Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1025: I can detoxify

All of a sudden, some neighbourhoods that were still suspicious were also fried.

   Wu Wei even staggered, almost fainting: "You...Xiaoxue, what did you say?"

   Han Luoxue just lowered her head and never said a word.

   "Everyone heard it."

   "The adulteress, for a man, I even killed my own father."

   "Hang her to death."

   "Kill, burn to death, and send to the temple to judge this bitch."

  The neighbours were irritated and yelled loudly.

   "No, it's impossible."

   Wu Wei understands that her daughter is definitely not that kind of person. She also vaguely feels that the little mute who has left would never do such things.

   "Xiaoxue, did someone force you?"

   Wu Wei approached and said loudly.

   Han Luoxue lowered her head and said nothing.

Someone nearby shouted again: "The little **** is too cruel. For the little mute who attracts bees and butterflies to poison her father, she is no longer worthy to be in charge of the'Tingxue Tavern'. Daddy Han knows that she will definitely do it. Hand over the tavern to Dachun..."

   "Yes, Dachun has contributed a lot to the tavern over the years, and Lao Han treats him as his own son!" Someone agreed.

   Wu Wei is upset.

   She had just lost her husband, and now she was told that her daughter was the murderer...In an instant, for her, it was a fall.

   "Mother, don't get angry, don't worry, don't worry, everything has me, I will handle it..."

   Ran Zhichun hurried up to support Wu Wei, and whispered: "It must be that little dumb ghost. Don't worry, I will keep Xiaoxue."

   As he said, he turned around and said loudly: "Neighbors, listen to me, this matter is my Han family's private matter, let me take care of it..."

   "Do you handle it?"

   "Can you be the master of the Han family?"

   "That is, you are just a righteous son, and now it is useless to talk."

   Someone in the crowd speaks loudly.

"Of course I can do the Lord. When the old man was alive, he personally said that he wanted to mate Xiaoxue to me and let me take care of the Korean tavern. Now that Dad has passed away, what I say can represent Han Home……"

   Ran Zhichun defended loudly.

   "Can there be evidence?"

   "That's why I believe you?"

   didn't know who it was, and was always in the crowd, constantly questioning loudly.

   This voice can always accurately hit the biggest doubt in everyone present.

   "My mother was there at the time, you can ask her if you don't believe me." Ran Zhichun said, turning around to Wu Wei and said, "Mother, tell them, isn't it like this?"

   whispered: "Mother, deal with it first, otherwise, Xiaoxue can't be saved."

   Wu Wei had six gods and no masters in her heart, and she nodded quickly when she heard the words, saying: "Yes, that's it, Old Han... said it."

   "Do you believe it now?"

   Ran Zhichun said.

  Neighbors are silent now.

   Ran Zhichun's face flashed a trace of triumphant triumph.

   He was about to say something when he suddenly saw a figure and was taken aback.


   He looked at the direction of the backyard gate.

   I saw a young man in white uniform, walking in slowly.

   is a little mute.

He is back?

   He even dared to come back.

"catch him."

   Ran Zhichun reacted instantly and said loudly.

   A few figures jumped out of the crowd in an instant, and rushed towards the boy in white.

   bang bang bang.

   flew back again.

   fell to the ground hard.


   Han Luoxue saw the boy in white, surprised, happy, angry and suspicious, stood up abruptly, and said: "Why are you back? You... hurry away."

   She knew very well in her heart that father's death had absolutely nothing to do with the little mute.

   She had vaguely guessed what was going on.

   But she can't tell.

   " beast, still dare to hit people?"

   Ran Zhichun took a step back and said: "You have killed the old man and dare to come back. Who gave you this courage..."

   Lin Beichen saw Father Han lying in the coffin of the mourning hall.

   The kind-looking old man, lying quietly in the coffin, with a calm expression and frowning eyebrows, seems to have a trace of worry about his wife and daughter, but he can no longer shelter them from the wind and rain...

   I'm still a step late after all.

   Lin Beichen felt heartache.

   He came to the coffin and looked at Han Li's face, as if he remembered the old man's care for himself in the past ten days.

  Who would have thought that Ran Zhichun, a beast, was about to starve to death on the street at first, but was taken in by the Han family and had his life back. He was so frantic?

   "You go quickly."

   Han Luoxue rushed over to push Lin Beichen out.

   No matter what, the tavern girl did not believe that the death of her father was related to Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen stood still.

   He raised his index finger of his right hand and wrote stroke by stroke in the void.

  The faint flame of light stays at the fingertips and turns into writing in the air.

   "I'm here, don't worry."

   He gently pressed Han Luoxue's shoulder.

Then he looked at Wu Wei and said, "My mother, I didn't murder my father, and Xiaoxue was not a murderer. She was forced to say that because you were posted by Ran Zhichun, just like my father. Very toxic."

   Wu Wei was startled.

   Han Luoxue's body trembled slightly.

   That's right.

   The reason why she was guilty of murder just now was because Ran Zhichun told her that Wu Wei's body was still poisonous as she approached.

  If you don't get the antidote, you will vomit blood and die like Father Han in an hour.

   Having lost her father, she can no longer watch her mother die.

   As long as she cooperates with Ran Zhichun, the other party promises to detoxify Wu Wei.

   Unexpectedly, Lin Beichen could see it at a glance.

"How did you know?"

   Han Luoxue asked in shock.

   Lin Beichen wrote: "I can speak in words."

Does    know how to speak?

of course not.

   He knows how to lip-talk.

   is because he has been able to understand the language of the world under the instruction of adapting and literacy APP for days-although he can't speak it yet.

   A deaf-mute person, can lip-speak reasonable.

"You... nonsense, stinky, dumb, you are spitting blood." Ran Zhichun's expression changed in shock, and he sternly accused. He looked at Han Luoxue with a threat in his eyes, and said: "Xiaoxue, tell it yourself, you have to think carefully. Don’t talk nonsense..."


  Han Luoxue glared at Ran Zhichun, but then threw a rat avoidance device again, worried about the poison in Wu Wei's body.

"rest assured."

   Lin Beichen wrote in the air with his fingertips, saying: "I can solve the poison in my old lady."

   Han Luoxue glanced at Lin Beichen, and instantly chose to believe it.

"It's him, this beast, Ran Zhichun, who told me personally just now that there was poison in my mother's body. I was forced to have no choice but to admit that with the little mute, he poisoned my father. Ran Zhichun, you inhuman beast , My father must be killed by you."

  Han Luoxue pointed at Ran Zhichun, glaring at him.

   "You...Xiaoxue, you are crazy. When you see this little white face, you dare to bite, you are really fainted by him, you...ah."

   Ran Zhichun made a scream before he finished speaking.

   However, Lin Beichen's figure moved, appeared in front of him like a ghost, and kicked both of his kneecaps directly.

   "Come, kneel in front of Father Han's spiritual position, and repent."

   Lin Beichen dragged his hair like a dead dog, and pulled him over and let him kneel in front of the coffin.

   "Ah, ah, ah..."

   Ran Zhichun screamed, his face distorted.

  The broken bone stubble bears the weight of the body, the vague fleshy knees, the huge pain that comes, like a fire burning, makes Ran Zhichun scream so that his voice is hoarse.

   At this time, the neighbors around the neighborhood came to their senses.

   "It's killing."

   "The little mute is going to kill, he is framing Dachun."

   In the crowd, those familiar voices reappeared, bewitching everyone and constantly fanning the flames.


Don’t burn anymore, take a sigh of relief, continue to code words

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