Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1033: Disaster and hope

Of course not to run naked.

   Instead, he put on the black armor presented by the priest of Xiangyan.

   The beauty priest definitely took it seriously.

   This armor set includes inner armor, inner lining, outer armor, helmet, visor, and boots. It is exactly the size of Lin Beichen. It fits just right and is very light. The joints are set up reasonably and it does not affect the movement.

   Putting on his armor, four black long swords behind his back, a powder bag hanging from his waist, and lifting his visor, Lin Beichen suddenly turned into a handsome general in black armor.

   "I have to tell the Xiangyan priest next time, I actually prefer white."

   Lin Beichen is quite satisfied with his new image.

   Just then, there was a ‘ding’ in my mind.

  The system upgrade is complete.

   Lin Beichen summoned the phone and turned on the home screen.

   "Congratulations to the host, I got a chance to randomly sample apps from the app store. Will you start the lottery right away?"

   Familiar prompt box.

   This kind of raffle-type upgrade reward, it's been a long time.

   Lin Beichen felt cordial.

   He chose to start the lottery without hesitation.

   On the main screen of the phone, a lottery roulette appeared.

   As the pointer rotates, it finally stays on one grid.


   "Congratulations to the owner for extracting the [Wisdom and Knowledge] APP, please download it now?"

   Prizes APP announced.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   turned out to be this APP.

  He used this kind of APP in his previous life on the earth.

   is a camera that can identify objects in the lens by taking a photo with a camera. Most of the time, it is used to identify plants, animals, flowers, birds, fish, and insects with extremely high accuracy.

   This is a small functional APP.

   Unexpectedly, this time the reward turned out to be it.

   I just don’t know, what kind of mutation function will such an APP have after the magic change or the magic change of the death phone?

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, but chose to download it immediately.


   "The size of the app is 5G..."

   A series of familiar prompts popped up.

   really is a small volume application.

   Within five minutes, the download and installation are complete.

   Lin Beichen directly opened the [Wisdom Recognition] APP and used the camera in the program to scan the surrounding dark cave walls.

   "Beep, recognition failed."

   A prompt message popped up.

   Lin Beichen: (ー△ー;).

   The law of death mobile phone is really that the smaller the program, the less the function.

   He was not disappointed, put his phone away, and started to move on towards the dimly lit cave.

   walked about a few hundred meters, and the airflow in front of him changed.

   Lin Beichen was secretly vigilant.


   A pair of scarlet beast pupils, like a pool of blood, appeared in the darkness twenty meters away.

   Then there are double doubles, triple doubles... dozens of pairs.

  Abyss group of warcraft?

   Lin Beichen's expression instantly became serious.

   drew a black long sword behind his backhand.

  The battle is about to begin.



   "The fire of a new **** has been ignited."

  The central area of ​​the Great Desolate City, the top of the towering tower.

A superbly beautiful **** wearing a black goddess battle robe, sitting on the floating **** stage, slowly opened his eyes: "Someone stole the fire of the gods from the [Pantheon]...Four Wild Guards Where is it?"


   The four streams of light fall from the sky.

   transformed into four powerful **** warriors of the dependents in black armor.

   "Meet the Lord Lan."

   The powerful warriors of the dependents surging with rich and supernatural power all over, bowed to one knee and saluted.

   "It's definitely not easy for this person to evade my supervision and take away the fire of God's source... He is a goddess, and he was injured. You should investigate immediately."

   The beautiful goddess snapped his fingers.

   A drop of blood slowly flew out, divided into four, suspended in front of the four burly and powerful warriors of the family. After a slight pause, it fell into the center of their eyebrows, turning into a flame-like cinnabar mark between the eyebrows.

"This is a drop of blood. It was left by the fire thief when he was injured by the'Pantheon' formation. I gave you a magical technique into your body. Once you get within a hundred meters of her, it will be stimulated and help You identify the target...find her, kill her, go."

   The voice of the beautiful goddess is cold and authentic.

   "Follow the orders of my god."

   The four powerful **** warriors turned into divine light, soaring into the sky and disappearing.

   "A new sacred fire is ignited, and a new **** is born."

   Beautiful Beauty God said again: "I can sense that the person who steals the fire from the source of the gods is not the same person as the newly born god, Ye Meng, you go find a new **** and bring him to see me."

   "Yes, master."

   The black-robed girl who had been standing behind her bowed to salute.

   but did not leave at the first time.

   "Do you want to ask, why did I kill the fire thief but not the new god?"

   the beauty **** asked.

   "The master is aware of the autumn leaves."

  The girl in the black robe stuck her tongue out and smiled slyly.

She has an ordinary face, big eyes but small pupils, a nose that is not tall, round cheeks, thick lips, shallow and slender eyebrows, and fair skin. Each of her facial features is not exquisite, but they are combined together. There is a strange beauty.

   Especially when she sticks out her tongue and laughs, she is very sweet and has an indescribable charm.

   This girl wore a black dress that looked like a priest sewn with the richest darkness in the world, and her status was obviously much higher than that of the four guards.

   can at least use this relatively relaxed tone to talk to the goddess Jumeilan sitting on the floating platform.

   "Because I have a foreboding that the fire thief will bring a huge disaster to my race, and the newly born gods are the hope of my race."

   Beautiful Lan goddess said.

   "It is really interesting to give the owner such a strange feeling."

   The black robe girl's eyes sparkled with curiosity.



   "There is no other way for now."

   Silver Phoenix Haiwu pulled his long blue hair, and said angrily: "This kid doesn't listen to you, Mrs. Ming Trit is famous for taking revenge. He waits for revenge."

Jian Xue said namelessly: "The matter is over, let's think of another way. I suddenly felt that maybe our previous ideas were neglected. After all, he is a god, not a cargo. If you send him out as an item, even if he bears it. This time, I can't bear the next time."

   "Huh? Did your brain burn out?"

   Yinhuang Haiwu was surprised and said: "You started thinking about him?"

Jian Xue said in namelessly: "Since we want to cooperate, in order to finally achieve the goal, these must be calculated. Otherwise, a small mistake may lead to the final loss. This time, we are calculating but the wild gods. ."

Silver Phoenix Haiwu seemed to have seen Jian Xue Wuming for the first time. He watched her for twenty or thirty breaths before saying, "Well, I can barely accept your explanation... But, maybe you also come to explain. Why are you hurt again?"

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