Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1048: Colored meeting

Because he was replaced with a new set of white armor, when he appeared at the transfer station on the fourth floor, he did not attract much attention.

   No one has connected him to the ruthless man in black and black armor who lightly took out a [petrified monitor lizard] seven days ago.

   But some people are still talking about the story of that day.

   Lin Beichen's vanity was greatly satisfied, and he smiled triumphantly.

   Although brother is not in the arena, the legend of brother is still circulating in the arena.

   This feeling is very refreshing.

   He came outside the gate of'Moyuanzhai'.

   "I'm looking for Director Qinglei."

   He directly named the little young woman and said, "Invite her out. There is a big business worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and I want to do it with her."

Do not misunderstand.

   is not like that hundreds of millions.

   It is the abyssal beast corpses and animal sources that are still on his body. They are really worth hundreds of millions, and they are here to send business to the young woman.

   "Director Qing Lei, she took leave today and will go to work in the future."

  It was the purple skirt that received Lin Beichen, Xiao Ziran.

   This woman is still coquettish, big wavy purple short skirt, slender waist and long legs with snowy skin, the dew that should be exposed, the package of the package, the expressions of her clothes, gestures, and expressions. She fully displays the charm of a beautiful mature woman.

   "Does the guest have any goods to sell? It is the same with the slaves."

   Xiao Ziran is passionate and authentic.

   didn't come to work?

   Lin Beichen frowned.

its not right.

   He remembered that Qing Lei had a sick daughter, who looked like a bottomless gold swallowing beast, so the young woman had never dared to absent from work for so many years.

   Because if you are full attendance every month, you can get a performance bonus.

   Why did you ask for leave suddenly?

   "Why did she ask for leave, do you know the reason?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   Xiao Ziran still has an enthusiastic attitude and constantly releases her charm, saying: "I heard that something happened at home, but maybe it's just an excuse. After all, Director Qinglei is different from the past and has been taken care of by a mysterious customer."

   Something happened at home?

   Lin Beichen directly ignored the next few words of this woman.

   "Do you know where Qing Lei's home is?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

   At this time, Xiao Ziran's patience was finally exhausted.

   She had taken the initiative to receive Lin Beichen before, only because he had taken the initiative to call her name to see Qinglei, and the most recent thing she had done secretly was to hire Qinglei's customers to become her own.

   So seeing Lin Beichen in a plain white armor, she didn't even look down on people.

   But now Lin Beichen has been questioning Qing Lei continuously, with a firm attitude, no signs of change, and no interest in her scratching and posture, Xiao Ziran no longer wants to entertain.

   "This, the slave family doesn't know... the guest, the slave family is out of company."

   Shino Ziran leaves politely.

   As an excellent senior purchaser, even if he loses interest in the target, he will never engage in evil.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and decided to see what happened in person.

   He took out his mobile phone, opened [Baidu Map], and typed "Qinglei's Home" to start searching.

   quickly generated a navigation route.

   Heh, it’s cool to hang up.

   Following the route pointed out, Lin Beichen quickly came to the boundary of the second district.

   "There has always been a deep question, is there a group of secondary two living in the second district? If this is the case, would the younger sister Yan Ying like it very much?"

   Lin Beichen made a cold joke with a homophonic stalk in his heart.

   After a while, a relatively remote neighborhood.

   "The little young woman, orphan and widow, lives here?"

   Lin Beichen suddenly became a little worried.

   entered the block, turned a few streets, and came to the outside of a long, dark alley.

  The time happens to be in the afternoon.

   The golden sunlight shines on the entrance of the alley.

   Under the sunlight, the black alley is like a huge monster’s bloodbath, swallowing all light and hope.

   As shown in the map navigation, the young woman’s house is in the alley.

   Lin Beichen bathed in golden sunlight, came to the entrance of the alley, and then walked in slowly.

   Then he heard it, and there was arguing and clamor in the depths of the alley.

   One of the voices is a little young woman.

   The impression of being gentle and gentle is easy to be shy, and a little young woman who poses a little avant-garde will blush with a cold voice, full of anger, and is lashing out at someone.

   I was in trouble as expected.

   Lin Beichen's figure moved.


   turned into an afterimage.

   The next moment, he appeared deep in the alley.

   A small courtyard that looks ordinary outside appeared in the field of vision, but if you perceive it carefully, you will find that this small courtyard is actually shrouded in an extremely clever formation.

   Of course, this is not what Lin Beichen cares about.

   What he really cares about is the people standing outside the yard.

   The young woman Qing Lei was angry, holding an ordinary short sword in her hand, like a little she-wolf guarding her cub, her hair seemed to be fluttering with the huge anger.

   A malnourished little girl hides behind her.

   This little girl has thin cheeks and withered hair, but her eyes are unusually bright and energetic. Hidden behind the little young woman, she poked out a small head, her little white hands gripping her mother's skirt tightly!

   There are five people standing opposite the mother and daughter.

   Five adult big guys.

   is the head of the person, slender and sturdy, with long golden hair, handsome face, and a golden long sword hanging from his waist. He exudes a powerful aura. He is a warrior with profound cultivation.

   Behind this person stood four **** warriors wearing high-quality leather armor with gold patterns on a black background.

   Looking at the standard style of armor, it should be the family warrior of the Great Desolate Temple.

   Who are these guys?

  A question emerged in Lin Beichen's mind.

   "Lin Fengyi, you die of this heart."

   At this time, the young woman raised her sword and spoke again.

   Her voice trembled because of her anger. She gritted her teeth and said: "No matter what, I won't give An An to you. Get out. You are not welcome here."

   The handsome man with long blond hair smiled slightly.

His gaze happily looked at a child with a small head, Hai An'an, and said indifferently: "Leier, don't say such angry words, An An is my daughter, I am her father, I am qualified to take care of her... "

   Speaking of this, he noticed something and turned to look at Lin Beichen.

   hasn't the venue been cleared?

   Why does someone show up again?

   The long blond-haired man frowned and gestured to a **** warrior behind him.

   "Get off."

   The **** warrior walked quickly, raising his hand and punching directly.

   Lin Beichen's figure flashed.

   The **** warrior only felt a flower in front of him.

   The target has disappeared.

   In the next instant, Lin Beichen appeared next to the young woman Qing Lei.

"Do you need help?"

   He smiled honestly.

   Qing Lei, who was in great anger, trembled slightly.

   She turned her head slowly in disbelief, her gaze fell on Lin Beichen, and she looked up a little and felt that this white armor was not the same day, but the voice was absolutely correct.

   "It's you, you..."

   Qinglei was extremely surprised, surprised and delighted: "Guest, why are you... why are you here?"

   This guy has disappeared for seven days since Xiaomeilou. He thought he would never show up again. At this time...he came to me specifically?

   Qinglei is a little unbelievable.

   Lin Beichen's voice was soft and concise and authentic: "Go to Moyuanzhai to look for you. The store said that you have asked for leave for something, so I am a little worried, so come and have a look."

   Qinglei heard the words, with some sweetness in her heart, some comfort.

   But then I realized that the situation was wrong.

   "You... let's go, there is nothing for you here, I can handle it myself."

   she hurriedly urged.

   The negative thief opposite, in just three short years, went so far as to enter the Great Desolate Temple and become a family warrior, and his status was not low and his power was amazing.

   At this time, she didn't want Lin Beichen to be involved rashly, she would encounter danger.

   "That guy, is that the dead person you mentioned?"

   How thick-skinned Lin Beichen was, he didn't leave at all. Instead, he pointed at the handsome blond man, without the awareness of being an ‘adulter’, and asked in a big way.


   The relaxed and confident smile on the blond man's face slowly disappeared.

   From the change of Qing Lei's expression, he realized one thing.

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