight nose, and rosy lips , The corners of the lips are exquisite...

"It's you?"

   Wei Mingchen saw this woman, his face suddenly changed.

  'S always calm look, finally got a wave.   "Big old..."

   Lin Beichen poked a head out of the rock and was shocked. He almost blurted out a ‘big wife’. Fortunately, he held it back at the critical moment and changed his words: "Old... teacher."

   is the chief priest of Qin.

   The shinto teacher who hasn't seen for a long time, the sister Qin who is always calm and calm.

   "Come out and heal."

   The priest Qin glanced at Lin Beichen, and a soft color that was not easily detectable passed through his eyes, and said: "I will give everything to me."

   "This grandson is very strong, sister Qin, you have to be careful." Lin Beichen got out of the stone and fell back to Xiao Ran and the others.

   He is not a fool. Just now I saw Master Qin's hand and disappeared the golden palm print, and immediately realized that her strength was definitely much stronger than I thought.

   Say a word, stop talking nonsense.

"How are you?"

   Mysterious female official, Mrs. Lin approached and said, "How is the injury?"

   "Thank you for your concern."

   Lin Beichen grinned and said: "It's okay, little hurt."

   is really just a small injury from the squeeze of the flesh, and I take a bite of it myself and heal quickly.

   In the air.

   "No wonder Fenglei Great Sword Clan, these wastes, dare to stand up against the Great Desolate Temple. It turns out that it is you, the devil, who is supporting her behind."

   Wei Mingchen's expression returned to calm, and said, "It's just that, how much of the power of slaying the gods back then is left?"

   The face of the priest Qin has instantly turned cold, and he said faintly: "You can try."

"So, the formation of this lava space came from your hand, right?" Wei Mingchen looked at the faint silver wire formation outlined in the rocks, and said: "You mice hiding in the gutter, It took great pains to let the chess master entangle me, without the formation method to isolate all the breath, want to delay the time and bring down the inverse seed of Anyue?"

   The priest Qin did not speak.

   The aura all over her body is rising rapidly.

   The two powerhouses are facing each other, one gold and one silver two groups of profound energy that transcends the understanding of the heavens and humans, like a big sun and a silver moon, shining in the sky.

   "Do you think that as long as this world, one more rebellious species, you can fight against God? Haha, really stupid and naive."

   Wei Mingchen raised his hand and blasted out with a palm.

   In the void, there seemed to be the whispers of a god.

   The palm print is so powerful that it is several times stronger than before slapped Lin Beichen.

   "Fight against God?"

   The sword wing behind the Qin priest moved, a flash of sword light shot out, standing on the golden palm print, both disappeared instantly.

   She faintly said: "As long as there are you demons on this continent who are slaughtering and squeezing creatures in the name of gods, someone will always stand up and draw their swords to gods."


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