Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1020: My wife is a god

"What do you mean?"

   Jianxue Wuming was very unhappy and said: "I am a very decent god. No matter what I do, I will never injure the innocent."

   "Well, in this case, we finally have something in common."

   Lin Beichen admired sincerely.


   Jianxue Wuming said: "Aren't we beautiful in common?"

   Lin Beichen said: "That is my point, you are not worthy."

   Jianxue Wuming once again rushed over with her teeth and claws, and said: "Dog man, I want to tear you up."

   After a while, the two got up and left.

   "Thank you, please check out."

  The shopkeeper chased it out.

   Lin Beichen looked at Jian Xue Wuming.

   "There is no checkout under the silver phoenix crown. This is not her style. It seems that you have to work harder to perform well."

   Jianxue Wuming said, paying with a painful expression on his face.

   came to the street.

   "I'll be alone with Old Han and them."

   Lin Beichen said: "Do you want to go together."

   Jianxue Wuming shook his head, and said: "I'll still go and pay...Ah, let's help you get the activation of the'Sword Immortal Position'. After an hour, I will go to the'Listening Snow Pub' to meet you again.


   Lin Beichen turned and left.

   After walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, why do you and the silver phoenix know the language of the host Zhenzhou?"

   The communication with these two women is very smooth.

   "Please, we are gods."

   Jianxue Wuming said: "We also have our own believers in the host country, Zhenzhou. If we don't understand what you are, how can we lie...Uh, how do we communicate with believers?"

   Lin Beichen silently wrote down this point in his heart: Gods all master a foreign language.

   No, maybe more than one.

   He added another sentence in his heart.

   The two separated temporarily.

   A few minutes later, Lin Beichen returned to the "Ting Xue Tavern".

Han Luoxue, who was standing at the door and looking around, saw Lin Beichen coming back with a relieved look on her delicate little face. She rushed up quickly, reproaching her, and eagerly said: "Where have you been? Do you know how dangerous it is outside... …The lower three districts are not at peace, please stop running around..."

   Although I don't know what the tavern girl is talking about, Lin Beichen can also guess it. It's a matter of concern.

   In just a dozen days, Lin Beichen felt the breath of ordinary people's smoky home in the Tingxue Tavern.

   He smiled, took Han Luoxue's hand, and wrote in her palm: "I have something to say."


  Han Luoxue's face was blushing, but she still distinguished the content of the handwriting, vaguely aware of something in her heart.

   after a moment.


   Han Li, Wu Wei and Han Luoxue appeared together.

   As for Ran Zhichun, Lin Beichen borrowed Han Luoxue's mouth and found an excuse to distract him.

   The three of the Han family looked at Lin Beichen curiously.

   I don't know what he is doing.

Lin Beichen raised his hand from the tree in the corner, folds off a branch, and slowly writes on the ground, saying: "Uncle Han, Auntie, and Luo Xue, I have taken care of these few days. Thank you very much. I must leave today. Up."

   "So you know how to read."

   Han Li was very surprised, and looked at his daughter a little worried, before subconsciously said: "But, why are you leaving...Are we treating you badly?"

   After finishing speaking, he realized that Lin Beichentian had hearing loss, so he also asked questions with a branch on the ground.

Han Luoxue on the side of   , her pretty face was already white at this time, staring at Lin Beichen.

   "I have found my family."

   Lin Beichen waved the branches and slowly wrote: "Just today, my wife came to me."

   This is the reason he has long thought of.

   is also the most irrefutable reason.

   Every time he writes a word, Han Luoxue's face becomes pale.

   Especially when the words ‘my wife’ came out, Han Luoxue almost fell slumped on the spot, unknowingly tightly holding Wu Wei’s arm.

   It turns out that he has a family.

he is already married.

  He has a wife.

  Han Luoxue only felt that Luo Xue had really started in his own world, and an extremely cold moment came.

   "You... have a family?"

   Han Li was even more surprised, writing and asking: "Why haven't you said it before?"

   "I was calculated and injured before, and my memory is incomplete. Until today, my wife found me and healed me, so I remembered the past."

   Lin Beichen casually is a story of amnesia.

   This kind of excuse, he can make up 10,000 in a second.

   It turned out to be like this.

   Han Li believed it instantly.

"Then you... why don't you stay for a few more days, let's..." Han Li didn't know what to write on the ground. He wanted to leave Lin Beichen for his daughter, but he knew very well in his heart that not only could he not keep it, nor could he stay .

   "My wife needs me."

   Lin Beichen wrote slowly.

   He knew that Han Luoxue had a good impression of him.

   These days, he has tried not to tease this tavern girl.

   I am a loafer, but I love the wind and dust because of my dirty wine.

   I have to leave sooner or later, and I cannot leave emotional debt here.

   Besides, he does treat the tavern girl more as his younger sister, and as his family.


   Wu Wei let out a sigh.

   She hugged her daughter's shoulder distressedly.

Lin Beichen didn’t say anything, but took out 1,000 black stones, placed them in front of Han Li, and wrote: “Xiaoxue and I have a life-saving grace. The uncle and auntie treat me like a parent and child. I am a layman with a stinky copper body. This, I don’t know how to repay the uncle and aunt and Xiaoxue. Please don’t refuse, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

   In fact, you can also give out "Cuiguo" and other treasures as a reward.

   But the so-called "everyone is not guilty", Lin Beichen is also worried about leaving too precious things, but it will bring disaster to this kind-hearted family of three.


   Han Li shook his head and refused.

"I do not believe."

   Han Luoxue suddenly yelled and rushed over and spilled the black stone on the ground. Her eyes were flushed, crystal tears rolled in her eyes, her white teeth bit her red lips and stared at Lin Beichen.

   "Xiao Xue, don't..."

   Wu Wei quickly held her daughter.

   In fact, no matter what the little mute said before, when he casually took out 1,000 profound stones, he had completely proved everything.

   This handsome and amazing boy, and they really are not people in the world.

   1,000 black stones are basically equivalent to the annual income of "Tingxue Tavern".

   Lin Beichen sighed and beckoned outside the wall.


   The goddess with double pony tails walked in.


   Han Li and his wife were shocked.

   They knelt and saluted the first time.

   This girl with two ponytails has an aura that belongs to the gods alone. The people of the gods are too familiar with this aura, but it is absolutely impossible to admit mistakes.

   "Is this your wife?"

  Han Luoxue stared at Lin Beichen, even she herself did not know why she had to be so stubborn and persistent, and said: "I still don't believe it."

   Lin Beichen looked at Jian Xue Wuming.

   Don't be stunned.

   to prove it.


There is one more.

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