Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1007: Broken continent

Shrouded in bizarre brilliance, Lin Beichen felt like riding a car on the highway.

   Smooth and comfortable.

   can even see the scenery ‘outside the window’.

   It’s just because the'vehicle speed' is too fast, the scenery is erratic and it is difficult to see clearly. I just feel that the eyes are full of green and green, which is in full compliance with the physical logic of the surrounding scenery flowing like a revolving lantern under extreme speed.

   Lin Beichen was curious, and had his eyesight.

   It can be vaguely seen that there are pieces of broken land fragments floating in the void, like trees on the side of the high-speed rail track, flashing quickly before they can see clearly.

  Sometimes you can see the corpses of huge humanoid creatures floating in the void. They are bigger than the land. I don’t know how many years they have been dead. They have become corpses. When I look closely, they quickly pass by...

   You can even see the thunder and lightning ocean, the land fragments wrapped in a huge drop of water, the broken sun, and the broken big tripod floating in the lonely starry sky...

   Of course, the most visible fragments of land are large or small, and of different shapes.

   They float in the endless void.

   There are some loneliness and withering, and you can see that there is no life on it.

   But some have obvious traces of life.

   The shape of the continent is extremely irregular.

   "It seems that there is a whole world, shattered by some terrifying force, drifting apart, forming such countless broken continent worlds."

   Lin Beichen thoughtfully.

   The [White Moon Realm] he had been to is also such a continent.

   The edge is shrouded in the power of mysterious laws.

   Baiyue clan and various other life forms live in it.

   [White Moon World] is much smaller than the host Zhenzhou Continent, and even the area of ​​the North Sea Empire is far inferior, but there are laws and power tides much higher than the host Zhenzhou Continent...

   Therefore, the living body living in it is powerful in physical body, and its natural strength far exceeds that of the creatures of all major races on the eastern real continent. ‘

   They don't even need special training, and the individual's strength will increase wildly as the years grow.

   Lin Beichen thought at that time, maybe the host Zhenzhou Continent is only a broken piece of land?

   What about the God Realm?

   God Realm is also broken land fragments?

   Or is the God Realm the core of the world?

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, then gave up on exploring this issue.

   After all, a scumbag is not suitable for delving into philosophical issues.

   He continued to look at the scenery outside the'car'.

   At this time, I have to admit that the service provided by [Didi Taxi] is really comfortable and cozy.   The so-called "car" is actually a soft light square space of about ten square meters, with soft light walls isolated on the top, bottom, left, and right, like a glass sun room.

   Lin Beichen can move freely in the'car'.

The toughness of the soft light wall exceeded Lin Beichen's understanding of power. Seeing all this outside, no matter how strange and terrifying, there would not be the slightest aura radiating in, and it would not affect Lin Beichen.

   He looked around.

In the space of    ‘car’, there is only one person.

   He lowered his head and saw the shadow under his feet.


   A familiar feeling lingers faintly.

   He seemed to think of something, but he still couldn't think of it clearly.

   It feels like you remember a person’s name, but for a while, you can’t remember the sequence of the three words...

   "Such a journey, ten hours, is not boring."

   He simply lay directly in the space of the'car' and looked outside.

   Pieces of huge land floated past my eyes.

   There may be countless creatures thriving there.



   The host is Zhenshu.

   In the middle of the mainland, the mountains and rivers are rich.

   There is a desolate mountain, located at the border of the two giants, the True Dragon Empire and the Dagan Empire.

  The mountain is 30,000 meters high, towering into the white clouds, shaped like a cone, the **** is not steep, and it does not appear to be naturally generated, but is shaped and carved by the acquired power.

   There is no vegetation on it, and under the sun and the moon, they are all white.

   On the top of the mountain, a magnificent temple is like an immortal residence in the sky. If you look up from the bottom of the mountain, it seems to be shining with sacred light all the time.

   This is the Great Desolate Temple.

   The whole [Penquge] is the only nine-level temple on the host Zhenzhou continent.

   This is the holy place of faith in the host Zhenzhou mainland.

   is the center of faith.

   Every day and night, there are countless believers who come from different places in the mainland, follow the step mountain road, nine steps and one worship, climb upwards, and contribute their beliefs to the great wild god.

   The founding emperor of the True Dragon Empire once said: Even if the host True Continent is broken, the Great Desolate Temple will not collapse, and the fire of faith will never die.

   On this day, the depths of the Great Desolate Temple suddenly heard a roaring sound.

   Seventy-two times hall, all shaking.

  A magnificent purple-white light burst from one of the seventy-two temples, rising into the sky, like a sacred sword, piercing the sky...  "What happened?"

   "Is this a miracle?"

   "My **** has appeared."

   Countless believers trembled with excitement when they saw this scene.

   Above the Temple Mountain, a series of magnificent voices echoed.

   "The **** child is out."

   "The sword energy rushed into the sky, and the **** son finally broke through."

   "A new pope, will he be born?

   In the seventy-two times hall, a distinguished existence opened their eyes one after another, and looked towards the second hall that projected the holy light, with horror and shock in their eyes.

   after a while.

   The Great Wild God Bell, which symbolizes power, rang.

   That is the signal to summon the master of the 72 times hall.

   In Yingxiuci Hall, a young man with white hair and golden eyes walked out slowly.

   dressed in a black robe with gold rims draped over his body, graceful and noble, handsome and unparalleled, like a **** walking in the world, the whole body exudes scorching splendor.

   Thousands of large and small desolate statues throughout the Temple City vibrated slightly at this moment, emitting a holy light, as if they were resurrected, forming a wonderful resonance with the power and aura of this young man.

   This picture seems to welcome the return of the long-lost owner.

   "Finally recast the godhead."

   The handsome young man with white hair and golden pupils has vicissitudes of life, with the confidence of the return of the king, while walking, he looks at the wolf and looks at him. He is aggressive and full of observance.

   "This continent should be cleaned."



Spirit world.

   "That kid is already on the way."

Jianxue happily put away his eighth-generation Kirin superconductor, and said: "We need to make preparations. We will go into the city tomorrow morning and buy some necessary equipment first. By the way, contact Mrs. Ming Tritium at Aoba Bar. Finally check our action plan!"

  , the charming Jumeiyu Sister on one side shook her thick blue hair, picked up the same blue eyebrows, and said: "This time you can't fail again. Are you sure you want that kid to undercover?"

"of course."

   Jianxue's nameless smile is called a rough wave.

She tremblingly laughed exaggeratedly, and said: "Twenty days later, it will be the Great Desolate God Race's 100-year God Selection Competition. This is a rare opportunity in a century. Hey, haven't you heard a famous saying? The strong fortresses were breached from the inside. This time, I will not only play a big ticket, but also make the Great Desolate Protoss unspeakable, oh oh oh oh... I am really a genius."


There is one more.

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